Systagenix/Wound Care

This company won't grow at all or very marginally unless we get new products that can compete in the biggest categories. P & P are pretty much maxed out and collagens are a small percentage of the market. A foam to compete with Mepilex would be nice. A hydrocolloid to compete with Duoderm would help. Wound Chek is key. It has to be what they are promising. I wish they went with bacteria and not protease though.

Show me the cash man...

This company won't grow at all or very marginally unless we get new products that can compete in the biggest categories. P & P are pretty much maxed out and collagens are a small percentage of the market. A foam to compete with Mepilex would be nice. A hydrocolloid to compete with Duoderm would help. Wound Chek is key. It has to be what they are promising. I wish they went with bacteria and not protease though.

Show me the cash man...

Docs know that chronic wounds have high protease levels. They dont need a test to tell them that. Sorry but I believe wound chek will be a failure because they will make the quotas insane and expect it to be a 50 million dollar product. Our entire company is not worth that! As for a foam they believe Tielle is the answer although I am pretty sure JNJ launched Tielle in 1989.

P&P and SNA are keeping the lights on but for how long...

This is not the reps fault for not making money. This company sets unrealistic goals and couldnt create and manage a comp plan to save their sack.

Dont think it is corporates fault? List how many people are hitting their goals? You can count them on one hand so we all cant suck. The company needs to look in the mirror and realize they need to start over. With a few percent market share this would not disrupt too much. We just inherited JNJ's problems and they had a ton of problems.

Wrong. You do, ALL suck.
Quincy, MA

Yeah, well it's like they say, when the wheels are coming off it's not the players who get fired, it's the coach.

Funny, I haven't seen any of the "coaches" get fired???!!!???

Or even held accountable for their numbers, astronomically high turnover rates, or poor business decisions.

Shut your pie-hoe KCI lady.

Funny, I haven't seen any of the "coaches" get fired???!!!???

Or even held accountable for their numbers, astronomically high turnover rates, or poor business decisions.

Shut your pie-hoe KCI lady.

This is a point the finger kind of company. Its always the sales people fault. Funny thing is they have turned over just about every territory in the country. But corporate is right every rep they hired sucked.

Anybody who comes to work here after reading this must really need a job.

agreed. the post above was our weekly kci lady horseshit positive post. the numbers and comp plan are an abortion. how many are at or above plan? thank you.

JP says a good comp plan has about 80 percent at or close to quota, 10 percent blowing it out and 10 percent under. That surely hasn't been the case since Systagenix has come about. That's why there is brutal turnover and regions like the northeast constantly in flux.

JP says a good comp plan has about 80 percent at or close to quota, 10 percent blowing it out and 10 percent under. That surely hasn't been the case since Systagenix has come about. That's why there is brutal turnover and regions like the northeast constantly in flux.

You cant live in the northeast on salary only.

That managers meeting this month should be a real barnburner. Ernest to the rescue!

My commission check (29bucks) says after the meeting they attack the reps for not getting the job done. These assholes will sit in a room and refuse to address the real issues. Numbers are perfect to them, everybody is making money and turnover is not an issue.

At what point will the managers be held accountable?

My commission check (29bucks) says after the meeting they attack the reps for not getting the job done. These assholes will sit in a room and refuse to address the real issues. Numbers are perfect to them, everybody is making money and turnover is not an issue.

At what point will the managers be held accountable?

Hey moron, question is when will you hold yourself accountable? Quit pointing the finger at everybody else. What kind of a wimp are you? Get off your ugly ass and sell something everyday. Your commissions will follow. If you are so unhappy, go get another job and stop spewing your bullshit on this board. We are tired of your crap. Let's use this board for constructive ideas not the same idiot crying everyday.

Hey moron, question is when will you hold yourself accountable? Quit pointing the finger at everybody else. What kind of a wimp are you? Get off your ugly ass and sell something everyday. Your commissions will follow. If you are so unhappy, go get another job and stop spewing your bullshit on this board. We are tired of your crap. Let's use this board for constructive ideas not the same idiot crying everyday.

Wow, KCI lady is fired up today.