Systagenix/Wound Care

Can anybody provide any accurate feedback about working in wound care and more specifically for Systagenix?

I've been told the first year target would be about 130k-150k, does this sound accurate?

How are wound care jobs percieved?

Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Do you believe everything you are told??? Ask the manager how you will "get in" to sell the product. Good luck getting past the lobby gate in acute care with a generic bandaide. If you want to sell wound care, go to work for KCI- It is the only company the wound care nurses want to see, and that is to ask for their nurses to come in and educate the staff! Doctors do not give a crap about wound care, and materials mgt only wants cheap, cheap, cheap.

Do you believe everything you are told??? Ask the manager how you will "get in" to sell the product. Good luck getting past the lobby gate in acute care with a generic bandaide. If you want to sell wound care, go to work for KCI- It is the only company the wound care nurses want to see, and that is to ask for their nurses to come in and educate the staff! Doctors do not give a crap about wound care, and materials mgt only wants cheap, cheap, cheap.

For someone to make 130-150k here? That might require people actually being at or near quota. After looking at the latest numbers, very very few are after the last screwing we received recently.

Those left are true believers who will take this great company to new heights.

The only ones left here are the scraps and scrubs that can't get jobs elsewhere. Don't kid yourself, every employee is actively looking for other opportunities. They're just not getting hired. Systagenix will ruin your resume, then your life. Real med device companies are not looking for wound care experience, so if you choose to stay in wound care, try a real company with decent products, a comp plan, and infrastructure in place to drive business.

Keep believing, sucker. Inputting your opportunities and bullshit activities in SFDC is not going to get you anywhere.

This company is not "great." Far from it. Get out. You only live once, and if you're proud to be working for Systagenix, you are sad and delusional.

The only ones left here are the scraps and scrubs that can't get jobs elsewhere. Don't kid yourself, every employee is actively looking for other opportunities. They're just not getting hired. Systagenix will ruin your resume, then your life. Real med device companies are not looking for wound care experience, so if you choose to stay in wound care, try a real company with decent products, a comp plan, and infrastructure in place to drive business.

Keep believing, sucker. Inputting your opportunities and bullshit activities in SFDC is not going to get you anywhere.

This company is not "great." Far from it. Get out. You only live once, and if you're proud to be working for Systagenix, you are sad and delusional.

Not all scraps and scrubs but they are all believers in this company. Its kind of sad really because our leadership does not deserve us. I am embarrased that I continue to stay even though they screw me and the rest of the sales people on a monthly basis. I am not sure this company truly has a future anymore. The truth is we do not have the proper infrastructure in place to support any real growth. We are in year 3 and we still do not have any idea of how to report our sales and pay sales reps. YEAR FUCKING 3!!! How can a company be this far along and still manage to fuck up the core principles of a great sales organization. A comp plan and solid truthful clear sales reporting.

The bottom line is this company is not a new company. They have had the same products, customers and sales rerporting people for more than a decade dating back to JNJ. Yet they still do not have any clue on how to do things. Sad.

Thank you- I assumed that after reading most of the posts on this site. They must be having a difficult time hiring- even in this economy. And a good rep knows when they are being "sold BS"...

They want to hire high level device reps so they float lofty compensation to recruiters and reps but they cant get them because the pay is just not there. This company cant even manage a comp plan. What company has reps pay back money? The only people that sign on are folks in need of a job ASAP or career wound care reps. There is nothing wrong with Wound care however there is no money to be made unless you are selling grafts in the OR. If you come here you will always be in sales, there is no career ladder. Look at the current RSM's. All very happy and not going anywhere. If it was not for Systagenix they would never be managers.

13 pages, but this thread is getting weaker and weaker with each additional page. This used to be a very entertaining thread! What happened? All the creative and funny people left the company?

13 pages, but this thread is getting weaker and weaker with each additional page. This used to be a very entertaining thread! What happened? All the creative and funny people left the company?

You are right because this thread is now loaded with facts and the truth, which we know hurts. I took this job because I needed a new gig ASAP and this was all that was available. I am not afraid to admit that. It is purely a place holder type job until a better one opens up.

You are right because this thread is now loaded with facts and the truth, which we know hurts. I took this job because I needed a new gig ASAP and this was all that was available. I am not afraid to admit that. It is purely a place holder type job until a better one opens up.

What they did with the numbers was immoral. I don't think anyone in Quincy understands that. Actually they do because they don't want to pay anyone. Hopefully this new CEO does a leadership change in the US.

What they did with the numbers was immoral. I don't think anyone in Quincy understands that. Actually they do because they don't want to pay anyone. Hopefully this new CEO does a leadership change in the US.

The numbers have been a mess since JNJ divested us. How can three years pass and they still have the same problems? It is irresponsible.

Wow, this company hasn't folded yet?

How do you survive in business with no innovative products, market share, talent, or leadership?

You are a tool. We have Joel and Jamie to lead us. Prisma and Promgran are industry leading collagens, Tielle is the best fluid management device in the world, Adaptic Touch will take us to new heights, and the diagnostic tool will make us number 1. Be jealous.