The New Reality of (what's left of) Merck Employees

Cry me a river. This is a load of sh!t. All of these accusations have no merit. This whole "I was harassed" is nothing more than people wanting to make money but destroying a person with lies. It's such a joke. If anything it's a victimless crime. The only true victim are the people who gets fired from the false accusations.
I would fully support these accusations if someone said this happened yesterday or last week. It's something happened 15 years ago. The another would pile on and say "me too" 20 years ago. Why talk about it now? If it was really a big deal those accusations would have came out after it happened.

This is about something was consensual, both parties benefit from what happened. Then many years later when the person is no longer desirable, they make some bullish!t lie to get something.
There are no victims and the person who is at fault is the accuser. These things don't even make it to court. No one is in jail. No one really cares. The best you can do is shut your mouth and move on. Don't play the victim card. Also don't ask for it.

What about the pathetic dogshit reps who married ctl's, couldn't find a guy in the real world. If a female Merck rep is harassed by her ctl husband can she sue?

What about the pathetic dogshit reps who married ctl's, couldn't find a guy in the real world. If a female Merck rep is harassed by her ctl husband can she sue?
No, if you are over 40 be happy you are not being ignored. Leave the poor guy alone. Stop sending mixed signals. Harassment did not happen. Learn from your mistakes.

I agree. The way the economy is going just save money and full steam ahead. Merck, like all companies don't have a long term plan. Any bump in the road they start cutting people. It's faster and coming up with a solid plan is too much work. It's a quarter by quarter game. It's not in the "stockholders" interest. That is total BS. It is such a way of life that when a company states it's laying people off the stock goes up. 30 years ago when a company stated layoffs the stock would go down. It would mean that the company is parting ways with it's most valuable assets (people) and contract. With that written here are a few predictions.
1. Even though the unemployment rate is low, salaries are not going up. That is extremely dangerous. If the economy is good, salaries would be going up. Merck does not give good raises and I have never seen them match the other company salaries when you leave. 20 years ago SP gave bigger raises and people stayed.
2. The stock market will crash late 2017/early 2018. Could be the worse in my lifetime (55 years) That will lead to a hopefully minor recession. If the feds continue to raise rate it will get worse.
3. China will not bail us out like in 2008. They had a good amount of money saved up and poured trillions of dollars into the US system. That is why mortgage rates went so low. China has debt of it's own now.
4. When the stock market crashes it will pull down the pension systems. That pension money is invested in the stock market. Bad things will happen. States will have to cut just about every service.
5. People have not fully recovered from the last recession. Kids are graduating college with 100k in student loans. If the interest rates go higher it will be harder for them to pay back. Now they go home and live with their parents.
6. Right now 60% of adult have less than 1,000 dollars in savings. 15% have 1,000 to 10,000k saved up and 14% have above 10,000k. During the 1970's the savings rates were 10 times higher.

Just full stream ahead, diversify assets, and save. Slowly build a emergency fund. How much money should you have is up to debate.

Spot on! Also on the horizon: As Baby Boomer retirements increase, this will hurt stock market as they go more conservative with bonds, etc.

Cry me a river. This is a load of sh!t. All of these accusations have no merit. This whole "I was harassed" is nothing more than people wanting to make money but destroying a person with lies. It's such a joke. If anything it's a victimless crime. The only true victim are the people who gets fired from the false accusations.
I would fully support these accusations if someone said this happened yesterday or last week. It's something happened 15 years ago. The another would pile on and say "me too" 20 years ago. Why talk about it now? If it was really a big deal those accusations would have came out after it happened.

