• Make it like cafepharma, but for different industries: over the years we’ve had suggestions for creating a site similar to cafepharma, but for different industries. Now there is a place. Check out CompanyUnderground for company forums in other industries. Don’t see a company? Request it here. Let your friends and family outside the pharma/medical sales space know they now have a safe, anonymous place to talk.


Nobody and I mean NOBODY ever works a full day. The only exception might be a newbie, but that only lasts a few weeks once they enter the herd and see all the slackers that they work with. Everyone lies about working a full day, but that fact is that nobody does. The managers keep the myth going with their partial ride alongs and BS evaluations. Its all a scam on the way to a bi-monthly paycheck. Closest thing to corporate welfare that you will ever see!

if they reduced sales reps and gave them accountability by having their own territory they would work. Having so many counterparts in a small territory leads to not caring about working a full day because your running into each other anyway! The model is broken enjoy it while it lasts.

Now is the time to enjoy the ALL DAY LIE! If you were part of the "Chosen Ones", i.e. diabetes, you would be feeling pretty good !

Anyone still here after this round of layoffs, just one bit of advice, start looking for another job now. Only do the minimum you need to do to stay until you find something else. This company does not care about you and it won't matter how many awards you have won or that you may have a few friends in high places. They will toss you out to save a dime and won't look back. Your boss won't protect you either because they will be busy campaigning to keep their own job. This has always been a place where the rats eat their young and it is never more apparent than during these massive layoffs. But you can't say you weren't warned.

Tommorrows call will tell you all how great you are! And how there will be more great products(???).
So go sell hard and we can stick it right up all you back sides...

It is so bad here and now those here are NOT the best! But you may be the dumbest Kiss Ass people around....

MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you.

Tommorrows call will tell you all how great you are! And how there will be more great products(???).
So go sell hard and we can stick it right up all you back sides...

It is so bad here and now those here are NOT the best! But you may be the dumbest Kiss Ass people around....

MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you.

Yep, you were right! The call was to say that diabetes is BULLET PROOF! I survived to continue the all day lie tradition here at AZ! Was there any doubt?

Yep, you were right! The call was to say that diabetes is BULLET PROOF! I survived to continue the all day lie tradition here at AZ! Was there any doubt?

Diabetes will once again face cuts in the next 6 months, along with respiratory. The Home Office has been cut to the bone. Pascal, and his cronies on the Board, are planning how best to line their own pockets. My guess is that 99% of us that are still here, are NOT looking to see what's out there! I can't believe how lazy we are! The ALL DAY LIE has turned us soft, fat and complacent.

Amen to that! Soft, fat and complacent is putting it mildly. How about the fact that this job drains your brain of any possible original thought. Think about it, when you work for AZ, its like working for the mind meld. They tell you what to think, what to say, and how to say it. They have to control everything. If you get a driving violation in your personal vehicle they put points against you on your company vehicle. They hold everything against you if you don't tow the company line. The live in a world of corporate compliance paranoia. Instead of hiring people that actually have a brain, they look for those that can be molded into the AZ way. Those that are hired and that do have a brain are never allowed to exercise their true potential. It's a job that pays fairly well but drains you of all your self esteem. Those that do get ahead are usually the brown nosers and know it all's who, in reality, don't know anything. At this point, most of those that should be out looking for another job probably don't know where to start. It's sad.

Really! They lie and tell those that were let go from CNS to apply for respiratory if one opens because they would be considered 1st. Yes, even over someone trained and sold respiratory! Now you can figure how stupid and anil the leadership is!!!
Go sell for even if they came out with a product by chance. They can't manage , can't lead, sure can't sell or market anything. It reminds me of the days that these CEO's lied to drive up the stock, then they cash out before the doors close!

The problem here is that these dopes running things are just to stupid with paper degrees and no skills!!!!

i am hearing some rumors of heavy monitoring of our calls for 2017. Maybe some programs to evaluate our calls, determine if actual...and frequent reports to managers on number of calls and when made. I try to work full days (at least most of time) but sure hate the big brother looking over your shoulder aspect.
I have been told about either Astra or Zeneca, forget which, but you used to have to give your manager a schedule of where you would be at 8 in morning and 5 at night and managers would show up unannounced to see if you were there. Could be coming around again if management thinks the all day lie is prevalent in company.

i am hearing some rumors of heavy monitoring of our calls for 2017. Maybe some programs to evaluate our calls, determine if actual...and frequent reports to managers on number of calls and when made. I try to work full days (at least most of time) but sure hate the big brother looking over your shoulder aspect.
I have been told about either Astra or Zeneca, forget which, but you used to have to give your manager a schedule of where you would be at 8 in morning and 5 at night and managers would show up unannounced to see if you were there. Could be coming around again if management thinks the all day lie is prevalent in company.

