• Make it like cafepharma, but for different industries: over the years we’ve had suggestions for creating a site similar to cafepharma, but for different industries. Now there is a place. Check out CompanyUnderground for company forums in other industries. Don’t see a company? Request it here. Let your friends and family outside the pharma/medical sales space know they now have a safe, anonymous place to talk.


WOW! Haven't been on CP in a while, and boy are the troops getting nasty! I see the "ALL DAY LIE" thread is kicking it! For those that were fired a few weeks back, couldn't be more sorry for you than I am, but for those who made it, enjoy the time you have left!

As for me, I am punching out! Got an offer for 11% more over AZ's base, and about the same size territory, and pretty much the same benefits as I had with AZ. Many posts on Cafepharma talk about how we all get too comfortable in our job at AZ, and miss opportunities because of it. I was just like that, but 4 months ago I decided I had to get serious about leaving AZ. But, it's been good at AZ since I was an expert at the ALL DAY LIE! NEVER FAKED A SIG, but I probably faked 70% or more calls. I always was in the middle with sales. I always kept a low profile. I did everything I could to stay off the radar.

It's time to go guys. Pascal is doing what he does. Protect yourself and your family, and start the looking process. It will take a while. Good Luck!

There a lot of us that believe that if we do a good job, we are safe. That, my friends, is a HUGE mistake to make. Nobody is safe. Be ready before something happens!

WOW! Haven't been on CP in a while, and boy are the troops getting nasty! I see the "ALL DAY LIE" thread is kicking it! For those that were fired a few weeks back, couldn't be more sorry for you than I am, but for those who made it, enjoy the time you have left!

As for me, I am punching out! Got an offer for 11% more over AZ's base, and about the same size territory, and pretty much the same benefits as I had with AZ. Many posts on Cafepharma talk about how we all get too comfortable in our job at AZ, and miss opportunities because of it. I was just like that, but 4 months ago I decided I had to get serious about leaving AZ. But, it's been good at AZ since I was an expert at the ALL DAY LIE! NEVER FAKED A SIG, but I probably faked 70% or more calls. I always was in the middle with sales. I always kept a low profile. I did everything I could to stay off the radar.

It's time to go guys. Pascal is doing what he does. Protect yourself and your family, and start the looking process. It will take a while. Good Luck!
You are a lunatic! ... So you think you're safe getting another dumb ass job in Pharma?... Exact same senerio will be happening to your fucking ass! What a LOSER! Good luck in the real world selling anything.... You don't have a fucking clue!

Man, all of you losers are getting real anxious out there! Downright vicious ! Everybody needs to take a chill pill and just relax and gather your thoughts. Yes, you have a right to worry about another layoff (guaranteed next year) but if you do what so many of us do and that's practice the ALL DAY LIE, you will be better able to deal with what's ahead. For instance, I played a quick 9 at a beautiful course, on a beautiful day. Had my iPad close by to enter calls on the course. Yes sir! Life at AZ is unbeatable!

Man, all of you losers are getting real anxious out there! Downright vicious ! Everybody needs to take a chill pill and just relax and gather your thoughts. Yes, you have a right to worry about another layoff (guaranteed next year) but if you do what so many of us do and that's practice the ALL DAY LIE, you will be better able to deal with what's ahead. For instance, I played a quick 9 at a beautiful course, on a beautiful day. Had my iPad close by to enter calls on the course. Yes sir! Life at AZ is unbeatable!

That's the only way to look at things! I love it!

Now that we survived the layoff, we can all sit back and enjoy the ALL DAY LIE until the holidays! Guys, it's smoooooth sailing from here to retirement! Enjoy it, and don't forget to thank Frenchie!

Man! Don't you just love the Fall at AZ!! Believe it or not, I have 3 court times starting after lunch this week! One of my partners has 2 tee times this week as well! We really do work well together! Come on guys, everybody enjoy our newly realigned company! We all dodged the bullet! Our wonderful ALL DAY LIE tradition has been validated by AZ itself!! We are all good to go!

I love my boss,his boss and his boss' boss who continually emphasize how important all of us are selling. Great job security and continuing the all day lie and my second job. Gotta love AZ!

No all day lie in diabetes. Spending obscene amounts of money on events. Feeding fat, ungreatful staff. It's like flushing thousands of dollars down the drain everyday! I hope my meals on heels, stops in '17, so I can go back to lounging around hiding behind the 20 plus diabetes reps in my territory. It's not fair so us of are forced to buy food, get a sig on the signn in sheet and run to the next "event"

Funny, many think the all day lie is just for us in the field. Not really. Ever seen the "work" that takes place in hq? What exactly do all these people do?

If you're in the 'hood, stop by HQ on a Friday in early May to late September. Make sure to get there before 2pm. It will look like a Black Friday 75% off sale at Best Buy

Funny, many think the all day lie is just for us in the field. Not really. Ever seen the "work" that takes place in hq? What exactly do all these people do?

I'm sure HQ loves the ALL DAY LIE as much as we do! Hell, I bet if there was an accurate way to try and measure what little work we all do, my guess is that 80% of our work is a lie! But hey, that's the AZ way!

I'm sure HQ loves the ALL DAY LIE as much as we do! Hell, I bet if there was an accurate way to try and measure what little work we all do, my guess is that 80% of our work is a lie! But hey, that's the AZ way!

HO here. Yes, we believe in the ALL DAY LIE as much as the field does! The HO is one giant cluster! Nobody has faith in Pascal! We all think he is delusional. My advice, is to get out as quickly as humanly possible.

It would be interesting to what would be the earliest any AZ rep began to practice the ALL DAY LIE? As for me, I started somewhere around 2003! 13 years of bliss!

I have been practicing the ALL DAY LIE for over 10 years, and it's works perfectly! My DM is worse than I am! We both have an "understanding" about "work hours"! It's great! From what I can see, we are all good to go for years to come, so kick back, relax, and have fun the AZ way!

I have been practicing the ALL DAY LIE for over 10 years, and it's works perfectly! My DM is worse than I am! We both have an "understanding" about "work hours"! It's great! From what I can see, we are all good to go for years to come, so kick back, relax, and have fun the AZ way!
Ditto here... But did the all day lie for 19 years... Life is so much better after leaving the AZ hell hole!... No more faking shit is a better alternative for your sanity!

I really did work once upon a time...made calls...actually sat in in doctor's office-his personal office...big leather chair , desk and doc leaning back talking a little product..what the old college b'ball team would do tonight...lunches were for a staff of 3 plus doc, heck we'd even meet at the local restaurant and blow $60 for the 5 of us..finished up late PM with long drive home pulled into driveway after 5.....poured over the marketing data...read a few current journal articles...Then it was standing in hallways and closets to get a quick hello and sig..then it was waiting in lobby while my paper/laptop/ipad disappeared for 40 minutes or better yet...given some kinda of hallpass / clipboard / big badge / colored paper to hold while sitting in some out of the way corner with instructions/regulations telling me what Not to do..other than leave samples and get signature....
...what the heck...its not a lie it is just reality

as you wait this out your as dumb as the leadership. No future in this place. Have another ride a long! Do a new business review! Enjoy you pay check now because it will not grow with this years release!

Bet on another horse because this one is not going to win, place or show.....