The New Reality of (what's left of) Merck Employees

Flash? I think not. even Pelisi (Nancy) says Conyers gotta go..,Harvey out of every Hollywood association in existence, Matt...well, he is meeting with criminal lawyers and will NEVER anchor show again. That list of congressman who used taxpayers funds to settle harassment and discrimination cases? That list is coming out, and you can bet they NEVER thoUght the fund existence, much less who used it would come out. your defense of this bad behavior demonstrates your depravity. And the salt on the wounds of EVERY VICTIM is the protective circle that wrapped around loser predators in the form of enabling HR and legal departments, whether corporate media or govt, AND the mindset of persons like you, as you sadly have the mindset that objectifies people in order to excuse abuse (victimless?????) with an elitist arrogant psyche that ultimately leads Straight to hell. Blessings to all the victims in whatever sector they were humiliated and scarred (again, often repeatedly by the cowardly enablers). And hey men...,you should be pissed off at these predators who are damaging the women you love or seek to genuinely love. This false idea of real manhood needs to be destroyed. AND the responsibility we have for the privilege of living in America is to strive for the BEST America we can be.,.,and that means pulling out all the weeds, and throwing in the trash for their foulness, HArvey, Matt, and whoever you are.
I thought in America you were innocent until proven guilty. It's sad that so many people sacrified for that believe. Then again players are taking a knee and showing so much disrespect for our country. I heard of something call due process. You should look that up. Its called the 14th Amendment. There seems to be no legal procedure and safeguards for the people who were accused off something.

I've never in my 22 years here, seen the amount of firings for faking calls in the last year.
Merck is cracking down and many folks lives were ruined for lying and cheating.
I'm with Mother Merck on this one.
You're joking, you're a liar or you're pathological.

If you don't lie about calls, you get fired for having a low call volume. If you do lie about calls, you get fired for lying. It's the Merck scam. It's designed that way.

Flash? I think not. even Pelisi (Nancy) says Conyers gotta go..,Harvey out of every Hollywood association in existence, Matt...well, he is meeting with criminal lawyers and will NEVER anchor show again. That list of congressman who used taxpayers funds to settle harassment and discrimination cases? That list is coming out, and you can bet they NEVER thoUght the fund existence, much less who used it would come out. your defense of this bad behavior demonstrates your depravity. And the salt on the wounds of EVERY VICTIM is the protective circle that wrapped around loser predators in the form of enabling HR and legal departments, whether corporate media or govt, AND the mindset of persons like you, as you sadly have the mindset that objectifies people in order to excuse abuse (victimless?????) with an elitist arrogant psyche that ultimately leads Straight to hell. Blessings to all the victims in whatever sector they were humiliated and scarred (again, often repeatedly by the cowardly enablers). And hey men...,you should be pissed off at these predators who are damaging the women you love or seek to genuinely love. This false idea of real manhood needs to be destroyed. AND the responsibility we have for the privilege of living in America is to strive for the BEST America we can be.,.,and that means pulling out all the weeds, and throwing in the trash for their foulness, HArvey, Matt, and whoever you are.
If you want to be equal you should become elegible for the draft.

Case closed.

If you want to be equal you should become elegible, eligible for the draft.

Case closed.
Ever heard of an old fart named Charlie Rangel? He did propose a bill for this and although it was rejected by congress, there was & is a push in that direction and women have been shot, wounded, disabled, and have died on the front lines in military infantry voluntarily.

Ever heard of an old fart named Charlie Rangel? He did propose a bill for this and although it was rejected by congress, there was & is a push in that direction and women have been shot, wounded, disabled, and have died on the front lines in military infantry voluntarily.
There was an issue with it. What would happen if they broke a nail and there was no press on nails to fix the issue? I have nothing but respect for the armed forces and police. Gender means nothing. We don't do enough for them. There are more important things than stupid harrassment crap to worry about. HR works to make sure tbe company is protected. You are an idiot if you think they will take your side. They exist to protect management. Also females need to have thicker skin. Stop being overly sensitive. If you dont like it then leave. Its just a joke. Take it with a grain of salt. Have fun.

