Great job Systagenix. Hire a CEO that bolts on you. Ditch everyone who knew this business and made it successful. Hire a drunken President who moves the company to Boston, be forced to lay-off the whole office in NJ, hire all new inept people for that crappy IKEA office suite, and subject your employees to the horrific marketing ideas, the worst meetings, SFDC bullcrap, unattainable quotas and comp plans ever. This place is an embarrassment and needs to be aborted.
Wait, more: Hire a VP of Sales that you pay out the ass only for him to hire his sub-standard KCI pals as high paid DM's Then he bolts, then the crappy ass DM bolts. In the meantime, good reps were forced to find real jobs with real companies where DM's knew the difference between their elbows and asses.
The NE manager turned over more than 10 reps. (good ones, except for the ones he actually hired) Now he's gone and the region is left with nothing. And no sales. No Tielle. Surprised? I hope not. The product sucks.
Time to fold it up boys. Party's over. This new launch all be another laughing stock when its all said and done, but then again when will it be done? Isn't Tielle still launching after 20 years?
Maybe you corporate tag alongs can reunite elsewhere and ruin another company?
Great job Systagenix.