The New Reality of (what's left of) Merck Employees

Oh so now it's NEXT FRIDAY... What happened to 10/9???? Friday will arrive and things will change yet again.... it's not happening people! The PC Salesforce is already too lean as it is... and we have Belsomra reps getting certified on Januvia/Janumet.... why??... so we can lay them off next Friday???? NOT GONNA HAPPEN.

Oh so now it's NEXT FRIDAY... What happened to 10/9???? Friday will arrive and things will change yet again.... it's not happening people! The PC Salesforce is already too lean as it is... and we have Belsomra reps getting certified on Januvia/Janumet.... why??... so we can lay them off next Friday???? NOT GONNA HAPPEN.

Monday ctl's get a call from dco's. Tuesday all reps whether retained or let go get a call from their ctl. Bank on it. Revisit this post Tuesday evening and it will be a firestorm. 1 in 4 reps/ctl's to be let go, keeping skeleton crew for JJ with plans to hawk WH and sleeper drug. Shop off sglt2 and bio-insulin to PFE. PC has neared the end at MRK. Bank on it.

Again, not true. CTL's never handle these announcements. These announcements are made on a National level with an 'URGENT/MANDATORY' teleconference announced that day. Bank on that!

Women's Health not going ANYWHERE! Meeting scheduled for March, Fall Marketing Teleconference in November, just spent a FORTUNE on 'Armor Up' campaign and 'Her Life Her Adventures' campaign with Mandy Moore.... NEXPLANON is actually growing year on year.... why would Merck be stupid enough to spend all of this money on a product that they are going to 'hawk' (previous poster used this term)....

Again, not true. CTL's never handle these announcements. These announcements are made on a National level with an 'URGENT/MANDATORY' teleconference announced that day. Bank on that!

I don't know who to believe so I did a simple internet search in NJ. Look up state of NJ WARN 2017/October. It's right there, 2700 people! Look it up yourself. Appears the OP has accurate Intel. Of course the site doesn't drill down to divisions, just headcount. Good luck all!!

I don't know who to believe so I did a simple internet search in NJ. Look up state of NJ WARN 2017/October. It's right there, 2700 people! Look it up yourself. Appears the OP has accurate Intel. Of course the site doesn't drill down to divisions, just headcount. Good luck all!!

Nice try! We will find out at the same time they report to the state. Also, Merck is headquartered in PA fool!

Nice try! We will find out at the same time they report to the state. Also, Merck is headquartered in PA fool!

Serious question - when the delislingers get canned what will Merck do with all the lesbo Subaru Foresters on fleet order? I say ship-donate them all to Puerto Rico hurricane victims. They need it more than our signature gatherers. Yeah, look at your joke of a job, you don't do shat, customers won't even know you have been fired. Bunch of ole useless lazy shits.

Your Merck car never leaves your garage because you are part of the pajama brigade of NAE's that can't get our products covered on any plans!!! And if you are young why in the HELL are u wasting your time here??? If you were really good at being an 'NAE' wouldnt you be at a cutting edge biotech company and not wasting your time on CafePharma???? The loser is you my friend... bye

Women's Health not going ANYWHERE! Meeting scheduled for March, Fall Marketing Teleconference in November, just spent a FORTUNE on 'Armor Up' campaign and 'Her Life Her Adventures' campaign with Mandy Moore.... NEXPLANON is actually growing year on year.... why would Merck be stupid enough to spend all of this money on a product that they are going to 'hawk' (previous poster used this term)....
There will be no WH sales team by the end of 2018.

Oh so now it's NEXT FRIDAY... What happened to 10/9???? Friday will arrive and things will change yet again.... it's not happening people! The PC Salesforce is already too lean as it is... and we have Belsomra reps getting certified on Januvia/Janumet.... why??... so we can lay them off next Friday???? NOT GONNA HAPPEN.
Januvia's patent dies in under three years. The entire PC sales force dies before then. Checkmate.

That Kenny---what an actor! First, he acted like a CEO, having presided over the biggest train wreck in Big Pharma history. Now, he's acting like a racist….but no one believes he's acting. Let's face it, Kenny was in Obama's corner and let's face it, race was the reason why.
Kenny is a P.o.S. The fact that he makes more than $25K annually is unbelievable, let alone $25MM.

80,000 families screwed over by a--holes like him…and he gets paid millions. It's enough to make you sick. There's a special place in hell for our senior management.

He has too much talent to oversee the 'Merck lunchbox gang' of ctl's and reps. He's out and many 'in the know' are out of here in a few weeks.

Personally I'm investing in Pampers stock this week. Cannot wait until the ctl's and deli reps are given the bad news.

Just watch closely who leaves mother in the next 30 days then you will know bad news is coming.

Nailed it