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Is Novo Nordisk culture similar to Uber

it doesn't matter if it's the US or not. If there is sexual harassment then it should be taken seriously wherever it is. Novo is a global company and what happens in one country affects us all.

it doesn't matter if it's the US or not. If there is sexual harassment then it should be taken seriously wherever it is. Novo is a global company and what happens in one country affects us all.

Really? How are you being affected by this? If you didn't read CP, then you wouldn't even know that it was (allegedly) happening. Quit dramatizing this issue.

Really? How are you being affected by this? If you didn't read CP, then you wouldn't even know that it was (allegedly) happening. Quit dramatizing this issue.
Dear friend - I am affected since it's happening at will by Unit head & HR head themselves. Guaranteed that relevant people are reading CP. Public exposure is the only way out for these bastards!!

Arrogance & Novo are synonymous. Protection of our CVP arrogant behavior by Danes will now pay the price. Patients could be fooled but not us genX employees. We will fight fire with fire to get our deserved justice & integrity. Sexual harasser CVP will be jailed.
Get on with life guys. CVP is an oldie & will go on pension soon, so Novo will protect him. Only way out is file a lawsuit & drag em all to court. Only then will Novo realise. By the way, the CVP is a non-dane right? Get him

it doesn't matter if it's the US or not. If there is sexual harassment then it should be taken seriously wherever it is. Novo is a global company and what happens in one country affects us all.
Yup, NN shouldn't take sexual harassment lightly. Anybody, in any part of NN world, should be punished & thrown out, NO matter who is it! We've a ton of issues to handle & NN CEO shouldn't be addressing public on another unwarranted, yet complicated issue.

They will take it lightly as long as there is no legal ramifications and no negative publicity. NN needs media attention in order for management to take the suffering of female employees seriously. You need to keep pursuing that until they their top management is publicly questioned

Why don't you just expose them here?why protect them. List the names. This will be the start of exposing them. People do read CO at all levels as does some in the press for leads. Many want to see Novo go down and it very well may. List the bastards here so all can see. Why protect them, no one is protecting you.

It's the final count down!! The countdown of naming the culprits has begun Novo. Soon, you will see name & initial of Facilitator, Corp Investigator, Dk HR partner, our HR head, great CVP & his manager. Maybe some sample complain no's for world to see the hypocrisy of Novo. Coming soon .... Stay tuned
Dear colleagues of Novo - Naming ceremony now begins ..... for >1 year Corp Investigator talking with us is VINITHA MATHEW (VEM). She's aware of all ill-treatments, abuses & sexual harassment made to female employees by CVP. She's talked 15-20 times to us, promises action everytime but nothing happens always. Await further names Novo ....

Dear colleagues of Novo - Naming ceremony now begins ..... for >1 year Corp Investigator talking with us is VINITHA MATHEW (VEM). She's aware of all ill-treatments, abuses & sexual harassment made to female employees by CVP. She's talked 15-20 times to us, promises action everytime but nothing happens always. Await further names Novo ....

She was the one who handled my case and shut it down. She is one piece of s... I will tell you this: She is on my lawyer's hit list

Dear colleagues of Novo - Naming ceremony now begins ..... for >1 year Corp Investigator talking with us is VINITHA MATHEW (VEM). She's aware of all ill-treatments, abuses & sexual harassment made to female employees by CVP. She's talked 15-20 times to us, promises action everytime but nothing happens always. Await further names Novo ....
Can relate to this continuous harassment & love to bring 1 Sr Facilitator name - Salvador Gonzalez Botella, famously SAGO. Did a great job in a NNWay case & then faded badly in this harassment case. Must be pressure from harasser's boss in DK....

Can relate to this continuous harassment & love to bring 1 Sr Facilitator name - Salvador Gonzalez Botella, famously SAGO. Did a great job in a NNWay case & then faded badly in this harassment case. Must be pressure from harasser's boss in DK....
Fuckin CVP was "showcasing" decent behavior for 5-6 months until this idiot came for repeat facilitation - MOGENS THORSAGER JENSEN (MTJ). Closed all cases on our CVP with no logic. Put pressure on good people like SAGO not to listen to us. Influenced wrong decisions by our CVP's boss and showed off his power in a wrong sense. He will also be in our court's soon!!

What's up with these names here? Why are you not spilling all the beans at 1shot?? Put'em all at once so we know the group of fuckin crooks of Novo. Be bold!
Take it easy my friend. These are all side actors in the mega harassment movie. Main actor will be straight on headlines. Hero Harasser (CVP) & Best Supporting Harasser (HR head) will make it to the top soon

Cant wait for that day. Justice will be served. Sexual harassment seems to be taken casually in Denmark. Maybe it's a free for all culture where it is ok to touch and abuse females.