Thank you for the generous Holiday present!!

Office based employee. After 20+ years in pharma this is my second holiday season here. I don’t need a gift but I am still amazed that managers, teams, colleagues, senior leaders just disappear without a word of acknowledgment, a wish message or a token of appreciation. I’ve never experienced anything like this. Great culture. Happy Holidays!

You just can't explain weird behavior. Good on you for recognizing it...but it doesn't make it any better. The company can talk about culture all they want...when it's not there, it's not there.

Office based employee. After 20+ years in pharma this is my second holiday season here. I don’t need a gift but I am still amazed that managers, teams, colleagues, senior leaders just disappear without a word of acknowledgment, a wish message or a token of appreciation. I’ve never experienced anything like this. Great culture. Happy Holidays!
As a relatively newcomer to the company I’m experiencing the same. Very weird culture or lack of.

You just can't explain weird behavior. Good on you for recognizing it...but it doesn't make it any better. The company can talk about culture all they want...when it's not there, it's not there.
Did you really have expectations that this company had a good culture? This place has a long reputation for having a horrible culture.

Did you really have expectations that this company had a good culture? This place has a long reputation for having a horrible culture.

Once you realize that a for-profit company doesn't have a culture, then you might agree that wishing employees happy holidays is not necessary. You get a nice paycheck, don't you? You drive around in a nearly free car, don't you? Which would you prefer?
1. you keep your current pay and nearly free company car (a car you use for personal miles without having to buy fuel) without members within the company wishing you happy holidays.
2. your pay is cut in half, the company takes away your nearly free company car (a car you use for personal miles without having to buy fuel) and wishes you happy holidays.

If this company didn't hire you, you would likely be mopping floors or scrubbing up someone else's shit out of a public toilet. As a pharma sales rep, what exactly do you bring to the table? Not much at all. You don't possess enough common sense to look up the definition of culture before posting ignorant remarks. You should be thankful someone within this for-profit organization gave you a job.

noun: culture; plural noun: cultures
  1. the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.
    "20th century popular culture"
    • a refined understanding or appreciation of culture.
      "men of culture"

  2. the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group.
    "Caribbean culture"
    • the attitudes and behavior characteristic of a particular social group.
      "the emerging drug culture"
    the cultivation of bacteria, tissue cells, etc. in an artificial medium containing nutrients.
    "the cells proliferate readily in culture"
    • a preparation of cells obtained from a culture.
      "the bacterium was isolated in two blood cultures"
  4. the cultivation of plants.
    "this variety of lettuce is popular for its ease of culture"
verb: culture; 3rd person present: cultures; past tense: cultured; past participle: cultured; gerund or present participle: culturing
  1. maintain (tissue cells, bacteria, etc.) in conditions suitable for growth.
    "several investigators have attempted to culture biliary cells"

The thing I notice the most as different at Novartis compared to other companies is here, they don’t even pretend to care about us.
Corporate in any company will have to make decisions that negatively affect the sales force, but they usually do what they can to soften the tough times with some positives.
Here, every day is a new way to let the sales force know how little value we hold.
They don’t even pretend to care.

Once you realize that a for-profit company doesn't have a culture, then you might agree that wishing employees happy holidays is not necessary. You get a nice paycheck, don't you? You drive around in a nearly free car, don't you? Which would you prefer?
1. you keep your current pay and nearly free company car (a car you use for personal miles without having to buy fuel) without members within the company wishing you happy holidays.
2. your pay is cut in half, the company takes away your nearly free company car (a car you use for personal miles without having to buy fuel) and wishes you happy holidays.

If this company didn't hire you, you would likely be mopping floors or scrubbing up someone else's shit out of a public toilet. As a pharma sales rep, what exactly do you bring to the table? Not much at all. You don't possess enough common sense to look up the definition of culture before posting ignorant remarks. You should be thankful someone within this for-profit organization gave you a job.

noun: culture; plural noun: cultures
  1. the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.
    "20th century popular culture"
    • a refined understanding or appreciation of culture.
      "men of culture"
  2. the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group.
    "Caribbean culture"
    • the attitudes and behavior characteristic of a particular social group.
      "the emerging drug culture"
    the cultivation of bacteria, tissue cells, etc. in an artificial medium containing nutrients.
    "the cells proliferate readily in culture"
    • a preparation of cells obtained from a culture.
      "the bacterium was isolated in two blood cultures"
  4. the cultivation of plants.
    "this variety of lettuce is popular for its ease of culture"
verb: culture; 3rd person present: cultures; past tense: cultured; past participle: cultured; gerund or present participle: culturing
  1. maintain (tissue cells, bacteria, etc.) in conditions suitable for growth.
    "several investigators have attempted to culture biliary cells"

damn son you barking up the wrong tree. I’m the one who said NVS sucks azz. I already cruised this sorry company and anyone who has not already done so or is not activeltv looking is foolish. Apparently you have way too much time on your hands. You look to be one of these mindless ABLs who have all these non transferable skills which is why you are stuck at a sorry azz company with a poor culture.

damn son you barking up the wrong tree. I’m the one who said NVS sucks azz. I already cruised this sorry company and anyone who has not already done so or is not actively looking is foolish. You have way too much time on your hands. You look to be one of these mindless ABLs who have all these nontransferable skills which is why you are stuck at a sorry-azz company with a poor culture.

Is there a culture between you and your mom? No, there is a relationship. Similarly, there is a relationship between you and your employer. Your employer has practices that you may or may not agree with. These practices do not in any way constitute a culture. It sounds like an NVS practice that you didn't agree with was not being wished happy holidays which is laughable.

