The New Reality of (what's left of) Merck Employees

Not a chance I would ever work for La#'ce!

Grow up will ya, he has always been a great manager. History doesn't lie just look at the droves of reps he managed who got promoted to managers and hq roles at Merck. He is very connected and promotes his reps like no other,stellar reputation bar none. You should be honored to work for one of the best exec team members out there. Don't believe me, ask the dozens of reps who have worked for him. They will say awesome, supportive, inspiring, etc.

The same reason you were paid 30K to sweep the floors.
As a typical salesperson, you couldn't even comprehend what I did at Merck, let alone do it. Our scientists have about ten times the intellectual capacity of the typical sample monkey (It's a comical label coined by one of the rare smart reps I've gotten to know since we both departed Merck. He admitted to being overpaid, by the way, something your lack of decency wouldn't permit).

Exactly. Back in the day one could become a manager and return to a rep position after being in the mgr position for 2yrs.w/o loss of manager salary.
Not sure that's true today.

Why don't they simply call them what they are, that is Sales Managers. Outside companies laugh at the Associate Director titles at Merck. Only at Smerck do they pull this crap, there are over 3500 ASSociate Neglector titles listed at Smerck, wordsmithing doesn't impress outsiders. And what does the Associate mean? These 3500 fools won't become Directors, they may 'associate' with Directors that's all.

Everyone who leaves Merck or any other large pharma company always brags about this great new job, no pressure, more perks, better salary, etc. It does not exist. You might get a title, etc. at a smaller company. Bio tech companies are quite particular: iv nurse, etc. M.B.A., chem major, etc. So do not believe what you read or hear. They all SAY it is greener over the fence; SAY.

Ok, this mathematician, who was let go in the big research layoff of 2013. The commute stinks but the grass was WAY greener! Salary, bennies, opinion mattering.

Grow up will ya, he has always been a great manager. History doesn't lie just look at the droves of reps he managed who got promoted to managers and hq roles at Merck. He is very connected and promotes his reps like no other,stellar reputation bar none. You should be honored to work for one of the best exec team members out there. Don't believe me, ask the dozens of reps who have worked for him. They will say awesome, supportive, inspiring, etc.

Grow up will ya, he has always been a great manager. History doesn't lie just look at the droves of reps he managed who got promoted to managers and hq roles at Merck. He is very connected and promotes his reps like no other,stellar reputation bar none. You should be honored to work for one of the best exec team members out there. Don't believe me, ask the dozens of reps who have worked for him. They will say awesome, supportive, inspiring, etc.
Hahaha I'm guessing this is in a sarcastic tone. The guy is a total tool. He must have been trained by a backstabbing asshole. He is a micromanager and treats everyone like garbage.

Grow up will ya, he has always been a great manager. History doesn't lie just look at the droves of reps he managed who got promoted to managers and hq roles at Merck. He is very connected and promotes his reps like no other,stellar reputation bar none. You should be honored to work for one of the best exec team members out there. Don't believe me, ask the dozens of reps who have worked for him. They will say awesome, supportive, inspiring, etc.

Double field rides for all of you! I've got 4 people to leave YTD and my goal is 5. Keep posting and you could be next. I'm going to write all of you up, could be for not using a turn signal or not offering a PI on every call. Don't F with me, know your place. Start late? End early? I'm gonna pip you so don't mess with me.

I believe there are too many CTLs. Example, our CTL manages only 8 Reps and these are veteran Reps who really don't need a lot of developmental field contact. CTLs should have the capacity to manage twice that number of Reps. Do you agree? How many Reps in your District?

Double field rides for all of you! I've got 4 people to leave YTD and my goal is 5. Keep posting and you could be next. I'm going to write all of you up, could be for not using a turn signal or not offering a PI on every call. Don't F with me, know your place. Start late? End early? I'm gonna pip you so don't mess with me.

Why is the DCO farting around and doing field rides with reps? He should be working on firing a hole managers like this one.

Double field rides for all of you! I've got 4 people to leave YTD and my goal is 5. Keep posting and you could be next. I'm going to write all of you up, could be for not using a turn signal or not offering a PI on every call. Don't F with me, know your place. Start late? End early? I'm gonna pip you so don't mess with me.
Get a life lance.

