Thank you for the generous Holiday present!!

I keep it running to pump the fumes into the air, warm the environment

The climate has been changing since the existence of the climate... Just think, most of the Earth used to be covered under ice. Glaciers formed one of my favorite golf courses. If the climate didn't change, we wouldn't be here. Would we? Turn your car on right now please and let it run all night.

Once you realize that a for-profit company doesn't have a culture, then you might agree that wishing employees happy holidays is not necessary. You get a nice paycheck, don't you? You drive around in a nearly free car, don't you? Which would you prefer?
1. you keep your current pay and nearly free company car (a car you use for personal miles without having to buy fuel) without members within the company wishing you happy holidays.
2. your pay is cut in half, the company takes away your nearly free company car (a car you use for personal miles without having to buy fuel) and wishes you happy holidays.

If this company didn't hire you, you would likely be mopping floors or scrubbing up someone else's shit out of a public toilet. As a pharma sales rep, what exactly do you bring to the table? Not much at all. You don't possess enough common sense to look up the definition of culture before posting ignorant remarks. You should be thankful someone within this for-profit organization gave you a job.

noun: culture; plural noun: cultures
  1. the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.
    "20th century popular culture"
    • a refined understanding or appreciation of culture.
      "men of culture"
  2. the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group.
    "Caribbean culture"
    • the attitudes and behavior characteristic of a particular social group.
      "the emerging drug culture"
    the cultivation of bacteria, tissue cells, etc. in an artificial medium containing nutrients.
    "the cells proliferate readily in culture"
    • a preparation of cells obtained from a culture.
      "the bacterium was isolated in two blood cultures"
  4. the cultivation of plants.
    "this variety of lettuce is popular for its ease of culture"
verb: culture; 3rd person present: cultures; past tense: cultured; past participle: cultured; gerund or present participle: culturing
  1. maintain (tissue cells, bacteria, etc.) in conditions suitable for growth.
    "several investigators have attempted to culture biliary cells"

First off stupid question… you can find the Novartis holiday calendar on line. If you’re too lazy to do that, sync your Veeva. Novartis holidays are already pre populated in Veeva under schedule. Additionally, why would Jan 2nd be a holiday?

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