Companies want you to believe that they are special... That it is a privilege of some sort for you to be employed by them or buy one of their products. As a result, they intentionally misuse words like "culture" because it makes them sound special.

The thing I notice the most as different at Novartis compared to other companies is here, they don’t even pretend to care about us.
Corporate in any company will have to make decisions that negatively affect the sales force, but they usually do what they can to soften the tough times with some positives.
Here, every day is a new way to let the sales force know how little value we hold.
They don’t even pretend to care.
This is so true. This company does not care. Associates are a mean to an end. Vas, Victor and others just don’t care. We are tolerated until the next wave of layoffs.

Is there a culture between you and your mom? No, there is a relationship. Similarly, there is a relationship between you and your employer. Your employer has practices that you may or may not agree with. These practices do not in any way constitute a culture. It sounds like an NVS practice that you didn't agree with was not being wished happy holidays which is laughable.

Companies want you to believe that they are special... That it is a privilege of some sort for you to be employed by them or buy one of their products. As a result, they intentionally misuse words like "culture" because it makes them sound special.

aw man no more cutting and pasting BS or doing an infamous mindless ABL spreadsheet. Come on man you’re slipping. Next time follow along with who’s posting what you moronic drone. I never posted anything about being wished Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays or about receiving any useless Christmas gifts. I only posted something so obvious that only a woke azz like ypu would not get. Novartis is not a good place to work. Call it culture or whatever the hell you want, but only a dumb fool like you would attempt to argue the reality of that.

aw man no more cutting and pasting BS or doing an infamous mindless ABL spreadsheet. Come on man you’re slipping. Next time follow along with who’s posting what you moronic drone. I never posted anything about being wished Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays or about receiving any useless Christmas gifts. I only posted something so obvious that only a woke azz like ypu would not get. Novartis is not a good place to work. Call it culture or whatever the hell you want, but only a dumb fool like you would attempt to argue the reality of that.

You're pissed because novartis didn't wish you a happy hanukkah. That's how all of this started. Think before you type or type after you think.

You're pissed because novartis didn't wish you a happy hanukkah. That's how all of this started. Think before you type or type after you think.
Damn you are vintage 100% Novartis ABL.material with your one size fits all limited skill set . Try to force everybody to walk, talk, think and do the same things at the same time to accommodate your non transferable drone like skill set. Enjoy your career at Novartis pal. To the vast majority in the Pharma world…… Novartis is a long standing dumpster fire and an awful place to work.

Hyperbolic moron

Calling someone a hyperbolic moron shows how truly ignorant you truly are. You're not a math specialist. That said, if I was an abl in pharma I would have three phones. Phone one, my personal phone. Phone two, my burner phone. Phone three, the novartis phone which would be on airplane mode from from dawn to dusk. I would have a second job that I enjoyed to do which would consume most of my time. While doing that job, I would milk every single penny out of the abl job while doing as little as possible until I got fired or promoted.

Calling someone a hyperbolic moron shows how truly ignorant you truly are. You're not a math specialist. That said, if I was an abl in pharma I would have three phones. Phone one, my personal phone. Phone two, my burner phone. Phone three, the novartis phone which would be on airplane mode from from dawn to dusk. I would have a second job that I enjoyed to do which would consume most of my time. While doing that job, I would milk every single penny out of the abl job while doing as little as possible until I got fired or promoted.

I worked for this company a few years back. Left after 1 year. Honestly the worst organization in Pharma from the VPs all the way down to several reps thinking they were the teachers pet. Ball Lickers every where. ABL that were incredibly petty daily w/ some chip on their shoulder. Witnessed several ABL get getting served papers from Attys. I couldn’t believe the toxicity and general disregard for just about anyone. 1 years was enough.

I worked for this company a few years back. Left after 1 year. Honestly the worst organization in Pharma from the VPs all the way down to several reps thinking they were the teachers pet. Ball Lickers every where. ABL that were incredibly petty daily w/ some chip on their shoulder. Witnessed several ABL get getting served papers from Attys. I couldn’t believe the toxicity and general disregard for just about anyone. 1 years was enough.
Toxicity is the key word here! It’s not about Christmas gifts, culture or any other lame BS. Novartis is indeed a toxic environment to work in. And woke azz ABL’s like the one making self assumptions on here, playing the grammar cop and cutting and pasting crap on this site feed that toxicity.

Calling someone a hyperbolic moron shows how truly ignorant you truly are. You're not a math specialist. That said, if I was an abl in pharma I would have three phones. Phone one, my personal phone. Phone two, my burner phone. Phone three, the novartis phone which would be on airplane mode from from dawn to dusk. I would have a second job that I enjoyed to do which would consume most of my time. While doing that job, I would milk every single penny out of the abl job while doing as little as possible until I got fired or promoted.
Hyperbolic moron

Toxicity is the key word here! It’s not about Christmas gifts, culture or any other lame BS. Novartis is indeed a toxic environment to work in. And woke azz ABL’s like the one making self assumptions on here, playing the grammar cop and cutting and pasting crap on this site feed that toxicity.
Fucking moron

Fucking moron
Ah luv poking you dumb fuck ABLs. Somebody takes away your canned scripts to follow and you become an uncontrolled emotional woke ass punk. Mid level Pharma managers are the true punks of Pharma. Now go cut and paste some useless spread sheet, run a spell check or better yet go approve my expense report you worthless tool.

Ah luv poking you dumb fuck ABLs. Somebody takes away your canned scripts to follow and you become an uncontrolled emotional woke ass punk. Mid level Pharma managers are the true punks of Pharma. Now go cut and paste some useless spread sheet, run a spell check or better yet go approve my expense report you worthless tool.
This bitch is still whining

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