This is about something was consensual, both parties benefit from what happened. Then many years later when the person is no longer desirable, they make some bullish!t lie to get something.
There are no victims and the person who is at fault is the accuser. These things don't even make it to court. No one is in jail. No one really cares. The best you can do is shut your mouth and move on. Don't play the victim card. Also don't ask for it.
Stop screaming I AM IGNORANT! Many victims of this crime, and more likely than not (as we see happened at many media companies and politics etc), HR FAILED THE FEW BRAVE WOMEN or MEN who came forward for help or justice. In worst cases they likely regretted coming forward because they paid the penalty that belonged to the harasser/abuser in the form of retaliation, humiliation and condemnation. And don’t kid yourself the laws in America are NOT supportive of victim, no big easy financial windfall even if victim up for the fight (now we know why the laws stink for victims....the lawmakers are guilty themselves). What is Merck’s HR record in these cases? We can only hope it used vast resources to support the victims, rather than victimize her (or him) all over again because she screamed for justice and protection of future victims....

Stop screaming I AM IGNORANT! Many victims of this crime, and more likely than not (as we see happened at many media companies and politics etc), HR FAILED THE FEW BRAVE WOMEN or MEN who came forward for help or justice. In worst cases they likely regretted coming forward because they paid the penalty that belonged to the harasser/abuser in the form of retaliation, humiliation and condemnation. And don’t kid yourself the laws in America are NOT supportive of victim, no big easy financial windfall even if victim up for the fight (now we know why the laws stink for victims....the lawmakers are guilty themselves). What is Merck’s HR record in these cases? We can only hope it used vast resources to support the victims, rather than victimize her (or him) all over again because she screamed for justice and protection of future victims....

I have a diliema, my manager who's single and quite handsome constantly comes on to me in a suttle way. A few times I was physically touched. I'm flattered, and in a way I like it. I dress conservatively and never initiated the abuse. Last night he actually texted me. It was of a vulgar sexuality laced theme. I don't want to
Inform Human Resources and I won't sue or litigate. I dont need money, as I have a large trust fund and really don't even need to work.

I have a diliema, my manager who's single and quite handsome constantly comes on to me in a suttle way. A few times I was physically touched. I'm flattered, and in a way I like it. I dress conservatively and never initiated the abuse. Last night he actually texted me. It was of a vulgar sexuality laced theme. I don't want to
Inform Human Resources and I won't sue or litigate. I dont need money, as I have a large trust fund and really don't even need to work.
Your mocking is pathetic....boy, little man. Be careful as the universe has a way such that the co sequence of your mockery may be visited upon the women you value in life (if that’s possible for you to respect women, as you mock women who are victims of little men like you )

I have a diliema, my manager who's single and quite handsome constantly comes on to me in a suttle way. A few times I was physically touched. I'm flattered, and in a way I like it. I dress conservatively and never initiated the abuse. Last night he actually texted me. It was of a vulgar sexuality laced theme. I don't want to
Inform Human Resources and I won't sue or litigate. I dont need money, as I have a large trust fund and really don't even need to work.
What are you doing wrong?

I have a diliema, my manager who's single and quite handsome constantly comes on to me in a suttle way. A few times I was physically touched. I'm flattered, and in a way I like it. I dress conservatively and never initiated the abuse. Last night he actually texted me. It was of a vulgar sexuality laced theme. I don't want to
Inform Human Resources and I won't sue or litigate. I dont need money, as I have a large trust fund and really don't even need to work.

Go for it honey !!! Date him then Marry him. Have six kids and be a stay at home mother.
The rewards are gratifying.

Your mocking is pathetic....boy, little man. Be careful as the universe has a way such that the co sequence of your mockery may be visited upon the women you value in life (if that’s possible for you to respect women, as you mock women who are victims of little men like you )
Guilt trip? I am not your husband (if you have one). If so i feel bad for that poor SOB. Now go do something else.

Stop screaming I AM IGNORANT! Many victims of this crime, and more likely than not (as we see happened at many media companies and politics etc), HR FAILED THE FEW BRAVE WOMEN or MEN who came forward for help or justice. In worst cases they likely regretted coming forward because they paid the penalty that belonged to the harasser/abuser in the form of retaliation, humiliation and condemnation. And don’t kid yourself the laws in America are NOT supportive of victim, no big easy financial windfall even if victim up for the fight (now we know why the laws stink for victims....the lawmakers are guilty themselves). What is Merck’s HR record in these cases? We can only hope it used vast resources to support the victims, rather than victimize her (or him) all over again because she screamed for justice and protection of future victims....

