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Is Novo Nordisk culture similar to Uber

Novo guys are kidding. Compliance hotline is only to protect Sr mgmt & not suffering employees. Many issues like NN way abuse, Mgmt misconduct, retaliations have been reported by my harassed colleagues. First they promised investigation & then all complains are closed with a standard response - "Thank you for coming forward with your concern. We performed an investigation into the related matter, and, to the extent deemed necessary, appropriate action has been taken. We now consider this matter closed. If you have additional information or would like to raise new concerns which haven't been reported earlier, please feel free to contact us again." True story of NN Compliance hotline!!

Former Novo. I had a good experience personally, but left due to a new opportunity. Never trust these hotlines. In any organization, they are there to minimize risk. Period. NN pays legal as well as HR. That is who they answer to. Never forget that. If you need help, do it with a law firm outside of the company-a general rule of thumb. Reading the headlines, for the first time in a long time NN seems to be under some financial pressure, so they will circle the wagons and the organization will protect itself over employees to even a greater extent.

I am sure there are a lot of Susan Flowers in Novo. I hope their voices are heard and action taken so Novo doesn't go the Uber way where our CEO has to come in front of the media to apologise
Five Lessons Companies Should Learn From Uber About Sexual Harassment:
1. CEOs must demand to see and own accountability for the creation and implementation of a women’s leadership strategy. A key point in all of this is to have an active robust women’s leadership resource group and use group as a sounding board for employee concerns and issues.
2. every company needs access to an outside third party Ombuds for employees to go to when HR fails to do its job. An external Ombuds provide an alternate channel for confidential, neutral, and informal dispute resolution services for an organization. What is still undetermined is who influenced HR to cover this up. HR alone did not make this decision. Someone, somewhere decided to protect this individual.
3. your company, and its leaders are open to every blog, from every employee that works for it, or used to work for it. Sexual harassment is real in the workplace and the EEOC reports that 70% of incidents never get reported. Leaders need to hold their managers accountable before issues arise and well before someone posts a blog about it.
4. board members need to dial-up their pressure of holding the CEO accountable for people measures and metrics. Sadly most boards today serve the CEO and are considered the epitome of the good old boys club. How many board members are asking tough questions about the progress and advancement of women in the organization? This can’t merely fall on the few female board members, it must be asked by senior male board leaders as well
5. in an industry that was already put on notice for bad practices, weak representation numbers and is seen as being slow to address these workplaces issues, the Uber situation is a cautionary tale for new and established organizations. Your company culture and policies matter. Your talent will talk and walk. What does your industry look like? How are you leading in the effort to promote women and minorities?

Today the bull’s-eye falls on Uber and Silicon Valley but tomorrow it may be our company.

We are not just talking about bad managers. Even sexual harassment is not taken seriously by hr or legal. How different is it from Uber....really....think about it
Guys, the truth is sexual harassment is still very real in the workplace today and women are afraid of retaliation. In this age of social media, companies must make a real commitment and not just give lip service to this issue. It is better to resolve it quickly and thoroughly today rather than read a blog about it tomorrow. Makes sense??

Former Novo. I had a good experience personally, but left due to a new opportunity. Never trust these hotlines. In any organization, they are there to minimize risk. Period. NN pays legal as well as HR. That is who they answer to. Never forget that. If you need help, do it with a law firm outside of the company-a general rule of thumb. Reading the headlines, for the first time in a long time NN seems to be under some financial pressure, so they will circle the wagons and the organization will protect itself over employees to even a greater extent.

It used to be good here too. Now we have the head of the unit who never followed NN way but for the past 2 years started even passing lewd remarks against female employees in the team. Despite complaints the organisation protects him like you mentioned. We have documented evidence of reporting this to the hotline to no avail. Even a law firm will result in a hush up by the company. We will expose the manager and the company here and in the media so that there is public awareness and also our CEO answers whether NN is a safe place for female employees and whether he as CEO and the company take sexual harassment seriously.

Novo guys are kidding. Compliance hotline is only to protect Sr mgmt & not suffering employees. Many issues like NN way abuse, Mgmt misconduct, retaliations have been reported by my harassed colleagues. First they promised investigation & then all complains are closed with a standard response - "Thank you for coming forward with your concern. We performed an investigation into the related matter, and, to the extent deemed necessary, appropriate action has been taken. We now consider this matter closed. If you have additional information or would like to raise new concerns which haven't been reported earlier, please feel free to contact us again." True story of NN Compliance hotline!!

What does the compliance hotline mean by 'appropriate action'?

It means nothing.Just a way of hotline trying to close the case and hush things up. A manager against whom so called appropriate action has been taken can be given a rating of high Exceeds Expectation. That's Novo Nordisk for you.

I am sure there are a lot of Susan Flowers in Novo. I hope their voices are heard and action taken so Novo doesn't go the Uber way where our CEO has to come in front of the media to apologise
We have many Susan Flowers in our unit here. The prime concern is retaliation & abuses by our Unit head & HR head. Both are assholes. We really like LFJ our CEO, is a simple & nice human being. He is role model for NN Way & this is stopping us from going public. Hope LFJ looks into Hotline complains & takes serious actions. Will be a pity if he has to apologize in public b'cos of few rotten apples (rather crooks) in NN.

It means nothing.Just a way of hotline trying to close the case and hush things up. A manager against whom so called appropriate action has been taken can be given a rating of high Exceeds Expectation. That's Novo Nordisk for you.
Dear NN colleague - realized the truth!! I think you're talking of an experienced CVP, who has spent 20+ years in NN. He has behaved inappropriately all his career. Last 2+ years has been unbearable, including lewd comments to females in the unit. HR is under him & can't do a shit. Instead HR head also behaving same like CVP now. Danes will protect these guys no matter what. Go take a walk in the park & come back to work, else find a new job. You surely know whom I am talking of??

