
It's parts are twice more expensive than ligasure, why would any doc use it while we chase health economics? Reasons please, thanks

In EU ligasure is more expensive - like 600 for LS against 500 for TB euro per 1 lap scissors ~
And still there are many -especially experienced- surgeons who just can't stand waiting for this: "beep-wait beep-hold on beep-one more second" sound from LS ;-))
To be more serious: its just faster and more accurate in most of cases than LS and HS.

when you finished reading this text, LS is still cutting through...
and cutting...

In EU ligasure is more expensive - like 600 for LS against 500 for TB euro per 1 lap scissors ~
And still there are many -especially experienced- surgeons who just can't stand waiting for this: "beep-wait beep-hold on beep-one more second" sound from LS ;-))
To be more serious: its just faster and more accurate in most of cases than LS and HS.

when you finished reading this text, LS is still cutting through...
and cutting...


In the US, TB has been/is dead on arrival. Not much chatter on this site about it.
In EU ligasure is more expensive - like 600 for LS against 500 for TB euro per 1 lap scissors ~
And still there are many -especially experienced- surgeons who just can't stand waiting for this: "beep-wait beep-hold on beep-one more second" sound from LS ;-))
To be more serious: its just faster and more accurate in most of cases than LS and HS.

when you finished reading this text, LS is still cutting through...
and cutting...


It's another device that cuts and seals tissue. Its the same mousetrap as a Ligasure, Harmonic, Enseal, Sonicision, or Gyrus. It just has a different method of doing it. Is it better? Perhaps its a little faster but can a doctor do the same thing with whatever is currently on the shelf? Absolutely. Do Materials Managers want another vessel sealer generator in their OR when their rooms are already stocked with Force Triads or Enseal/Harmonic Generators? Doubtful. Especially since they are unable to replace Focus or Impact for that matter.
Blade, bottom ass your face, what's the difference!

By the sounds of this remark above, you probably don't know the difference between a blade and a jaw in surgery. They also say the use of swear words also shows lack of intelligence.
The difference between cutting with a blade or cutting ultrasonically is called technology. It's reps like you, who do not know the difference between a blade and a jaw, that make my life in the OR a lot easier.
the pads never ever fall off the harmonic…. check maude report . Its 25 year old technology. Oh and thanks to all my ethicon reps for pre selling your new ace 7 . It's faster than Thunderbeat is what you guys are telling the docs in my area. This is getting fun…. love it when your competition talks about your product
Oh, is that thing still on the market? I didn't realize it because haven't seen or heard of one in any hospital for over a year.

My bad, I just assumed that product was pulled.

Good luck though. I guess?
Is that because Sonicision and Ligasure took all the business. Or do you have hospitals where Olympus bought the business and the docs are forced to use your shitty product even though they hate it. If that's the case, just a matter of time before they switch back
It's funny how this board was quiet for the past few months until covidien gets bought out by Medtronic. I wonder why all the buzz on Thunderbeat. Maybe some reps looking to jump ship and trying to spark something? Just my observation. I've seen Thunderbeat on a Sleeve, and I've the Ligasure(slow case, but its ok if Anastasia can bill), and I've seen sonocision(still oozing), no comparison!
I've seen it used many times myself. Works well, but docs have to be extra careful not to touch any surrounding tissue because of the extremely high temp profile and potential to burn
Love it how J&J are howling how hot TB is yet dont know TB heat profile. Yes it is an ultrasonic device and the doc is 'educated' to know enough he has an ultrasonic device in his hand. Use with caution!
TB is faster and more heamostatic and thus reduces the exposure of heat to the tissue. On average TB cuts tissue in 2 secs where as harmonic 6 seconds. At a minimum of 140 degrees that is a lot of heat exposure to the nearby tissue.

Ligasure is slow and when surgeons get used to TB many surgeons will is happening now that these docs have now understood how the combination of the two technologies work.

J&J are fighting tooth and nail to save their market and thus only have the heat vitirol as their defence.
Is that because Sonicision and Ligasure took all the business. Or do you have hospitals where Olympus bought the business and the docs are forced to use your shitty product even though they hate it. If that's the case, just a matter of time before they switch back

You think?

Not what i have seen! I think you are being hopeful.....yes a few will go back but a very few!

You need to understand the Olympus versatility message! And i mean the Olympus brand, not limited to thunderbeat.