The New Reality of (what's left of) Merck Employees

That's exactly what they're hoping for. I say you milk them for every penny you can, even after you start working elsewhere. It will take them two to three months to catch up to you.
I did that myself. It went more than four months before any snags were hit (a scheduling snag, which I couldn't control). I'd recommend everyone do that. I created my own severance package.

Amen the connected have left in the past 60 days, typical Merck departures ahead of the storm. Guess I didn't get the memo in the " who's who " directory. Bullshit how a select few were forewarned in each region, leaves the remaining fighting for scraps and turning on one another. One lifer I know just disappeared suddenly overnight, wtf

Damn, you were right.

Wrong. 1 ctl, 1 DCO and 1rep left. I know for a fact the DCO had conversations with all of them. All 3 are going to different companies. Can you say Watergate?

Watergate-- playing favorites? Eric E, Bruce P, Ross A and a few others knew about what was coming back in June. Two left and one went to hq. How the hell does the top brass leak this out to a select few in each region? I know Bob M tipped them off and they all bailed like a fart in the wind. Typical Merck, protect and inform the golden childs and screw the rest. I'm so over this place, just give me my severance check.

Watergate-- playing favorites? Eric E, Bruce P, Ross A and a few others knew about what was coming back in June. Two left and one went to hq. How the hell does the top brass leak this out to a select few in each region? I know Bob M tipped them off and they all bailed like a fart in the wind. Typical Merck, protect and inform the golden childs and screw the rest. I'm so over this place, just give me my severance check.

Can't speak to the others but Ross didn't know. I know him and he's been looking at Merck and outside for awhile. After being moved so many times and stuck in pc, he wanted more. I'm positive.

Can't speak to the others but Ross didn't know. I know him and he's been looking at Merck and outside for awhile. After being moved so many times and stuck in pc, he wanted more. I'm positive.

Disagree they all knew and all left their positions within 4 weeks of each other. Fact, Bruce originally was heading to Amgen as a Director but got a better offer at Sanofi. Ross went to Amgen as a Marketing Manager after also meeting with Genentech, Eric was seen in Thousand Oaks as well. Bruce and Ross were seen at Amgen at the same time talking to each other. This goes back months before they left. Eric got wind and went to hq and there will be an announcement about him in coming days. Get your facts straight, this proves people knew as far back as May that things were looming. Court adjourned and FU Merck, I'm tired of this crap, just cut me already.

I'm sorry but NOBODY knew about this. Eric is a very smart guy. Why in the heck would he waste anymore time in primary care/diabetes with TWO masters degrees whether he knew about this or not!!! He has always been an ambitious guy and his plan was to always move up. Of course he was seen at Amgen. I'm sure he was also seen at Gilead and Regeneron as well!

I'm sorry but NOBODY knew about this. Eric is a very smart guy. Why in the heck would he waste anymore time in primary care/diabetes with TWO masters degrees whether he knew about this or not!!! He has always been an ambitious guy and his plan was to always move up. Of course he was seen at Amgen. I'm sure he was also seen at Gilead and Regeneron as well!

Agree! I love a good conspiracy theory but knowing most of the people involved I totally disagree.

Agree! I love a good conspiracy theory but knowing most of the people involved I totally disagree.

Does it matter? Those people moved on, whether they were tipped off or not doesn't help those of us who remain.

If anything, I feel sorry for Bruce and Ross, their phones will be ringing off the hook after today's calls. Good luck to all.

Kenny is a P.o.S. The fact that he makes more than $25K annually is unbelievable, let alone $25MM.

80,000 families screwed over by a--holes like him…and he gets paid millions. It's enough to make you sick. There's a special place in hell for our senior management.
Did I say 80,000? I meant to say 81,800....and climbing.

Did I say 80,000? I meant to say 81,800....and climbing.

Those reps who are let go be prepared for reality:
If you can't obtain another pharma gig here's what to expect:

*8 - 5 punch in punch out job
*no company car
*starting with little vacation
*Little or no bonus
*401k contributions will vary

Don't get me wrong, I did it and am making similar money to merck. Where people struggle is the structured 8 - 5 part which for many means away from the home 7:30 to 5:30. If you are used to your own schedule you will need to re-learn behavior. Some adjust fine but for others it's a nightmare.

Those reps who are let go be prepared for reality:
If you can't obtain another pharma gig here's what to expect:

*8 - 5 punch in punch out job
*no company car
*starting with little vacation
*Little or no bonus
*401k contributions will vary

Don't get me wrong, I did it and am making similar money to merck. Where people struggle is the structured 8 - 5 part which for many means away from the home 7:30 to 5:30. If you are used to your own schedule you will need to re-learn behavior. Some adjust fine but for others it's a nightmare.

Tough going for reps who come and go at their leisure. No starting late or cutting out earlier for children's events. Guess I will need to hire a nanny, that isn't cheap in N.Y..

Tough going for reps who come and go at their leisure. No starting late or cutting out earlier for children's events. Guess I will need to hire a nanny, that isn't cheap in N.Y..
You only need to spend about three hours per day delivering those little boxes and begging for signatures….er, I mean "calls". Don't worry; management doesn't know that the pharma rep job is the biggest lie in the history of sales. They wouldn't dare eliminate salespeople.