I knew Marxists had taken over the company a long time ago, but now Frazier prove that point with his pure Marxism-derived propaganda point about Trump.

Reading the posts about Merck's retirement musings led me to write this. It's time to acknowledge the reality…and Ken Frazieris not going to like what I have to say.

Over the last 12-13 years, Merck has actively minimized it's long-term costs by directly laying off tens of thousands of employees and also "encouraging" the departure of tens of thousands more. At the start of this mess, those in "protected groups" (an actual legal term) technically included employees over 40, but the white males had very little chance of successful age discrimination claims unless they were over 50 when they were pressured out. Hence, Merck was hesitant to target for removal those employees over fifty, in general, as those law suits would have made getting rid of those employees very expensive. Thus, we now have a much older sales force (average age is 51), with a smattering of contract reps and some very young reps that make very little and have virtually no impact on long-term costs (no pension for you!). So, those that were older back then are now retiring employees who are reaching that coveted goal, but it is indeed a shrinking group.

As a former senior manager, I can assure you that this is all true and accurate. Merck's demise began with the fall of Vioxx and was accelerated with the greatest series of R&D failures in pharmaceutical history. In short, Merck is where it is by its own accord. It's sad that more than half of the company's employees have been separated since then, with only a fraction having been replaced at a much smaller cost to the company, all because this company was so horribly managed.

As others have indicated, it is truly tragic that Merck's "leadership" has profited mightily since this all began.The billions of dollars (literally) paid to those executives who conceived and implemented the plan to sever the financial ---and often mental---health of our own fellow employees could have been used to soften the blow to those former employees and their families considerably. Instead, Merck's "leaders" have quietly enriched themselves while destroying countless lives with reckless abandon. It is truly shameful.

The anonymous nature of this forum affords me the opportunity to share this with you. Most of us with legal exposure to sharing information like this simply take their cash and drift away. I simply can't fail to acknowledge that thousands of very good people were made to look guilty as they were dismissed or, more often, pressured to quit by very underhanded means. It is a disgraceful organization.

Tic tock, look around and figure things out yourself. Forget rumors, look at facts, who is changing divisions or outright leaving. July/August exits speak volumes, speak to someone you trust.

Amen the connected have left in the past 60 days, typical Merck departures ahead of the storm. Guess I didn't get the memo in the " who's who " directory. Bullshit how a select few were forewarned in each region, leaves the remaining fighting for scraps and turning on one another. One lifer I know just disappeared suddenly overnight, wtf

Amen the connected have left in the past 60 days, typical Merck departures ahead of the storm. Guess I didn't get the memo in the " who's who " directory. Bullshit how a select few were forewarned in each region, leaves the remaining fighting for scraps and turning on one another. One lifer I know just disappeared suddenly overnight, wtf
So, so many have "just disappeared".

So, so many have "just disappeared".

They were cherrypicked. Look around at any region meeting and you can readily identify a handful of people in the room that are ripe for the picking. DCO's know who they are and cannot do squat, cannot give raises, stock, promotions, nada.
It's the 5% rule, 5 out of 100 reps in a given region are always pursued by external companies without any effort.

I knew Marxists had taken over the company a long time ago, but now Frazier prove that point with his pure Marxism-derived propaganda point about Trump.
Frazier has been the worst thing that's ever happened to Merck. He was a scum-sucking attorney after we killed the Vioxx victims and he's a scum-sucking attorney as CEO. Always the game-player----nothing genuinely good about him.

Why is the DCO farting around and doing field rides with reps? He should be working on firing a hole managers like this one.

Get your affairs in order. You'll see.

NO pc rep fits in the vision 2020 plan and 2018 is nearing. There will be scraps if you wait until the end. Shuffling will continue for two more weeks in this chess game.

Calls are a comin.

Frazier has been the worst thing that's ever happened to Merck. He was a scum-sucking attorney after we killed the Vioxx victims and he's a scum-sucking attorney as CEO. Always the game-player----nothing genuinely good about him.
He makes me feel bad and nervous. Remove his picture from the company brochures. Better yet burn the pictures!

Get a life lance.

Im gonna put you in the bottom bucket, your bonus will be paid in loose coin change. I've got you handcuffed so you can't leave, go ahead, show other companies your #' s, your stuck.

Get this, I lead, you follow. Keep posting and I will give you extra busy work, calling your bluff.