There was an issue with it. What would happen if they broke a nail and there was no press on nails to fix the issue? I guess soldiers losing their limbs is only funny if there are women involved. I feel very sad for you on that one. Try explaining that joke to our wounded warriors...including men and women. I have nothing but respect for the armed forces and police.OK buddy, I'm not really seeing that. Gender means nothing...except when you compare a soldier losing their life or being disfigured to a broken nail and in that you must be referring to either a woman or maybe a transgender. We don't do enough for them. I can see that you've already done so much with showing respect. There are more important things than stupid harrassment crap to worry about.TRUE, but please be kind to ALL VETS HR works to make sure tbe company is protected. I've never said otherwise. You are an idiot if you think they will take your side.Dude, check your spelling before you go there.(marked in blue) They exist to protect management...and not just for sexual harassment but other forms of bullshit. That's a given. Also females need to have thicker skin.That and a bigger set of balls, so they can spank that butt back...Yeah, but then THEY get fired at that point, don't they. Stop being overly sensitive.I'm proud to be sensitive where it counts, like working with kids for instance, but I do practice martial arts and have taken some strong hits. Wait!... Did I say I was male or female? If you dont like it then leave.Meh...I actually like spirited debates. We're not doing enough of that. There's too much bullying and yelling. Its just a joke.OK. Take it with a grain of salt.That's a great attitude, but I'm having a hard time picturing you being able to do that. Have fun I actually just did;).

That's fine. You obviously did something wrong.

You’re the typical rich princess. Immature to the point if being childish. Didn’t your daddy teach you that you don’t crap where you eat?
You love the attention and want to give him a poke. What are you doing on here Asking a ridiculous question except to get attention. Pathetic little s?@t.

I have a diliema, my manager who's single and quite handsome constantly comes on to me in a suttle way. A few times I was physically touched. I'm flattered, and in a way I like it. I dress conservatively and never initiated the abuse. Last night he actually texted me. It was of a vulgar sexuality laced theme. I don't want to
Inform Human Resources and I won't sue or litigate. I dont need money, as I have a large trust fund and really don't even need to work.

We must be desperate hiring idiots like you.
Its people like you that are bringing this company down.

I have a diliema, my manager who's single and quite handsome constantly comes on to me in a suttle way. A few times I was physically touched. I'm flattered, and in a way I like it. I dress conservatively and never initiated the abuse. Last night he actually texted me. It was of a vulgar sexuality laced theme. I don't want to
Inform Human Resources and I won't sue or litigate. I dont need money, as I have a large trust fund and really don't even need to work.
I'm all for fake posts, but please check your spelling before submission...Thanks and have a nice day!

Stop screaming I AM IGNORANT! Many victims of this crime, and more likely than not (as we see happened at many media companies and politics etc), HR FAILED THE FEW BRAVE WOMEN or MEN who came forward for help or justice. In worst cases they likely regretted coming forward because they paid the penalty that belonged to the harasser/abuser in the form of retaliation, humiliation and condemnation. And don’t kid yourself the laws in America are NOT supportive of victim, no big easy financial windfall even if victim up for the fight (now we know why the laws stink for victims....the lawmakers are guilty themselves). What is Merck’s HR record in these cases? We can only hope it used vast resources to support the victims, rather than victimize her (or him) all over again because she screamed for justice and protection of future victims....
If you are looking for justice you came to the wrong place. Laws are supportive to victims. There aren't any. Don't put yourself in those positions. Many people get yes and no mixed up. Maybe these "victims" were not clear. Maybe the victims sent mixed signals. I think they need to look into the mirror and ask what they did wrong. There are two sides to every story. They should go to jail if it can't be proven.

The man, the myth, the legend. He really knows how to grab any woman and lead. With one finger no less. It goes to show how little people think of this harassment stuff. Our commander and chief.
I’ve seen it happen 1 million times. I had a friend that got really really hungry and she ate her sister and I haven’t seen her sister since, but I’m afraid to come around because I know she’s part giant and she is still very hungry. She’s was a vaccines rep at Wyeth. Now she works for J&J selling in neurosurgery. She’s still hungry!!

I’ve seen it happen 1 million times. I had a friend that got really really hungry and she ate her sister and I haven’t seen her sister since, but I’m afraid to come around because I know she’s part giant and she is still very hungry. She’s was a vaccines rep at Wyeth. Now she works for J&J selling in neurosurgery. She’s still hungry!!
I had an ex who tried to approach me. I saw her and was like get away. Totally ignored her. She seemed angry but how was I to know what her intentions are in this day and age. I was afraid also.

