The New Reality of (what's left of) Merck Employees

Panic is in the air.
Merck reps know that over the years they could simply grift along unchallenged. Now reality has set in.
Who will hire me?
Do I have the skills?
What will I earn?
Have I screwed over people?

I just spoke to a recruiter, for every pharma job opening there are over 200 qualified applicants, 75% are under 35 years old, 55% have advanced degrees and average salary is 78k.

Now I'm worried, what to do? This stinks.

I honestly don't believe that people under 35 want to work in Pharma when they can make much much more in tech. Let's face it.. this gig is ending everywhere. Millennial physicians will want their information in digital form not from face to face discussions. It's very close to being done.

Watergate-- playing favorites? Eric E, Bruce P, Ross A and a few others knew about what was coming back in June. Two left and one went to hq. How the hell does the top brass leak this out to a select few in each region? I know Bob M tipped them off and they all bailed like a fart in the wind. Typical Merck, protect and inform the golden childs and screw the rest. I'm so over this place, just give me my severance check.

Some truth to this except they knew in May. Look at who left and the timeline, also x reference it with who moved around or left hq, all happened within 3 weeks of each other. M#@#$ fu#@ers, AND these same people mysteriously were given different positions right before cuts in the past. They were tipped off fo sure this time and absolutely knew chances were slim during this round and they bailed before this house of cards collapsed. The aholes who tipped them off knew the favor would someday be returned. Bet phones are a ringin now , "hey, hook me up with a job". I'm over this, maybe not.

I honestly don't believe that people under 35 want to work in Pharma when they can make much much more in tech. Let's face it.. this gig is ending everywhere. Millennial physicians will want their information in digital form not from face to face discussions. It's very close to being done.

Millennial doctors want money and little work. Spoiled little turds!

Panic is in the air.
Merck reps know that over the years they could simply grift along unchallenged. Now reality has set in.
Who will hire me?
Do I have the skills?
What will I earn?
Have I screwed over people?

I just spoke to a recruiter, for every pharma job opening there are over 200 qualified applicants, 75% are under 35 years old, 55% have advanced degrees and average salary is 78k.

Now I'm worried, what to do? This stinks.

Try being in your 50s with years of pharma sales in your rear view mirror and no meaningful employment opportunities available to you anymore...I'm here to tell you that this Sh*ts getting real...I have had to sell just about anything that is not nailed down to stay afloat, despite years of good income and prudent saving...You have no idea how fast it goes when you have next to nothing coming in...

And having health insurance?? Fuggetaboutit!! No friggin' way to afford that... the way...FU MERCK!

Just got done a 10 hour day. Mother Merck is my pride and joy and the 3k a week is icing on the cake.
We call you a fraud. You fake your way through your fake job and generally accomplish nothing but successfully kissing the fat ass of your moron manager and you successfully lie about virtually all of your sales calls. If it takes you ten hours per day to be the fraud that you are, then so be it. Douche.

i feel for the older crowd who is educatong kids, still has a mortgage, etc. it is not as easy as anyone could guess. There is a lot of age discrimination and will be difficult to duplicate benefits not to mention salary and commission.

Now is the time to act. When I order lunch always get 15% freeze dried food that I bury in the yard at my house. When the economy collapses and the Chinese army invades, I can live off the buried freeze dried food for 2 years. I will take my Merck 401(k) as hard cash - by converting into dimes and nickels - I pick out the real silver coins then return the more recent alloys. Right now I have sufficient coins to barter for food with real silver. I'm trying to hoard samples as well, but have to cycle them based on expiration date - these go into the small bunker that I dug under the garage. Friends our roles in the sales force wont last forever. Use your time to prepare.

I laughed out loud! Hilarious!!!!

Good for you.The strong survive and the weaklings are booted.

This is a specious statement.

There is little difference between "good" reps and reps that have been around for awhile. The skills may be slightly better - but it isn't worth 60-70K more a year in base salary (or more.)

At this point, the staying factor is attributed to luck.

Oh so now it's NEXT FRIDAY... What happened to 10/9???? Friday will arrive and things will change yet again.... it's not happening people! The PC Salesforce is already too lean as it is... and we have Belsomra reps getting certified on Januvia/Janumet.... why??... so we can lay them off next Friday???? NOT GONNA HAPPEN.
"NOT GONNA HAPPEN", huh? F--king idiot.

Panic is in the air.
Merck reps know that over the years they could simply grift along unchallenged. Now reality has set in.
Who will hire me?
Do I have the skills?
What will I earn?
Have I screwed over people?

I just spoke to a recruiter, for every pharma job opening there are over 200 qualified applicants, 75% are under 35 years old, 55% have advanced degrees and average salary is 78k.

Now I'm worried, what to do? This stinks.

Biotech. If you haven’t made the transition over by now I do think days are numbered. The industry is evolving to biotech and the skill set needed for these jobs is different. Biotech is paying big to tenured reps. So while this part of the industry is finally seeing the consequence of the multiple rep doing the same drug and office thing, biotech is booming.