To all of those who were let go...thank you!


I just want you to know that your sacrifice was not on vain. Your loss has freed up much needed dollars so NPC could purchase all of us Blackberry's and a data plan.

So as you feverishly work on your resume and stress about how to pay your bills, please know that its all for the greater good.


You are welcome. You will really need the data plan so that when your reports come in you will be able to access them immediately. You will want to follow up with the docs immediately especially those that write 1 Exelon Patch. Chances are it won't even provide the correct doctor but who cares anyway you've got one. Can't wait for the CV managers to see the patch and Reclast numbers for the first time. They will wonder why there is even a sales force. I was let go but I met some wonderful people here that I will maintain friendships with so for that I am grateful for having worked at Novartis. The company is really moving on up. Blackberries and they made us return the old phones but the real stunner is the fabulous hotel chosen for the National Meeting in Vegas. Gotta love those bedbugs.

You are welcome. You will really need the data plan so that when your reports come in you will be able to access them immediately. You will want to follow up with the docs immediately especially those that write 1 Exelon Patch. Chances are it won't even provide the correct doctor but who cares anyway you've got one. Can't wait for the CV managers to see the patch and Reclast numbers for the first time. They will wonder why there is even a sales force. I was let go but I met some wonderful people here that I will maintain friendships with so for that I am grateful for having worked at Novartis. The company is really moving on up. Blackberries and they made us return the old phones but the real stunner is the fabulous hotel chosen for the National Meeting in Vegas. Gotta love those bedbugs.

Now get going on the job hunt honey. Walmart has stopped accepting greeter applications.

Data plan= glad I was let go! Honestly the best thing that has ever happened to me. Just accepted a position with a med device company making $12k more AND I still get my $40k severence check, my march bonus, and my $2500 "retraining" bonus!

Enjoy your new phone!

I just want you to know that your sacrifice was not on vain. Your loss has freed up much needed dollars so NPC could purchase all of us Blackberry's and a data plan.

So as you feverishly work on your resume and stress about how to pay your bills, please know that its all for the greater good.

Big Brother Blackberry will be able to......

track your every movement

listen in to your private conversations, both at work and home or wherever you and Mr. Blackberry happen to be 24 hours a day 7 days a week

Mother Novartis has a new son, your BIG BROTHA BLACK BERRY

COMPANY ISSUED...don't be so damn cheap,, get your own personal phone for ALL communication outside of work. Sure your DM doesn't look at call/text volume times,, but when the poop hits the fan, a report will be generated.

Thank you sucker. Got a job this past week. While you Koolaiders are sweating it out in Vegas and listening to how you'll get back to double digit growth I'll be taking this severance and spending some time in the Bahamas before I start. Say hello to Andy for me and then ask him how soon the next round of layoffs begins. I'm guessing June or October. Of course you koolaiders know best. Enjoy that prison atmosphere. Free at last!

Thank you sucker. Got a job this past week. While you Koolaiders are sweating it out in Vegas and listening to how you'll get back to double digit growth I'll be taking this severance and spending some time in the Bahamas before I start. Say hello to Andy for me and then ask him how soon the next round of layoffs begins. I'm guessing June or October. Of course you koolaiders know best. Enjoy that prison atmosphere. Free at last!

Where are all of you getting jobs?

THE GRASS IS GREENER!!! I am in the last stage of iv's for a job in the medical field - not pharma, and the guy I'm replacing was promoted and he told me he made $275 last year and $225 the previous yr!!

Too bad you fools think your 1, 2 and 3 % raises and BS target payouts are so great.

You are very naive if you haven't been networking since you started with Novartis. All indicators were that this industry was headed toward a dead end--beginning with Medicare D. Anyone who has success in any industry needs to be looking ahead, and that is not trading Novartis for another pharmaceutical job. The money is not anywhere near what you can earn in true sales, the satisfaction is not near what you can get from a true profession. Those who were let go are not even off the company teat until February, then you have severance to work with. Now is the time to take advantage of your networking- those who you met in the past may well give you a lead now. I will be heading a large research group in my home city with an increase in salary and much better hours. This came from a physician group that contacted me after they found out I was "fired" from Novartis.

THE GRASS IS GREENER!!! I am in the last stage of iv's for a job in the medical field - not pharma, and the guy I'm replacing was promoted and he told me he made $275 last year and $225 the previous yr!!

Too bad you fools think your 1, 2 and 3 % raises and BS target payouts are so great.

Fucking liar. I cant even get a Goddamn interview. NOBODY is going to hire any of us. We suck, have no talent and have no lives.