Timing is everything. For all the humiliation, intimidation and retaliation we women have suffered there is no question of protecting him. We female employees are in this together. Employees still in the department, employees who are still with the company but moved to other departments and ex employees. We will not only expose him but also the people who have backed him. His sexual harassment against women will not go unpunished. That's a promise.

Dear NN colleague - realized the truth!! I think you're talking of an experienced CVP, who has spent 20+ years in NN. He has behaved inappropriately all his career. Last 2+ years has been unbearable, including lewd comments to females in the unit. HR is under him & can't do a shit. Instead HR head also behaving same like CVP now. Danes will protect these guys no matter what. Go take a walk in the park & come back to work, else find a new job. You surely know whom I am talking of??

Wasn't this guy in operations? He also spent a short while in Denmark. He is an asshole for sure. Didn't know he has added sexual harassment to his other screwed up behavioural characteristics.

Dear NN colleague - realized the truth!! I think you're talking of an experienced CVP, who has spent 20+ years in NN. He has behaved inappropriately all his career. Last 2+ years has been unbearable, including lewd comments to females in the unit. HR is under him & can't do a shit. Instead HR head also behaving same like CVP now. Danes will protect these guys no matter what. Go take a walk in the park & come back to work, else find a new job. You surely know whom I am talking of??
Think even I know the "great" person you're telling here. He has spent a lot of time in Operations & behaved like "super power" all his life. Has threatened & abused many in NN. Always misbehaved with female secretaries & treated them like "shit". Old age has made him turn to sexual abuses & harassment definitely. He wil be protected for sure, that is NN Way of payback!! Expose him in all social media, he deserves that. Many employees, ex present & future, will be a thrilled lot. I can line up many many "Susan Flowers" to court if he is exposed. God save his family & friends (if any) the day he is named. Can't wait for that day to celebrate!!

Relax. For The way he has sexually harassed us and humiliated us we will expose his name in public. The company is incapable and is also promoting sexually abusive behaviour by manager. They don't even take physical molestation seriously.The least we can do is to bring to the attention of the old mans family and friends how he treats women. His manager and the company doesn't care. So be it.

Relax. For The way he has sexually harassed us and humiliated us we will expose his name in public. The company is incapable and is also promoting sexually abusive behaviour by manager. They don't even take physical molestation seriously.The least we can do is to bring to the attention of the old mans family and friends how he treats women. His manager and the company doesn't care. So be it.
An old timer from Novo & am quite shocked at the changes. Was a company known for high standards & ethics. Don't know why so bad now? Some of these oldies think they're indispensable & need a kick up thier ass!! Sexual harassment is a clear NO & Novo needs to act fast here. Don't allow such oldies to bring disrepute to a our global company. Weed out such sickies now!!

An old timer from Novo & am quite shocked at the changes. Was a company known for high standards & ethics. Don't know why so bad now? Some of these oldies think they're indispensable & need a kick up thier ass!! Sexual harassment is a clear NO & Novo needs to act fast here. Don't allow such oldies to bring disrepute to a our global company. Weed out such sickies now!!
#Respect old timers from NN. It's now a different company all in all. New NN:
- Free for all environment. Abuse NN Way, senior leaders, employees etc & get away with mild warning
- Farce compliance hotline seeking unproducable evidences
- Lousy senior facilitators churning unreliable reports
- Clueless corporate investigators doing fake investigations & making false promises to employees
- Senior CVP can harass, humiliate, abuse, threaten & retaliate with no fear
- HR head follows the lewder, develops to molest a female and is fully protected
- Danes watch the fun, get all work done at cheap cost, protect the above 'gentlemen' & rebuke hard worker's when given a chance

This is my great unit in the new NN for you, much worse than UBER in reality!!

It sounds horrible. I can't believe this is what NN has turned to. Guess success for last 10 years without any hard work has made the Danes lazy and arrogant. Hey the need to gouge somebody, they are used to it. Before it was the patients, now it seems their own employees.

Timing is everything. For all the humiliation, intimidation and retaliation we women have suffered there is no question of protecting him. We female employees are in this together. Employees still in the department, employees who are still with the company but moved to other departments and ex employees. We will not only expose him but also the people who have backed him. His sexual harassment against women will not go unpunished. That's a promise.
It's the final count down!! The countdown of naming the culprits has begun Novo. Soon, you will see name & initial of Facilitator, Corp Investigator, Dk HR partner, our HR head, great CVP & his manager. Maybe some sample complain no's for world to see the hypocrisy of Novo. Coming soon .... Stay tuned

It sounds horrible. I can't believe this is what NN has turned to. Guess success for last 10 years without any hard work has made the Danes lazy and arrogant. Hey the need to gouge somebody, they are used to it. Before it was the patients, now it seems their own employees.
Arrogance & Novo are synonymous. Protection of our CVP arrogant behavior by Danes will now pay the price. Patients could be fooled but not us genX employees. We will fight fire with fire to get our deserved justice & integrity. Sexual harasser CVP will be jailed.

Arrogance & Novo are synonymous. Protection of our CVP arrogant behavior by Danes will now pay the price. Patients could be fooled but not us genX employees. We will fight fire with fire to get our deserved justice & integrity. Sexual harasser CVP will be jailed.

Blah, blah, blah. Cry, cry, cry. This isn't even happening in the States. Maybe we can start a Novo Nordisk - Europe board.