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How is Novo Nordisk Culture?

I am another one that stays for the vacation time (and other benefits). Benefits are one of the key reasons people don’t leave. Some people work to accrue the benefits and not have to risk becoming vested again. There is no guarantee that you will be able to remain at the next company, they could lay off too and then you have to go start over again.

When you are looking at taking time off at your new company, good luck spreading those 2-3 weeks out. People have lives outside the job. The time off is more important than going to start over and not having work life balance. You are not seeing what motivates people other than yourself. Not everyone needs another 10-15k in their pocket. The vacation time is priceless...to be able to spend time with family and travel. Going to ride it out until they no longer need me!

Good to know that the most important aspect of your job is how often you aren’t actually doing your job. Just another sign of the dysfunctional sack of shit that your job is. Rather than stay at a job to maximize your time away, try working in a job that you enjoy.

Good to know that the most important aspect of your job is how often you aren’t actually doing your job. Just another sign of the dysfunctional sack of shit that your job is. Rather than stay at a job to maximize your time away, try working in a job that you enjoy.
I love my job, but if you can get paid time off and spend you life having work-life balance then why wouldn’t you. Sounds like you need a family you like to spend time with! You should leave and forfeit your July 4th week off too. I’m sure you will go ahead and work that week too you sack of shit.

I love my job, but if you can get paid time off and spend you life having work-life balance then why wouldn’t you. Sounds like you need a family you like to spend time with! You should leave and forfeit your July 4th week off too. I’m sure you will go ahead and work that week too you sack of shit.

I can tell you love your job. You’re staying there to maximize your time not doing it. That’s a great sign of someone who absolutely loves the day-to-day activities of their jobs.

And, every job offers vacation, which I take. The only difference is that the other weeks of the year, while I’m working, I also enjoy that. I am here for the job AND the benefits, not just the benefits. But, you’re too lazy and too scared to ever consider leaving NNI. Enjoy that vacation time!

Wow - I’ve got my final interview for a rep job next week and thought I’d read through this thread. I have to wonder if I’m not making a mistake coming to Novo. I’m in the north east and sounds like there’s a narcissist running the show... either all leaders are idiots or there is a bunch of really unhappy, miserable people working at this company.

Wow - I’ve got my final interview for a rep job next week and thought I’d read through this thread. I have to wonder if I’m not making a mistake coming to Novo. I’m in the north east and sounds like there’s a narcissist running the show... either all leaders are idiots or there is a bunch of really unhappy, miserable people working at this company.
at which company do you think that it's going to be any different?

I’ve worked at 2 other companies and yes, every company has it’s crap - but have to say that the intensity in some of these posts really make me wonder if I shouldn’t look elsewhere. Why do people stay if it’s gotten so bad??

I’ve worked at 2 other companies and yes, every company has it’s crap - but have to say that the intensity in some of these posts really make me wonder if I shouldn’t look elsewhere. Why do people stay if it’s gotten so bad??
If you have another job, do not come here. It used to be a great company but its a shit show and when they do their layoff again in October, you will be the first one to go because of tenure calibration. I wouldn’t, I just wouldn’t.

Culture....the 'culture' here is sliding down to one big BIG PHARMA worker bee colony. Now that Obesity has been combined with Diabetes, there is no more feeling/sense/culture of being a Specialty rep on the Obesity side. Everything is run by metrics, and God help you if you don't do your 2 Pharmacy virtual calls, several virtual HCP calls, several emails...every day. Check the fucking box over and over and over again. In the South, Vince treats us all like we're 20-somethings working our first job in Pharma. between Obesity connect, Yammer, committees, nonsense calls trying to foster a TEAM mentality. its a pandemic, it sucks, but we are adults. We'll figure it out and get thru this Vince and leadership team.

The golden handcuffs are real. I am extremely grateful for the wonderful benefits, not to mention the fact that we are getting paid during this time. But as someone who is supposed to be a Specialty rep = my job satisfaction is zero. I hate doing things to meet quota, especially when I know the impact is nominal, if anything. All I can hope for is my territory to be opened up soon, so I can actually feel like I'm doing something meaningful to earn a living.

Hi good buddy! Welcome to the club! Your going to fit right in! I’m an advisor for your training class! I can’t wait to spend copious amount of quality time together in training!! You’ll be shared a room with an other new higher. I’ll have a private room. Can’t wait to connect! You’ll fall in love hear!!
I’ve worked at 2 other companies and yes, every company has it’s crap - but have to say that the intensity in some of these posts really make me wonder if I shouldn’t look elsewhere. Why do people stay if it’s gotten so bad??

Wow - I’ve got my final interview for a rep job next week and thought I’d read through this thread. I have to wonder if I’m not making a mistake coming to Novo. I’m in the north east and sounds like there’s a narcissist running the show... either all leaders are idiots or there is a bunch of really unhappy, miserable people working at this company.
The weather is sending a signal... let the good lord help you, almighty sweet Jesus. In all seriousness, think twice.

Wow - I’ve got my final interview for a rep job next week and thought I’d read through this thread. I have to wonder if I’m not making a mistake coming to Novo. I’m in the north east and sounds like there’s a narcissist running the show... either all leaders are idiots or there is a bunch of really unhappy, miserable people working at this company.

If you want to join a culture of mediocrity and ass kissing with the likelihood of an annual layoff for random reasons, then this is your place. Oh yeah, we’ll change the IC model every POA as well, so your bonus is a crapshoot. As stated before, the people still here are either too vested or too scared to leave. As for me, I’ve already secured a new job with a start date next month. Looking forward to giving my 2 weeks notice!

What??!! You don’t like the TS swag we get almost every month? Culture is bought and paid for in the South. You just need to learn how to play the game. Of course, in between being told how we should do our jobs and learning how to cook. Yes, cook. Just ask Vince and Frank to share their recipes.

Is it weird that NNI has been trending on the cafepharma front page for about 6 months now. I have never observed a company being there that long. We lead in searches. Something to be proud of there boys and girls.

I’ve been here for 13 years and I can’t wait to get the hell out of here. The culture used to be wonderful. It’s now the worst it’s ever been. Think twice before you take a job here. Back in the day it was the best in the industry. Trips to Copenhagen, Levemir launch cruise etc. Now it’s the worst in the industry. Don’t come here if you have options elsewhere.

Is it weird that NNI has been trending on the cafepharma front page for about 6 months now. I have never observed a company being there that long. We lead in searches. Something to be proud of there boys and girls.
Actually more than a year! It’s not a top 10 pharma company but #1 in CP trend. Really something to be proud off. As bad as the Sanofi’s of the world.

Culture...?? ha.... it is toxic. Every day I wake up with the anxiety to meet these insane expectations in the middle of a pandemic, with goals that can't be met. It's as if Im in some nightmare that never ends. I truly wish I had been laid off and had some severance and time to find another gig. Yes, there will be those who offer their opinion that Im free to leave..but I have a family that is dependant on me. I cannot walk away from this nightmare, just yet...but boy Im trying

I’ve been here for 13 years and I can’t wait to get the hell out of here. The culture used to be wonderful. It’s now the worst it’s ever been. Think twice before you take a job here. Back in the day it was the best in the industry. Trips to Copenhagen, Levemir launch cruise etc. Now it’s the worst in the industry. Don’t come here if you have options elsewhere.

Makes me wonder if you really work here. The QE 2 trip was May of 2005 (16 years ago) and the Liberty of the Seas cruise was for the launch of Victoria. Thanks for playing.