Wow, you sound like you have issues and maybe you shouldn't be in sales. I have 2 offers right now and don't know which one to take. Maybe you need to go back to school and be a nurse not a salesperson. Seriously!

I was "displaced" or should I say "defaced"! I had 5 national awards, Exec Sales Title (and yes, I earned it) and 13 years, and I am over 50. I have had 4 interviews and now have 2 offers on the table. It is hard for me to chose which to take...1 is with a medical device mfgr for 5K less my Novartis salary of over 110k, yet offers TRUE/REAL bonus based on sales data which is TRUE/REAL, or another Pharma Co making the same but only offering me 2 wks vacation vs. the 5 I had at N.
I will undoubtedly take the med device because it appeals to the baby boomer mkt, has REAL data to support GOALS, and is a REPUTABLE company. Forget "Working Mother's" Magazine and what they said about N. THEY WERE PAID TO SAY THAT THROUGH CONTRIBUTIONS FRROM N. The company I am looking at has employees stating that they love where they work, honest days work returns great pay, benefits, vacation, travel, and some of the best people for management in the industry.
Stay at N and get goals from unjustified data (No, you do not see how or where your goals come from/they hide it because it is wrong), forced BS on efficacy of drugs and how to sell them (off-label if you want to make goal-just ask, mgrs will tell you how to do it) and micro management. Discrimination runs rampant at N and you at some time will be on the receiving is just a matter of time. Remember to keep your Blackberries on in Vegas! They may need you while at the strip club or playing craps!

"When your job is a joke
and you feel like a bloke
who do you go and see? JIM JONES! Drink the Kool Aid N and have a great time!

Good luck to those displaced and better luck to those still at N.

Thank you sucker. Got a job this past week. While you Koolaiders are sweating it out in Vegas and listening to how you'll get back to double digit growth I'll be taking this severance and spending some time in the Bahamas before I start. Say hello to Andy for me and then ask him how soon the next round of layoffs begins. I'm guessing June or October. Of course you koolaiders know best. Enjoy that prison atmosphere. Free at last!

Dittos here too. Back to six figures, can wear jeans to work on many days, office is just 3 miles from home. Will be making some calls outside of the office and that is good too. An almost $50,000 severance check, training check, March bonus, pay for unused vacation, vested pension, Novartis insurance follows me too as I am on the upside of 55 with more than 10 years of service, but insurance is totally free for one year. THANK YOU NOVARTIS! Happy to be out. Have fun in Vegas ya'll.

I was "displaced" or should I say "defaced"! I had 5 national awards, Exec Sales Title (and yes, I earned it) and 13 years, and I am over 50. I have had 4 interviews and now have 2 offers on the table. It is hard for me to chose which to take...1 is with a medical device mfgr for 5K less my Novartis salary of over 110k, yet offers TRUE/REAL bonus based on sales data which is TRUE/REAL, or another Pharma Co making the same but only offering me 2 wks vacation vs. the 5 I had at N.
I will undoubtedly take the med device because it appeals to the baby boomer mkt, has REAL data to support GOALS, and is a REPUTABLE company. Forget "Working Mother's" Magazine and what they said about N. THEY WERE PAID TO SAY THAT THROUGH CONTRIBUTIONS FRROM N. The company I am looking at has employees stating that they love where they work, honest days work returns great pay, benefits, vacation, travel, and some of the best people for management in the industry.
Stay at N and get goals from unjustified data (No, you do not see how or where your goals come from/they hide it because it is wrong), forced BS on efficacy of drugs and how to sell them (off-label if you want to make goal-just ask, mgrs will tell you how to do it) and micro management. Discrimination runs rampant at N and you at some time will be on the receiving is just a matter of time. Remember to keep your Blackberries on in Vegas! They may need you while at the strip club or playing craps!

"When your job is a joke
and you feel like a bloke
who do you go and see? JIM JONES! Drink the Kool Aid N and have a great time!

Good luck to those displaced and better luck to those still at N.


Listen, first of all you need to get an attitude adjustment. You sound so negative your in posts. Remember that life is what you make of it. Try to stay positive!! You seriously might want to look at your approach. Just because they say no pharma reps- go ahead and apply. You should be able to go in there and knock their socks off. I did! Be glad your not in Vegas!

I just got back from two weeks in the Bahamas and am starting a new job in two weeks. This layoff period has been then best month of my adult life! While you're suffering in Las Vegas, I'm sleeping in and going to the gym in the middle of the day. What bliss!