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The culture at Novo Nordisk


Im not an employee but working at Novo Nordisk has always fascinated me to the point that Im actually interested. Ive sent in my resume a few times via reps in my territory whom I know. I have yet to hear. Anyways, I notice that a typical Novo Nordisk rep is either a beautiful woman or a handsome man. Also they all seem to dress rather more sharply vs the typical rep. Oh and the company cars...Volvos, BMWs, and Mercedes Benzes...wow. Sign me up. Then Novo Nordisk reps are also typically bi-lingual (trilingual is better). Seems the typical Novo Nordisk rep will give the Pope a run for his money as far as the number of fluent languages spoken and written. And is it true that an applicant has to have had a GPA of no less than 1.15 to even be considered? So...what exactly is the culture here?


Im not an employee but working at Novo Nordisk has always fascinated me to the point that Im actually interested. Ive sent in my resume a few times via reps in my territory whom I know. I have yet to hear. Anyways, I notice that a typical Novo Nordisk rep is either a beautiful woman or a handsome man. Also they all seem to dress rather more sharply vs the typical rep. Oh and the company cars...Volvos, BMWs, and Mercedes Benzes...wow. Sign me up. Then Novo Nordisk reps are also typically bi-lingual (trilingual is better). Seems the typical Novo Nordisk rep will give the Pope a run for his money as far as the number of fluent languages spoken and written. And is it true that an applicant has to have had a GPA of no less than 1.15 to even be considered? So...what exactly is the culture here?

Well, lemme see...

I know a Novo Rep that says their territory is "shitty", they hate their DBM, and also says their Pod mates are telling the DBM that they do all the work while all the other Pod mates dont do anything. This Rep also says that the entire Pod complained about the DBM to HR, and that there's going to a big meeting with HR to discuss what's wrong with the DBM.

This Rep toldme they've been interviewing with other companys, and if they get a job elsewhere, then they'll probably "double-dip" for a while." Last POA in Vegas, the Rep said they were "descended upon" by Rep's that used to work for the DBM the Rep I know is currently battling with, and was told by those Reps to "Watch your back, that guy is nuts and pure trouble".

As for going to Denmark, my Rep freind says they arent interested in going, and hopefully they'll be "long gone from Novo by the time August rolls around".

Other than that, things are just hunky dory!

Im not an employee but working at Novo Nordisk has always fascinated me to the point that Im actually interested. Ive sent in my resume a few times via reps in my territory whom I know. I have yet to hear. Anyways, I notice that a typical Novo Nordisk rep is either a beautiful woman or a handsome man. Also they all seem to dress rather more sharply vs the typical rep. Oh and the company cars...Volvos, BMWs, and Mercedes Benzes...wow. Sign me up. Then Novo Nordisk reps are also typically bi-lingual (trilingual is better). Seems the typical Novo Nordisk rep will give the Pope a run for his money as far as the number of fluent languages spoken and written. And is it true that an applicant has to have had a GPA of no less than 1.15 to even be considered? So...what exactly is the culture here?

It seems to me that you've gotten yourself kind of a superficial look at Novo, and that you want to "peel back the onion" and get a look "under the covers". Well, you've certainly come to the right place for THAT!

A "beautiful woman"? Well, we do have a few "Lookers", but then we got a a few "Hookers" too. So I'd say we got "The Lookers and The Hookers". Got some MILF's too. As for the handsome men, I'll leave that up to the ladies here at Novo.

Volvo's, Beemer's and Mercedes??? Hold yer horses there Son! Aint any Rep I know drivin' a Beemer or a Benz. A Ford Taurus? Yes, we do drive those. And I suppose it wont hurt ya to know a little Es-pan-yol either.

How's that for culture?

The culture is a a pharmaceutical company with a sales force of pharmaceutical reps who have been brainwashed to think they are above everyone in the industry. Strangest thing you'll ever see.

The culture is a a pharmaceutical company with a sales force of pharmaceutical reps who have been brainwashed to think they are above everyone in the industry. Strangest thing you'll ever see.

Every top 5 pharma company rep and manager has been brainwashed to believe that their company's people are the best. And since the majority of our RBD and HQ types came from the Big 5, I can see how that attitude just came with them.

Kinda like "Company X USED to be the most highly regarded in the industry, bar none. And once I noticed a downturn in quality, I left for a 25% salary increase and superior company in Novo Nordisk ". Yadda yadda, I hear it at almost every meeting during breaks and over drinks.

Every top 5 pharma company rep and manager has been brainwashed to believe that their company's people are the best. And since the majority of our RBD and HQ types came from the Big 5, I can see how that attitude just came with them.

Kinda like "Company X USED to be the most highly regarded in the industry, bar none. And once I noticed a downturn in quality, I left for a 25% salary increase and superior company in Novo Nordisk ". Yadda yadda, I hear it at almost every meeting during breaks and over drinks.

Novo isn't even a top 20 pharmaceutical company

Every top 5 pharma company rep and manager has been brainwashed to believe that their company's people are the best. And since the majority of our RBD and HQ types came from the Big 5, I can see how that attitude just came with them.

Kinda like "Company X USED to be the most highly regarded in the industry, bar none. And once I noticed a downturn in quality, I left for a 25% salary increase and superior company in Novo Nordisk ". Yadda yadda, I hear it at almost every meeting during breaks and over drinks.

Good observation, but it's not limited to just Novo/Pharma. It happens in every industry.

All that type of person is doing, is allowing the over inflated ego portion of their pesonality to come to the fore. People with huge ego's will carry it with them everywhere they go.