To those of you that care, not only did i lose my house, now I have lost my wife.

Gee, 12 years ago bought a house that was 20% lower than what the realtor /mgte. bank said I could afford. I put down over 20% and got a 15 year mtge..had about 5 months salary in savings ..Guess what! Got laid off from pharma rep job..9 months unemployed..took 100%commission job currently making 50% of my phama gig, but at least there is upside growth and it is satisfying work...still hanging in there..Damn those banks for lending you money and the audacity to expect you to actually pay them back..

Gee, 12 years ago bought a house that was 20% lower than what the realtor /mgte. bank said I could afford. I put down over 20% and got a 15 year mtge..had about 5 months salary in savings ..Guess what! Got laid off from pharma rep job..9 months unemployed..took 100%commission job currently making 50% of my phama gig, but at least there is upside growth and it is satisfying work...still hanging in there..Damn those banks for lending you money and the audacity to expect you to actually pay them back..

Excuses suck. I know many who bought a house that was 20% lower than what the realtor /mgte. bank saidthey could afford. And put down over 20% and got a 15 year mtge..had about 5 months salary in savings .and.Guess what! Got laid off from pharma rep job..9 months unemployed..
But us smart ones have tons in savings and still pay. Keep telling the bank it is their fault for lending you the money. They love those calls, and people like you. WAAAAHAHAHAH.

Good God. Where has the heart gone with the people that are posters? And WE are supposed to be the "face" of diabetes? Really?

Whether this individual made good decisions is one thing. Another is ridiculing an individual for sport. Mean and shallow spirited and I hope you don't profess yourself to be a Christian.

What's she look like? How's her "glidehole"?

Well that was another problem we had. We had many! She kept alot to "herself". I am glad her ass is out. She took the cable money and saved up for a lip-job. Now she has huge lips and the cable is in collections. If any of you see her around tell her that her lips look like shit.

Well that was another problem we had. We had many! She kept alot to "herself". I am glad her ass is out. She took the cable money and saved up for a lip-job. Now she has huge lips and the cable is in collections. If any of you see her around tell her that her lips look like shit.

Will do my friend! One quick piece of clarification... was the job done on her speaking lips or her moist pussy lips?

How can you blame the Bank? I cannot stop laughing! That is the best I have heard yet.

Because the bank gave me a 1/2 million dollar loan. The should never have done that. It got tough to pay so I stopped. I love having my mortgage gone, just like that it went away. So did all my stuff. Oh well on to greener pastures.

Because the bank gave me a 1/2 million dollar loan. The should never have done that. It got tough to pay so I stopped. I love having my mortgage gone, just like that it went away. So did all my stuff. Oh well on to greener pastures.

How can you say that? We all have mortgages. It is part of life. You get on here and brag that you dropped your responsibilities. I hope you don't ever have children. Maybe you will leave them in a park or somewhere if they get too expensive.