Education is important.
Trade schools are education.
Few kids are veledictorians.
More than 50% or kids are trade school types.....
Agreed. School must fit the need and desire of the student.
Education is important.
Trade schools are education.
Few kids are veledictorians.
More than 50% or kids are trade school types.....
Dude, an MBA is 64 crdits max, how is that 8 years.
Most MBA programs with a traditional curriculm are demanding. People who have a full time job often can only take one course at a semester.
20 or more courses can take many years......
You obviously have not earned an MBA in the last 10 years or o. It is true that 15-20 years ago, virtually all MBA programs were built for residential students. The expectation was that you would work for five years, then quit work, and go to business school fulltime for two years. The schools were also, extremely difficult to get into, requiring the GMAT etc. Those days have been over for at least the last five years.
Most schools now have programs designed for working adults; many are even 100% online where you work on your own time. Many allow you to take class 3 semesters per years. Virtually ALL are designed to be completed by full-time working adults in 18-24 months. I personally know someone who recently completed a program of 51 credit in one year (fall, spring, summer); she took 5-6 classes per semester (this was the norm), and this was not even online I personally took a program that offered an online option, I took one class at a time, but each class was 8 weeks. I got one week break between classes, then started the next; this took me 18 months of extremely hard work, no summer off, no christmas off, no free weekends, with major projects due every saturday, but I did it.
I once used the same lame excuses that you and others are trying to use now, but mine were based on fact. I did not want to study for and take the GMAT, I had a low undergrad gpa, i did not ant to spend 5 years taking class, I did not want to cummute one hour, to get to a 45 minute class. I was lazy and impatient, and not confident about getting.
Things have changed, if you really want to get your mba you can do so without even leaving your home, at a great university, with no gmat. If you are too lazy, or just dont want to do it, then say that. Just please stop using LAME excuses that hold no water:
- The company will pay
- There are many programs to choose from
- You can earn degree 100% online, or in class
- As a rep, with "flexible" hours, you have all the time in the world. You will NEVER have a better job, that is suited to pursuing an mba
Not everyone has the smarts or deire, but if you do, you have no excuses!
Agree with everything you have stated except:
"The company will pay" - not necessarily as field sales tuition assistance has become severely restricted - more accurate to state the company "may" pay.
"As a rep, with "flexible" hours, you have all the time in the world." - this may have been the case some years ago but I would not make that claim today. There is incredible stress and pressure associated with keeping one's job as a rep now and many of us have CTL's that are demonic when it comes to extra bullshit in order to "prove" oneself. That being said, if you do have the "smarts and desire," then yes, it is still possible to get your MBA, maybe just not as easy as in the past when times were less tight, toxic, and tumultuous.
To your comments. Maybe. Maybe, not.
To your comments: "You have tuition reimbursement, you have "flexible", hours, you have "NO EXCUSES", get your MBA.".......few get it anymore.....My take want the degree, pay for it yourself. Invest yourself. When someone pays themselves, it says alot about them. Motivation, determination, willingness to live without, to pay those bills. Leadership qualities. Wont get without the handout? Hmmm. I question someones management qualities.
So for those who got things the easy way. Look in the mirror. Maybe. Maybe not.
Have to be higher than 5% though. I have my MBA. I was not an exceptional, disciplined, nor smart student. It was challenging but I finished it. Some switched major at the last minute to Public Administration because they failed one critical class. Some due to family or time constraints.
This is not a political situation. Tuition reimburse, along with your paycheck, medical benefits, vacation days, etc are part of your compensation. Tuition reimbursement is is no way a handout! Your assertion is ridiculous. So, buy all means, if someone has no tuition reimbursement as part of their compensation, they should invest in themselves. The simple matter though is that most people don't have 40-50k or more sitting around, so paying on your own would be a great hurdle. Some people will augment the tuition reimbursement, with their own money, if the company caps dont allow them to finish fat enough. I value my education because, I worked extremely hard to get it. Would you also suggest that students that are offered scholarships, fellowship, grants, etc turn them down, and find a way to pay 100% on their own, so they will "appreciate what they accomplished"? Again, do you appreciate your health more when you pay that 20k hospital bill out of pocket, rather then use your company provided health benefits? Of course not!
Again, tuition reimbursement it part of your pay package, you are actually taxed on it; you earned it, and the company benefits when they have a more educated workforce, thats why they pay; its not a favor. Unfortunately, very few reps take advantage of the program.
Got your BA, making a professional salary and all grown up? Well how about stepping in the shoes of responsbility? How about living down a little and putting some money up for self improvement? Now, do not whine.
Free tuition is a big expense and not being offered at many companies anymore....and rarely here anymore either.
If you really want the degree you will find a way to fund it.....part with your bonus. You may even write a little piece of it off at the end of the year (instead of complaining that its a taxed benefit, geeez). In the end, its the same.
If any of you Singulair reps. had a conscience you would have looked for another job when you found out Singulair was making children anxious ,depressed,suicidal and aggressive etc................instead you choose to down play it to Docs and keep sales in check........desperate to keep your pathetic existance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Got your BA, making a professional salary and all grown up? Well how about stepping in the shoes of responsbility? How about living down a little and putting some money up for self improvement? Now, do not whine.
Free tuition is a big expense and not being offered at many companies anymore....and rarely here anymore either.
If you really want the degree you will find a way to fund it.....part with your bonus. You may even write a little piece of it off at the end of the year (instead of complaining that its a taxed benefit, geeez). In the end, its the same.
Whats wrong with you, we are talking to people who already have a professional salary. Most Business Schools wont event except people with no experience. Tuition reimbursement means that YOU pay, and if YOU get good grades, Merck repays you. I am speaking to MERCK rep, and stating that they have this benefit available. So, by paying the money upfront, they assume ALL of the RISK. SO, WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU ARGUING ABOUT NOW!! REALLY. Are you suggesting that they pay upfront, and despite the fact that the company offering to reimburse the, that they should turn down this benefit that they earned! By the way, who complained about the reimbursement being taxed. It is YOUR income so it should be!
You are simply not making sense! Dude, take a chill pill, you are seeing martians on the lawn, that simply arent there.
Say no, then what happens?
Whats wrong with you, we are talking to people who already have a professional salary. Most Business Schools wont event except people with no experience. Tuition reimbursement means that YOU pay, and if YOU get good grades, Merck repays you. I am speaking to MERCK rep, and stating that they have this benefit available. So, by paying the money upfront, they assume ALL of the RISK. SO, WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU ARGUING ABOUT NOW!! REALLY. Are you suggesting that they pay upfront, and despite the fact that the company offering to reimburse the, that they should turn down this benefit that they earned! By the way, who complained about the reimbursement being taxed. It is YOUR income so it should be!
You are simply not making sense! Dude, take a chill pill, you are seeing martians on the lawn, that simply arent there.
Think about it, they are giving you a package to go away, not to keep you. They will cut you in early 2012 at a reduced rate.