Systagenix/Wound Care

My favorite part of the call was discussion on streamlining What a joke. How come management can't see what every rep knows. The biggest problem with is the unrealistic expectation of the number of calls. You want us to be consultants but give us a pharma quota for appts per week. Other wound companies expect 4-5 calls per day, and have an office day. Office days are done on our own time and we must have 7 calls per day. Simply insane.

So what do you do as a rep? Your manager has told you that you MUST enter at least 35 per week. So, are you honest about a good 25 call week? You can't be honest. You'll be seen as a lazy underachiever. Do you speak up about the unattainable goal? You can't speak up. You'll be seen as a negative troublemaker. So you do what everyone is doing. Keep quiet, feel lousy about yourself, and enter just enough BS to keep management off your back. Of course the managers don't care because they just want K of their back. What a great culture of lying we've creating.

Right on man. Everyone is so afraid of KH because of the my way or the highway attitude. All the managers are petrified of her. That's why they are all looking for new jobs. Except the 2 new ones who don't know anything yet.

Glad to hear systagenix is still here. Was part of the sweet 16 training class. Lots of good memories hope all is well. Still have my systagenix portfolio won with prism $'s. Great group and good learning experience.

Right on man. Everyone is so afraid of KH because of the my way or the highway attitude. All the managers are petrified of her. That's why they are all looking for new jobs. Except the 2 new ones who don't know anything yet.

The RSMs and VP can't even stand up to the worst example of micromanagement I've ever heard of. Reps can't even place a sample order without approval of RSM, Director and then VP? That is just embarassing. How do you think the new director feels that she can't even be trusted to approve a simple sample order? What could possible be next?

Scary reading, sounds like where I am at. I am on the short track (bus?) to landing sales job here, not a fan of SF since it is the tool of micro management trolls. Might as well stay in the hell I understand.

Working for Systagenix has robbed me of my pride, willingness to succeed, ability to buy nice things, and now my girlfriend left me for a real medical device rep who can actually perform in the sack and hit his quotas.

Thanks for the kick in the balls Systagenix.

Ahh. a reminder of the halcyon days of 2010 at Systagenix. Love it!

The post about SF (above) is deadly accurate. What a waste of time! Top performers from the last 3 years are now on the bottom and it couldn't possibly be the screwy ever-changing management direction- could it? Multiple management changes, multiple territory changes- Hello, McFly! It takes at least 18 months to establish any continuity in a territory!! If you had ANY real sales experience you'd know that! #1 fun comment from reps who had the pleasure of K's ride-alongs is that she doesn't seem to know anything about wound care! Greeeaat...

BTW- in case nobody else has pointed it out- KH and the management team read and post on this forum regularly! I have been told that KH tries to disguise her posts with the occasional expletive (to divert since she doesn't use them normally). If management can post on this forum and drown out the actual reps with volume of posts it makes it look like everythings Peachy!

Why would management care about this forum? It's certainly not because they give a goddamn about how the sales force is doing. It's because certain members of the Board read this- so that they don't have to rely completely on the Executive Team and their bs! It's defense! If you can see the complaints you can be prepared and get ahead of them before Board meetings. If you can get some removed so much the better (although the attacks on someone's looks are stupid anyway).