Systagenix/Wound Care

Just had a final interview, went great, and hoping to give my walking papers soon. I love the products, my customers, and my fellow reps, but this is going backwards. Really heartbreaking.......

The KCI reps we brought over will tell you that you are crazy and both JP's are leading us to the promise land. The east is loaded with these dopes.

Have we sold more than 15k in adaptic touch? Have we sold more than 25k in Tielle? Dont give me this 100k florida deal either. The whole company has not sold 100k in Tielle since it was launched in 87'.

I am proud to say my Tielle, Prisma/Promogran and Silvercel NA business is growing. AT is starting to move too. It takes some time, but it's happening.

5 reps since August 1. What a fucking shit show. We need another email telling us that things will get better. They will, once I get a new job.

Your Mid Atlantic manager is a piece of crap. He lies and is not liked in many accounts and he trains his reps to be the same. Definitely not Man of the Year material.

Your Mid Atlantic manager is a piece of crap. He lies and is not liked in many accounts and he trains his reps to be the same. Definitely not Man of the Year material.

Wow another former employee bashing Systagenix. When will all of you move on with your lives? By the way the Mid-Atlantic Manager is well respected by his team and management. Posting this comment was a real cheap shot and BS! I don't recall any turnover in this division.

Wow another former employee bashing Systagenix. When will all of you move on with your lives? By the way the Mid-Atlantic Manager is well respected by his team and management. Posting this comment was a real cheap shot and BS! I don't recall any turnover in this division.

I think they probably meant the northeast manager not the midatlantic. Either way the whole deal is a mess. I have seen monkey shit fights more organized than this.

Lets be honest here people, we have major problems. Do you really think that all the people that quit sucked? Get your heads out of your asses, this is not a place for a career. Even if you are doing well and will make money we are not going in the right direction.

Wow another former employee bashing Systagenix. When will all of you move on with your lives? By the way the Mid-Atlantic Manager is well respected by his team and management. Posting this comment was a real cheap shot and BS! I don't recall any turnover in this division.
Of course you would say that about your boss!! He has lied on numerous occasions and he knows it. As for complaining employees have you thought to consider that all of you were hired because you were thought of as the best out there as far as sales people. So if the best sales people can't sell a product is it the people or the products? And when you do sell wouldn't you like to get paid on what you sell and not have to wait on numbers that get changed more often than an infant diaper?

Of course you would say that about your boss!! He has lied on numerous occasions and he knows it. As for complaining employees have you thought to consider that all of you were hired because you were thought of as the best out there as far as sales people. So if the best sales people can't sell a product is it the people or the products? And when you do sell wouldn't you like to get paid on what you sell and not have to wait on numbers that get changed more often than an infant diaper?

I dont know if this guy is right about BS but he's 100 percent right about the numbers. What a disaster.

If u want a job stay....u want a chance at a career and be respected get out. Systagenix is a joke, a sorry excuse for a company. Look again at their mission statement..."most respected wound care company"...your own employees don't respect you....pathetic.

I realize 98% of the cafe pharma boards are full of whiners and complainers, but the former JnJ people are absolutely pathetic. Earlier you complained about money. Now that you're making money, you complain about the company slogan. You complained in the past about SFDC, now you complain about the company's direction. WTF? What is wrong you negative JnJ wimps? Wish you would just move on already and land your next job. I heard McDonalds is on a hiring frenzy. But then again, you'll probably complain about the quality of the cash register or the potatoes used for the french fries or find the burger bun packaging color to be too colorful.

Oh no, the sky is run..the burger bun marketing team doesn't have a clue about sesame seeds. "Run Run Run..the sky is falling" - Chicken Little

And if you think things are going well here you ma'am are a moron. We cant even get accurate sales tracings. It's August, my January numbers keep changing? There is little to no communication. There is little to no marketing support. There are like 4 people at quota which means the goals are way off and unfair. Oh yeah and 6 people have left this month.

Wake up.