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Syneos Layoffs

Run. Company is being sued for letting unvaccinated people go. Was once a company where you could get your foot in the door and after a year of solid sales numbers land a gig at Lilly, bms, Regeneron, Abbott, Abbvie but this is not the case anymore. Too many companies have let their reps go and the syneos rep can’t compete against that. Maybe you luck out and have a territory that doesn’t have much competition, but reality is that you will be under qualified even if you only need a base of 100-120. The reps who have years of experience and connections will win and these companies will give them the 120-150 base they deserve.

very few syneos reps get moved over to janssen. even if a janssen rep quits, the manger will usually hire someone else over the syneos rep.

You are wrong dude, I have a couple of Syneos colleagues who has crossed over because they were good! GSK, Sanofi, Lilly, etc. A good rep is hard to put down, everybody notices you and you get to move ahead compared to those who keeps on whining and don't put in a good day's worth of work and wonder why they are being micro managed.

You are wrong dude, I have a couple of Syneos colleagues who has crossed over because they were good! GSK, Sanofi, Lilly, etc. A good rep is hard to put down, everybody notices you and you get to move ahead compared to those who keeps on whining and don't put in a good day's worth of work and wonder why they are being micro managed.
But, GSK, Sanofi,Lilly etc DO recognize and reward a good rep and bring them aboard. Janssen is the exception and misses out because of their arrogance.

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