The New Reality of (what's left of) Merck Employees

Actually, the are multiple levels of trading accounts. The brokerage houses have to clear individual investors for trading different kinds of options and the requirements get more and more stringent as you move up the risk ladder for options and certainly for FOREX. In other words, I'd bet she's right.
I bet she is an idiot. I bet you are an idiot for betting on an idiot.

I didn't get cut. I quit. And now I make more money.
I'm a guy. No hubby. If that's your thing, I really don't care.
I don't give a crap about spelling----yours, mine or anyone else's.
Large man. Smart as a whip.
See that? Even an idiot can survive after Pharma. If you did not correct spelling then maybe the post was not directed towards you. Connect the f'ing dots fatty.

Like I said, you still work for Merck. I expect nothing substantial. FU
You figured that out? I am still making good money and having fun. You are angry. Maybe jump on a treadmill once in a while. Eat right and exercise. Then you will not be called fatty. Maybe it will become skinny fats, Where is that idiot that corrects spelling? This one here is fat, dumb and stupid. Not a good way go to through life.

You figured that out? I am still making good money and having fun. You are angry. Maybe jump on a treadmill once in a while. Eat right and exercise. Then you will not be called fatty. Maybe it will become skinny fats, Where is that idiot that corrects spelling? This one here is fat, dumb and stupid. Not a good way go to through life.
Dude, you're pathetic. You insult this guy, he calls you out on it and you continue to act like an arse. You should have apologized. And who ever said he was fat? He might be in ass-kicking shape and want to open a can of whup-ass on you. I'd kind of like to see that. You are part of what makes this place an embarrassment to be affiliated with. Thankfully, my days here are numbered.

Dude, you're pathetic. You insult this guy, he calls you out on it and you continue to act like an arse. You should have apologized. And who ever said he was fat? He might be in ass-kicking shape and want to open a can of whup-ass on you. I'd kind of like to see that. You are part of what makes this place an embarrassment to be affiliated with. Thankfully, my days here are numbered.
You call him a homo (dude) then write he's a dick. That's funny.

Dude, you're pathetic. You insult this guy, he calls you out on it and you continue to act like an arse. You should have apologized. And who ever said he was fat? He might be in ass-kicking shape and want to open a can of whup-ass on you. I'd kind of like to see that. You are part of what makes this place an embarrassment to be affiliated with. Thankfully, my days here are numbered.

First I am not a dude. You are also a little insulting. If it makes you happy I will gladly make an apology. I am sorry that the guy is fat. I am sorry that the guy is an idiot. I am sorry the spell checking stank pants needs a real hubby. I am sure you days are numbered but you are too much of a coward to leave. If you don't like it here then get the box, pickup your trash and go. That simple. You will never do it.

Some people like it here. Money is good, low stress, and good times. I get along with all my bosses. We go and drink a few beers, make fun of a few people, and make great money while doing it. It's just like high school. It's kind of a boy's club. You would not be welcome.

The original author of this thread is spot on. Most of those posters that followed….not so much. This place really is shameful and pathetic, now more than ever. The good ones are all but completely gone. Drinking beers at the Boys Club? Having fun? What decade are these idiots living in?

First I am not a dude. You are also a little insulting. If it makes you happy I will gladly make an apology. I am sorry that the guy is fat. I am sorry that the guy is an idiot. I am sorry the spell checking stank pants needs a real hubby. I am sure you days are numbered but you are too much of a coward to leave. If you don't like it here then get the box, pickup your trash and go. That simple. You will never do it.

Some people like it here. Money is good, low stress, and good times. I get along with all my bosses. We go and drink a few beers, make fun of a few people, and make great money while doing it. It's just like high school. It's kind of a boy's club. You would not be welcome.
You are an a--hole. I can't believe Merck pushed so many great people out the door and retained you. It says a lot about what has gone on here.

You are an a--hole. I can't believe Merck pushed so many great people out the door and retained you. It says a lot about what has gone on here.
Relax. Lots of great people. Whatever. Most who were released were a pain in the arse. They did not know how to work as a team and were boring. They were typical troublemakers. You do know we make fun of each other and still have fun. No drama here. Typical man talk. Nothing wrong with that. I am sorry I am not bitter. We always figure things out. As far as T&A. Show it if it helps. Nothing wrong with that. It's nice eye candy.

Attention to the remaining delislinger dregs February downsizing number will be announced on the first. The number will be the largest ever managed.
If we sh-tcanned every sales rep that remains in this company, it still wouldn't be the biggest downsizing ever. You apparently haven't looked around lately. This dung hole is almost empty.

Relax. Lots of great people. Whatever. Most who were released were a pain in the arse. They did not know how to work as a team and were boring. They were typical troublemakers. You do know we make fun of each other and still have fun. No drama here. Typical man talk. Nothing wrong with that. I am sorry I am not bitter. We always figure things out. As far as T&A. Show it if it helps. Nothing wrong with that. It's nice eye candy.
This post illustrates the intellectually vacant reality that is now the Merck sales team.

This post illustrates the intellectually vacant reality that is now the Merck sales team.
Your just pissed we make more money. Also everywhere is a good old boys club. You are just not in it. Mr. Big Brain, if you don't like it then leave. It's not like the scientist we have are good. They are a bunch of rejects that were picked on. They are not leaders and I question their manhood.

The money always goes to sales and marketing. That's in every company. Have you seen how much we spend on those two departments? We deserve it. You don't like it but you're a wimp that does not stand up. So sit down and shut that hole under your nose. I am sure we will make fun of you at the bar. You should be used to it.

Your just pissed we make more money. Also everywhere is a good old boys club. You are just not in it. Mr. Big Brain, if you don't like it then leave. It's not like the scientist we have are good. They are a bunch of rejects that were picked on. They are not leaders and I question their manhood.

The money always goes to sales and marketing. That's in every company. Have you seen how much we spend on those two departments? We deserve it. You don't like it but you're a wimp that does not stand up. So sit down and shut that hole under your nose. I am sure we will make fun of you at the bar. You should be used to it.
To start your first paragraph, you should have used the contraction "you're", not the possessive "your". Then you immediately ridicule that poster with your "Mr. Big Brain" nonsense. Also, "scientist" should be plural. I'll accept that as a typo. The other mistake, along with the complete nonsense that is the entire post, demonstrates that the very post you ridicule is very correct.

You deliver small sample boxes to physicians. You just pray---and sometimes beg---that they take even just one box. That constitutes one of your "sales calls", as big a joke as that is. Your entire existence has centered around these fake "sales calls". Your daily routine is comprised of nothing but lies. In other words, you're a fraud. You're the joke and you're too stupid to realize that.