Not the poster that you responded to, but I was let go in the "purge of 2012" and used my AZ severance to start my own business. You had better hope that your gravy train stays on the tracks because you have no fucking clue as to what it takes to survive in the real economy. I scratched and clawed, cut back on my family's lifestyle and spent countless sleepless nights worrying about the very real possibility of losing everything I'd worked my entire life to build.
After two years of busting my ass, my business turned the corner last year and is now providing a very nice profit and living for my family. I had the pleasure of working with many outstanding individuals in my 16 years with Zeneca/AstraZeneca. I also worked with more than my fair share of douchbags as well. You, my friend fall into the latter category. Selling? Your type could not sell a piece of pussy on a troop train if your life depended on it. Integrity? You thrive on lies, your job and very survival depends on it. But what do you care? As long as you can collect that nice paycheck for working 10 hours a week. But I have something that you'll never know. I sell myself, my business and my reputation every day of my life. And when someone hires me, I complete the job and they hand me a check, I take pride in the fact that I, me, myself, have built something truly outstanding out of my own blood, sweat and tears.
I do, however, have to work with my boss every day. Oh wait, my boss isn't some kool-aid drinking ass wipe DSM, stack ranking me and hammering me about my "metrics". I am my own boss. I control my reality, my future and the future of my family. The only metric I have to give a rat's ass about is the bottom line, and that bottom line looks real good!
Your inevitable response will be to call me a lying troll. Why else would I still be following CP? I'll tell you why. To remind me where I came from, to give some hope to some that still work for this shithole company that there is an alternative, but most of all to occasionally respond to shitheads like you. That, and the pure entertainment value. Priceless.