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Thread for Sunshine and World of Warcraft Boy -

Replying to something someone posted in November of last year? Really? Seriously?

Oh, please. As if you aren't seeing plenty of "disrespect" from the competing sales rep who's been posting here for years, selfishly insisting patients should lose their therapy of choice just because it's from Biogen.

Funny. He loves to use the phrase "true colors," too. Quite a coincidence.

If you think some lame, anonymous chatboard debate proves anything about what employees at Biogen are like, then you keep on thinking that.

No that wasn't me. True colors is a common phrase. I can assure you there are many more people watching you here than you know about.

No that wasn't me. True colors is a common phrase. I can assure you there are many more people watching you here than you know about.

Stop lying to people joe. You spread lies constantly and make vengeful comments about your former employer. Your jealousy of Biogen with complete disregard for patients is revolting.

Stop lying to people joe. You spread lies constantly and make vengeful comments about your former employer. Your jealousy of Biogen with complete disregard for patients is revolting.

You really are grasping at straws, Sunshine. Now you are referring to joe who I don't think has posted here in months. I'm surprised you didn't attribute that message to me. You are so confused, angry and bitter, it's a joke to watch you lash out at everyone and anybody. Looks like all the criticism you are receiving these days is getting to you. What a sad sight you are.

You really are grasping at straws, Sunshine. Now you are referring to joe who I don't think has posted here in months. I'm surprised you didn't attribute that message to me. You are so confused, angry and bitter, it's a joke to watch you lash out at everyone and anybody. Looks like all the criticism you are receiving these days is getting to you. What a sad sight you are.

Joe2, you're so pathetic. You get canned by Biogen. You stew over it for 5+ years, trolling some chatboard almost no one reads, showing how stupid you are with child-like insults and arguments so weak they border on incomprehensible, inventing some internet adversary you call 'Sunshine' and believing every poster is her. You're more than just hurt and unable to get past being laid off. You're really lonely with low self-esteem, and you need people to respond to you online, so you can feel like you matter.

Protest all you like--we know you can't resist--but you know you're pegged.

Joe2, you're so pathetic. You get canned by Biogen. You stew over it for 5+ years, trolling some chatboard almost no one reads, showing how stupid you are with child-like insults and arguments so weak they border on incomprehensible, inventing some internet adversary you call 'Sunshine' and believing every poster is her. You're more than just hurt and unable to get past being laid off. You're really lonely with low self-esteem, and you need people to respond to you online, so you can feel like you matter.

Protest all you like--we know you can't resist--but you know you're pegged.

Sunshine, it must bug the absolute hell out of you to be so totally wrong that I'm a former Biogen employee. You've been preaching that line for as long as I can remember and won't let it go. And you are the only one who continually repeats the same line, over and over again. Please don't pretend to be someone different...you are fooling nobody.

And thinking that I'm joe2 as well....talk about giving a whole new meaning to the word pathetic. Describes you to a "t".

It clearly bugs the hell out of you that everyone knows your deal.

Why else would anyone possibly post here for 5+ years, being snide toward everyone associated with a company? There's no other believable reason. On top of that, it's not like you make interesting points or strong arguments. You make up little names for Tysabri, you call other people names and lose your temper. And you do all this literally every day for years. You're the most obvious example of the disgruntled ex-employees who troll this site. Denying it is comical. All your sniveling is totally discredited because you're all sour grapes about losing your job. Most people who get laid off at least have the maturity and self-esteem to move on and find a way to feel good about themselves. Not you. I've never seen anything like it. What a poor little soul.

Let it go?

Are you kidding? You post angry comments about Biogen virtually every day for 5 years, and you're saying someone else can't let it go? Let what go? Your insanity?