If you are looking for justice you came to the wrong place. Laws are supportive to victims. There aren't any. Don't put yourself in those positions. Many people get yes and no mixed up. Maybe these "victims" were not clear. Maybe the victims sent mixed signals. I think they need to look into the mirror and ask what they did wrong. There are two sides to every story. They should go to jail if it can't be proven.
First off, they say they want to be promoted until they get the job. What is this, I have to work harder. Then they don't work and complain. It's better you makes excuses, play the victim card, and feel sorry. Everyone is against you. You're great, we suck. You're right, we are wrong. Happy now.

First off, they say they want to be promoted until they get the job. What is this, I have to work harder. Then they don't work and complain. It's better you makes excuses, play the victim card, and feel sorry. Everyone is against you. You're great, we suck. You're right, we are wrong. Happy now.
This is why females feel better in relationships with other females. Poor hubby.

I have a diliema, my manager who's single and quite handsome constantly comes on to me in a suttle way. A few times I was physically touched. I'm flattered, and in a way I like it. I dress conservatively and never initiated the abuse. Last night he actually texted me. It was of a vulgar sexuality laced theme. I don't want to
Inform Human Resources and I won't sue or litigate. I dont need money, as I have a large trust fund and really don't even need to work.
I think you need to hug it out with him. He is handsome.

Cry me a river. This is a load of sh!t. All of these accusations have no merit. This whole "I was harassed" is nothing more than people wanting to make money but destroying a person with lies. It's such a joke. If anything it's a victimless crime. The only true victim are the people who gets fired from the false accusations.
I would fully support these accusations if someone said this happened yesterday or last week. It's something happened 15 years ago. The another would pile on and say "me too" 20 years ago. Why talk about it now? If it was really a big deal those accusations would have came out after it happened.

This is about something was consensual, both parties benefit from what happened. Then many years later when the person is no longer desirable, they make some bullish!t lie to get something.
There are no victims and the person who is at fault is the accuser. These things don't even make it to court. No one is in jail. No one really cares. The best you can do is shut your mouth and move on. Don't play the victim card. Also don't ask for it.
Put a sock on it, Merck HR/Legal. We all know right now there is a large class action gender discrimination case against mother Merck that is working its way through the courts. The fact is-- anytime a female (or male) made sexual harassment complaints, Merck compliance department went to work digging up dirt of that employee. Followed them around- etc. And maybe six months later, they instruct the manager to Start writing documenting things in field contacts etc to justify the termination that will happen. The manager does it becaus he knows he will be fired if he doesn't tow the corporate line. We all know that is what happens and that is why people don't say anything right away-- maybe they wait 15 years because they they had a family to support. Anyone out there--- it's NOT too late to make a complaint, even if you are
Being laid off. Corporate America is deathly afraid that the veil will be lifted on them just as it was in Hollywood-- which is why the loser wrote the above cafe pharma post- and/or he/she is e harrasser and they are blaming their victims. At least man up and own what you did...

The Women are worse harassers than men. I know a female RM fired for antics at the NSM with a young naive rep. Too many witnessed her lewd behavior and documented in cell video. I think the rep
settled out of court for $750,000 and moved on.

Put a sock on it, Merck HR/Legal. We all know right now there is a large class action gender discrimination case against mother Merck that is working its way through the courts. The fact is-- anytime a female (or male) made sexual harassment complaints, Merck compliance department went to work digging up dirt of that employee. Followed them around- etc. And maybe six months later, they instruct the manager to Start writing documenting things in field contacts etc to justify the termination that will happen. The manager does it becaus he knows he will be fired if he doesn't tow the corporate line. We all know that is what happens and that is why people don't say anything right away-- maybe they wait 15 years because they they had a family to support. Anyone out there--- it's NOT too late to make a complaint, even if you are
Being laid off. Corporate America is deathly afraid that the veil will be lifted on them just as it was in Hollywood-- which is why the loser wrote the above cafe pharma post- and/or he/she is e harrasser and they are blaming their victims. At least man up and own what you did...
It's almost impossible to prove. In most cases there is no merit. Naturally HR never send out people to target and dig up dirt. It's called a discovery process. Maybe the victim has a drinking problem, angry that a relationship did not go well, was the aggressor, maybe nothing happened. You do understand insurance pays out, not the company. Also even if the company did pay out, that would cause others to be terminated. Don't you care about your fellow workers? It seems by reporting questionable behavior that may or may not has happened is wrong. It makes you look greedy and selfish. You should search inside yourself and look at all the damage you are causing innocent people.

They go though the courts and nothing becomes of them. Corporate America has the great lawyers. You get the ambulance chasers. It better to get over what you have done and move on. You will sleep better at night.