Stop screaming I AM IGNORANT! Many victims of this crime, and more likely than not (as we see happened at many media companies and politics etc), HR FAILED THE FEW BRAVE WOMEN or MEN who came forward for help or justice. In worst cases they likely regretted coming forward because they paid the penalty that belonged to the harasser/abuser in the form of retaliation, humiliation and condemnation. And don’t kid yourself the laws in America are NOT supportive of victim, no big easy financial windfall even if victim up for the fight (now we know why the laws stink for victims....the lawmakers are guilty themselves). What is Merck’s HR record in these cases? We can only hope it used vast resources to support the victims, rather than victimize her (or him) all over again because she screamed for justice and protection of future victims....
There is no crime. No victims. You are as thick as a brick.

What jail are they in? How much was their bail? They are all worth north of 100 million dollars. They will all get more money because of this. How many politicians resigned? That senator is still ahead in Alabama. The media has to do this because of the way they treated Trump. Who really care what they did. Who really knows what they did if anything.

That’s what men with names like Matt, Harvey, Al used to say....

Those and others named are ruined and some will rightfully rot in jail. Their enablers are shamed as well. A long awaited new day has arrived. Hey troll, quit trying to redirect a serious topic. Where unrestrained power (morally and procedurally) exists, too often man’s fallen nature rears its ugly face (or ugly other body parts). How much of that power was used to abuse in corporate America like in media and govt?

Those and others named are ruined and some will rightfully rot in jail. Their enablers are shamed as well. A long awaited new day has arrived. Hey troll, quit trying to redirect a serious topic. Where unrestrained power (morally and procedurally) exists, too often man’s fallen nature rears its ugly face (or ugly other body parts). How much of that power was used to abuse in corporate America like in media and govt?
Do you think they care what you think? This will pass. I agree that it's a victimless crime. Things are worse in other parts of the world. Be thankful you live here. That long awaited day will be a flash in the pan. It won't be news in a month. It demonstrates how stupid you are.

I have a diliema, my manager who's single and quite handsome constantly comes on to me in a suttle way. A few times I was physically touched. I'm flattered, and in a way I like it. I dress conservatively and never initiated the abuse. Last night he actually texted me. It was of a vulgar sexuality laced theme. I don't want to
Inform Human Resources and I won't sue or litigate. I dont need money, as I have a large trust fund and really don't even need to work.
That's fine. You obviously did something wrong.

Do you think they care what you think? This will pass. I agree that it's a victimless crime. Things are worse in other parts of the world. Be thankful you live here. That long awaited day will be a flash in the pan. It won't be news in a month. It demonstrates how stupid you are.
Flash? I think not. even Pelisi (Nancy) says Conyers gotta go..,Harvey out of every Hollywood association in existence, Matt...well, he is meeting with criminal lawyers and will NEVER anchor show again. That list of congressman who used taxpayers funds to settle harassment and discrimination cases? That list is coming out, and you can bet they NEVER thoUght the fund existence, much less who used it would come out. your defense of this bad behavior demonstrates your depravity. And the salt on the wounds of EVERY VICTIM is the protective circle that wrapped around loser predators in the form of enabling HR and legal departments, whether corporate media or govt, AND the mindset of persons like you, as you sadly have the mindset that objectifies people in order to excuse abuse (victimless?????) with an elitist arrogant psyche that ultimately leads Straight to hell. Blessings to all the victims in whatever sector they were humiliated and scarred (again, often repeatedly by the cowardly enablers). And hey men...,you should be pissed off at these predators who are damaging the women you love or seek to genuinely love. This false idea of real manhood needs to be destroyed. AND the responsibility we have for the privilege of living in America is to strive for the BEST America we can be.,.,and that means pulling out all the weeds, and throwing in the trash for their foulness, HArvey, Matt, and whoever you are.