Systagenix/Wound Care

Adaptic Touch is a lot like the Safe Tac products from Molnlycke
Allevyn Gentle is a lot like the Safe Tac products from Molnlycke

"Mölnlycke Health care wins patent infringement case regarding its Mepilex Border products in Germany

Smith & Nephew must immediately remove all Allevyn Gentle Border products from the German supply chain and market.
Mölnlycke Health Care announces that on 16 March 2010, the District Court in Dusseldorf, Germany ruled that all of Smith & Nephew’s Allevyn Gentle Border products infringe Mölnlycke’s EU patent EP0 633 757, which protects Mölnlycke’s Mepilex Border products.

Smith & Nephew has appealed the decision, but the Court has provisionally permitted Mölnlycke to enforce the decision. Accordingly, Smith & Nephew must remove from the entire German supply chain and market all offending products, by way of recall. Customers should expect to be contacted by Smith & Nephew for the return of product."

Just saying - keep up the good work

I would agree that Allevyn Gentle is not like's not a diaper with Silicone. Your stuff macerates the sh*+ out of wounds because you don't handle fluid well. Just saying.

This is such an exciting time! I can't wait to see everyone in NAPA! Things are going so great, I hear about new conversions everyday and I've had quite a few myself. I am so excited for everyone and glad that everyone has embraced our culture. Let's kick competitor butt!

This is such an exciting time! I can't wait to see everyone in NAPA! Things are going so great, I hear about new conversions everyday and I've had quite a few myself. I am so excited for everyone and glad that everyone has embraced our culture. Let's kick competitor butt!

Stick it up your Adaptic Ass!!!!

"Adaptic Ass". Hmm I'm in marketing for Systagenix! Maybe I should use that!! Its almost as good as when I came up with Abracadaptic while I was mouth bucking my cousin. What do you shitty know nothing reps think of my dog wearing rain boots. I just thought it was so cute. Really, who wants evidence and real info when you can have meaningless shit and save 30 cents per slick. Heck you morons (the reps) know nothing about marketing. Although I think even you idiot reps are going to love our new Silvercel slick. Instead of relevant clinical data I (marketing) decided to just put a picture of a kitten dancing in a silver dress. It is sooo cute, it will really strike that emotional cord that we are looking for. Cause wow that 76 year heritage of proof bs is just not as funny as my fat genie. You stupid reps who know nothing about how to really sell can thank me at the NSM.. Have a Tieltastic Day Signed Your Marketing Department.

"Adaptic Ass". Hmm I'm in marketing for Systagenix! Maybe I should use that!! Its almost as good as when I came up with Abracadaptic while I was mouth bucking my cousin. What do you shitty know nothing reps think of my dog wearing rain boots. I just thought it was so cute. Really, who wants evidence and real info when you can have meaningless shit and save 30 cents per slick. Heck you morons (the reps) know nothing about marketing. Although I think even you idiot reps are going to love our new Silvercel slick. Instead of relevant clinical data I (marketing) decided to just put a picture of a kitten dancing in a silver dress. It is sooo cute, it will really strike that emotional cord that we are looking for. Cause wow that 76 year heritage of proof bs is just not as funny as my fat genie. You stupid reps who know nothing about how to really sell can thank me at the NSM.. Have a Tieltastic Day Signed Your Marketing Department.

i want my 30 seconds of life back. that was just dumb. speaking of marketing those new sales pieces they put together with the genie and the other shit are hands down the worst fucking thing ever created! WOW what a waste of money. Customers are laughing at them. One doctor actually vomited on one of them. Can someone please tell the UK that this British humor doesnt fly in the US!!! Its bad enough that we get a handful of marketing materials to use each year, now we cant even use this trash. At least we have good products.

Marketing is the engine that drives our sales efforts. Let's give them the respect they deserve and let's be aligned to our SFDC. Let's move Adaptic Touch and Tielle and make our marketing dept proud.

Get off your high horse!!!! The marketing dept is awuful. If you want to make a difference go sell something. SFDC is a waste and only someone from the corp office thinks it helps sales at all. Could the web site get any worse? As a man it is embaressing to have customers look at it!!! The marketing dept works for the sales force we are the engine that brings in the money. They have done nothing to make me proud or help my sales. Time to clean house and start over can't get any worse.

Agreed. SFDC sucks the big one and our marketing dept (or lack thereof) is a waste of space. Even if its just a small unit in a small office building in a small town outisde of a big city.

Bottom line, we r amd always will be losers working for this abortion of compamy.We are Losers!!!!!!!!

Keep paying my annual base pay before I leave like the smart ones already have. Adios JP and ,my useless manager.

Dumbass.......have you seen the comp plan? Big dollars are there if you execute properly. Especially the new C-ORC sales aids along with Tielle and Adaptic Touch. Get off the couch and you shall make some big commision dollars!

Dumbass.......have you seen the comp plan? Big dollars are there if you execute properly. Especially the new C-ORC sales aids along with Tielle and Adaptic Touch. Get off the couch and you shall make some big commision dollars!

The new sales aids? Really??? These things are so bad I had a doctor vomit when he looked at one! This British humor does not fly here. What a waste of money on this shit. A genie? What the fuck is that? Its bad enough we only get 3 per year and now they drop this shit on us. I would rather write in crayon on a torn off piece of notebook paper and use that as a marketing piece.

The new sales aids?. What a waste of money. I would rather write in crayon on a torn off piece of notebook paper and use that as a marketing piece.

I HATE them as well!!!! I feel the need to apologize every time I show this crap! I am embarrassed by them and feel it hurts the reputation of a quality product. Worst is adaptic in terms of inappropriate humor. Though the C-ORC, had a strong sales aid and was replaced by absolute shit!!! I hope our so-called marketing department reads these recent posts, just doubt it will get through arrogant thick skulls.

If you have any old sales aids bring them to Napa you might be able to sell them to your coworkers. Hell I would buy them If I wasn't afraid of ML and Joel throwing a fit.


It will be interesting to see who nails these role plays and who chokes. Doing it in front of the whole company is scary!

Sales aids are for assholes.

An effective rep would NEVER break these embarrassing pieces of crap out of their bags. How this could happen baffles me. Its a sign people!

Are you comfortable with the leadership running this company? Not only am I not, but I'm completely offended by the lack of professionalism, insight, and poor business decisions.

SFDC and conversion tool all the way!!!!!!!


Sales aids are for assholes.

An effective rep would NEVER break these embarrassing pieces of crap out of their bags. How this could happen baffles me. Its a sign people!

Are you comfortable with the leadership running this company? Not only am I not, but I'm completely offended by the lack of professionalism, insight, and poor business decisions.

SFDC and conversion tool all the way!!!!!!!


hahahahahahaha. "Sales aids are for assholes". I love it! Second funniest comment of the year. The first was "role playing is for assholes". Great shit!

This meeting is going to be a real shit show folks. If ML has us role playing in a line again somebody is getting scissor kicked in the throat.

Getting excited about Napa? I've been practicing my role playing. I'm planning on being one those "assholes" who walks away with an I-Pad. Because we all know role playing is for assholes, but so is winning.

Some Winner....Posting on the pharm mid-day instead of being out in the field and selling. This is exactly the type of winners/assholes Systagenix awards, and I'm sick of it!!!!!

This place makes me want to puke! Charlie Sheen should be our National Sales Trainer.
