So how did that work out? New job better or just bitter?
Cant be revealed? Its all anonymous. Think again...
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So how did that work out? New job better or just bitter?
Cant be revealed? Its all anonymous. Think again...
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Cant be revealed? Its all anonymous. Think again...
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Why did our HR manager leave?? I'm going to miss her!
Why did our HR manager leave?? I'm going to miss her!
Qualified???? Systagenix employees aren't qualified enough to juggle my nut-sack.
Have you not seen the "talent" they have been adding to the salesforce over the last 2 years? The talent level of the salesforce is rock-bottom right now. The only new hires we get are desperate, out of work, no-name pharma reps who basically take this job out of desperation because they need to pay the rent and put food on the table. On the other hand, the other reps that are here can't get off the Systagenix boat (which is sinking) because nobody else will hire them.
Bottom line = There's pretty much no talent here. Why would there be?
And any talent that existed was either pushed out or left.
and your the former or the latter?
Cant be revealed? Its all anonymous. Think again...
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Qualified???? Systagenix employees aren't qualified enough to juggle my nut-sack.
Have you not seen the "talent" they have been adding to the salesforce over the last 2 years? The talent level of the salesforce is rock-bottom right now. The only new hires we get are desperate, out of work, no-name pharma reps who basically take this job out of desperation because they need to pay the rent and put food on the table. On the other hand, the other reps that are here can't get off the Systagenix boat (which is sinking) because nobody else will hire them.
Bottom line = There's pretty much no talent here. Why would there be?
And which group do you belong too? You must be in one of the groups to have such an astute opinion? OR are you in a third group you didn't mention?
Someone told me today that one of this years presidents club winners has left? Why are we not retaining great people? Does anyone care? Anyone?
I believe he self-described and identified himself as a member of the 'nut-sack juggling' group.
Apparently that is his 'talent' that he refers to.
Lets see for all you keeping score at home apparently his group membership includes being a talented and gifted speller, bitter, ex-employee, nut-juggling, weekend-waster-posting-on-cafe-pharma, email-conspirancy-buff, cartographer, passed-over-and-quit-in-a-huff, astute-opininator/blowviator, hollow, pathetic, vile, creepy, empty, foul and coward failed has-been who can't get it into his pea-brain that it's over and its time to move on....
Yeah, that group!
Did I miss any?
I believe he self-described and identified himself as a member of the 'nut-sack juggling' group.
Apparently that is his 'talent' that he refers to.
Lets see for all you keeping score at home apparently his group membership includes being a talented and gifted speller, bitter, ex-employee, nut-juggling, weekend-waster-posting-on-cafe-pharma, email-conspirancy-buff, cartographer, passed-over-and-quit-in-a-huff, astute-opininator/blowviator, hollow, pathetic, vile, creepy, empty, foul and coward failed has-been who can't get it into his pea-brain that it's over and its time to move on....
Yeah, that group!
Did I miss any?