The south has risen again and not only are we moving adaptic touch we are moving tielle as well. Eat our dust!
You ass-clowns aren't moving jack. I can't believe you haven't been canned yet actually. Go try another wound care company. Six (companies) is a charm!
Or just stay here where you continue to get free money for not producing crap! Wake up management!!!!!!
the numbers are "up your butt jobu!"
Only the weak Systagenix sales force has reps that post to this site in the middle of the night!
So what kind of tone do y'all think will be set at the meeting? Positive? Negative? If nothing else it will be more professional!
The tone will depend on where the numbers are. If they are behind plan prepare to get drilled. This is a year that is all about accountability. Put up or shut up. They feel we have all the tools needed to have success so anything less is unacceptable.
So do YOU think you will be above plan by the timee the meeting rolls around?
We may or may not have even one look at 2011 numbers.
Don't F up the role play in front of the whole company or you may get an early ticket home.
no chance since that would require them to spend money which we know aint happening! role playing is for pharma and anybody who feels it has a place at a NSM at this level should get donkey punched. this is not the same jnj pharma bullshit company and we need a new training tactic.
Agreed. So sick of being spoken to like I am in kindergarten by ML.
"How does that sound? Oh, come on can get louder than that!, I said how does that sound?!?"
The fakeness makes me want to vomit!
Role-playing is for assholes.