That was Astra US. Gestapo tactics.

i am hearing some rumors of heavy monitoring of our calls for 2017. Maybe some programs to evaluate our calls, determine if actual...and frequent reports to managers on number of calls and when made. I try to work full days (at least most of time) but sure hate the big brother looking over your shoulder aspect.
I have been told about either Astra or Zeneca, forget which, but you used to have to give your manager a schedule of where you would be at 8 in morning and 5 at night and managers would show up unannounced to see if you were there. Could be coming around again if management thinks the all day lie is prevalent in company.

You know how long posts like yours have been found predicting spy tactics on reps??? Decades, that's how long! But, you are right about the old Astra deal about your DM showing up unannounced at your first call. They quit it though. AZ doesn't have the money, time or manpower to track us, nor the desire. Don't think for one minute they don't know that 99% of us are living the ALL DAY LIE every day of the week! They know it, and don't care! Think about how much they need us to justify THEIR useless jobs.! W/o us they have no reason to be here!

One is for sure, the layoffs will continue. We still have way too many reps/lower/middle management. There is a lot of waste to be cut out !

You know how long posts like yours have been found predicting spy tactics on reps??? Decades, that's how long! But, you are right about the old Astra deal about your DM showing up unannounced at your first call. They quit it though. AZ doesn't have the money, time or manpower to track us, nor the desire. Don't think for one minute they don't know that 99% of us are living the ALL DAY LIE every day of the week! They know it, and don't care! Think about how much they need us to justify THEIR useless jobs.! W/o us they have no reason to be here!

One is for sure, the layoffs will continue. We still have way too many reps/lower/middle management. There is a lot of waste to be cut out !
No man power needed. They can track devices now within a few feet of its location. This is not hard to implement.

Yea....between your gas card, your EZ Pass toll transmitter, your iPad, your phone and the GPS chip they put up your ass while you were sleeping, they will find you and nail you to the cross.

No man power needed. They can track devices now within a few feet of its location. This is not hard to implement.

It may not be hard to do, but AZ does not track anyone! I've practiced the all day lie for 15 years, and nobody has a clue that I don't work but a couple of hours a day! They would have to have a Dept. of Rep Tracking to track all of us lazy bastards, and AZ doesn't want to bother with it! How would you like to track, confront, and discipline 99% of your sales team??? They know we lie about calls, but they don't give a rat's ass! It's a wonderful relationship we have with AZ, wouldn't you say?

It may not be hard to do, but AZ does not track anyone! I've practiced the all day lie for 15 years, and nobody has a clue that I don't work but a couple of hours a day! They would have to have a Dept. of Rep Tracking to track all of us lazy bastards, and AZ doesn't want to bother with it! How would you like to track, confront, and discipline 99% of your sales team??? They know we lie about calls, but they don't give a rat's ass! It's a wonderful relationship we have with AZ, wouldn't you say?

They won't track you unless your manager wants to get rid of you for some reason. Then they will go to the end of the earth to track you down and run your ass out. It won't matter if you are cheating or not, they will make shit up if they have to. Lay low and keep your nose clean and you should be fine.

As I sit here waiting on Alabama to kick Washington's ass, I am planning on my first day back, to set a new tone as far as my work habits go. I guess you could call it my New Year's resolution. I hereby resolve to work a MAXIMUM of 3 hours per day, lie about 75% of my calls, kiss ass whenever I can, and survive the next AZ layoff. The All Day Lie in now engrained in every fiber of my being. We are one. 2017 will be an awesome year!

As I sit here waiting on Alabama to kick Washington's ass, I am planning on my first day back, to set a new tone as far as my work habits go. I guess you could call it my New Year's resolution. I hereby resolve to work a MAXIMUM of 3 hours per day, lie about 75% of my calls, kiss ass whenever I can, and survive the next AZ layoff. The All Day Lie in now engrained in every fiber of my being. We are one. 2017 will be an awesome year!

In the words of Hillary, We Are Stronger Together. Oh wait, she lost with that slogan. How about, Make AZ Great Again?

As I sit here waiting on Alabama to kick Washington's ass, I am planning on my first day back, to set a new tone as far as my work habits go. I guess you could call it my New Year's resolution. I hereby resolve to work a MAXIMUM of 3 hours per day, lie about 75% of my calls, kiss ass whenever I can, and survive the next AZ layoff. The All Day Lie in now engrained in every fiber of my being. We are one. 2017 will be an awesome year!

I'll go you one better! I have lied about 90% of my calls this week! i just can't get going! It's worse than ever! Lying has become second nature to me now. I love working at such an understanding company! It's just too easy to lie!