This is a toxic career that will depress you. If anyone has been a rep at Shire ADHD for more than 2 years, you understand how dead end this career is. You lose your ambition, you become lazy, you lose your skills, you lose your motivation. No growth, no value, no respect. We all play the fake game, but deep down we know how meaningless our careers have become. We stay ONLY because of the money and benefits. We justify our jobs by talking about quality of life, no stress, easy living, no phone calls from customers.....only to realize that life is really suppose to be about stretching yourself, taking chances, achieving a dream and working with passion.
Question: When someone asks what you do, are you proud to talk about your career? "I cater food, drop coupons, ask meaningless probing questions, attend fake POAs, listen to the same conference calls over and over again, participate in fake manager ride alongs and ultimately have no influence on my numbers." We can probably all do better!
Thanks to everyone for their posts on this thread, it has been nice to hear the truth.