Tania Small

Hiring of friends has started on this team. Newly hired Medical in PPK, Giralda and Boudry are welcoming their friends from other companies who were laid off instead of keeping people who were working like crazy. Laid all of them off and new laid off friends are coming to steal the remnants. Other than one decent team, the rest are playing games. Pushing the laid off BMS to work like crazy until they hire their friends. Most brutal have been hired in the last 1-2 years in medical who have conspired to having their way.

I'm seeing a theme with GSK....

No knowledge, no experience and no expertise Directors come to meetings chest thumping and a literal feeling of superiority talking down on people senselessly with complete bs. Others nodding their heads because they are not even there. I am the Director, I just talk insensibly and I am here to shut you down because I know nothing. I was made a Director with nothing and I will learn and do nothing.

CAR T is a stink hole and sink hole. Tania Small should be heading this medical team and clean house of uneducated, lack of experience and Kite Pharma throwaways. Best of the best are gone long time back.

CART has nothing but inflated egos and a poorly working drug for MM and competition for Lymphoma. Zero compliance part of BMS. Chasing and pushing everything and everyone to sell something in a market with better options and more on the way.

Has she started her theme party meetings at BMS? All she did at GSK. All sizzle no steak was her name at GSK.
Theme party or not, she is here to facilitate the destruction of a Pharma that is on the path of destruction. All ex GSK BMS employees are being retained in the layoffs and recent GSK discards are being hired at warp speed. She and the entire Medical is reporting into commercial sales and that guy is not that good. Adam something.

Medical are the real sales team here. Adam has hired someone who will be his puppet and create a medical sales team due to their access to congress talks, KOLs and all things immoral for medical. Sales teams are in place only to throw sand in the authorities faces. They have no roles and are being fooled just to avoid the feds. Check out the heavy medical attendance at meetings with KOLs at congresses to force them to prescribe and give incentives such as grants, investigator opportunities, authorship and everything that is not sales. Firewalls do not exist. Compliance is sleeping with sales with medical reporting into sales.

Why displace your own people to hire displaced GSK people who are displacing more BMS to hire even more displaced by GSK? Why are they not able to create a footing on their own? Answer is simple. They are incompetent and cannot stand on their own against people who know a lot. They need a crutch.

Why displace your own people to hire displaced GSK people who are displacing more BMS to hire even more displaced by GSK? Why are they not able to create a footing on their own? Answer is simple. They are incompetent and cannot stand on their own against people who know a lot. They need a crutch.

Because GSK people are the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human beings I’ve ever known in my life.

Because GSK people are the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human beings I’ve ever known in my life.
Why are you here then? BMS people let go were because of BMS’ current status. It is deceitful to rehire displaced GSK people when company loss was provided as the reason. BMS had soul. Nothing left anymore. Backstabbing, incompetence, thoughtlessness and destroying lives must be other GSK positive qualities. You will not last long. You need brains. The person who hired you is BMS and not GSK. GSK let go of you.

Tania Small. The biggest middle finger Lurch gave medical. She is a PINO. Physician In Name Only. Probably went to some shi**y school.
School should not be such a big issue. Great doctors come from all schools. Understanding the patient and knowledge is an inherent quality for doctors. A healer is a healer irrespective of schools. Elite schools can have big heads and arrogance but not that great training. The Professors have big heads as well which can have an effect on training. Elitism for schools in the US is based on the money and funds that the school receives and has nothing to do with academics. Having said that, she is not a good choice during tough times. Medical is reporting into sales and commercial sales cannot work with anyone who is real medical. This hire is only suitable to Adam L.

School should not be such a big issue. Great doctors come from all schools. Understanding the patient and knowledge is an inherent quality for doctors. A healer is a healer irrespective of schools. Elite schools can have big heads and arrogance but not that great training. The Professors have big heads as well which can have an effect on training. Elitism for schools in the US is based on the money and funds that the school receives and has nothing to do with academics. Having said that, she is not a good choice during tough times. Medical is reporting into sales and commercial sales cannot work with anyone who is real medical. This hire is only suitable to Adam L.