SUN Pharma = Sh*t Show

You drank so much kool aid you are shitt blind

It collapsed because they built out a framework that matches a billion dollar firm. Not a 350 million dollar firm that exists on one floor of one building in Princeton

Drive down and around a 2 mile radius of that one floor and you will see what LARGE DEVELOPED Pharma looks like.

There are companies that are 10 times as large as Sun with fewer hired personnel in areas where Sun over built.

Bottom line. Sun and Dilip lost their money on an ego image

It was NEVER a success. NEVER a culture. NEVER a real company NEVER something that would last.

The main strategic flaw is its existence in this framework to BEGIN WITH!!!

Match stick .....$$$

Fact check:

Fabs left on his own for another opportunity, period. Not everyone updates their LinkedIn profile before they actually leave their current position.

As far as structure goes, there's only one area in which the company likely overstaffed, and that's market access.
All other areas are between extremely lean or understaffed, so please be careful in your 2 mile radius/billion dollar comments, as that shows your complete lack of understanding the commercial operations of the Pharma industry.

Fact check:

Fabs left on his own for another opportunity, period. Not everyone updates their LinkedIn profile before they actually leave their current position.

As far as structure goes, there's only one area in which the company likely overstaffed, and that's market access.
All other areas are between extremely lean or understaffed, so please be careful in your 2 mile radius/billion dollar comments, as that shows your complete lack of understanding the commercial operations of the Pharma industry.

I call BS on fabs leaving on his own...if going to post facts then post where he went. I bet he afraid of people finding out where he went because they will blow the lid on his homophobic tendencies and lust for hot chicks

Fabbs did not resign. Lynch did not resign. They were asked to leave and given a bit of a severance so they could save a little face. If they didn't accept that, they were going to be terminated for performance, with nothing.

How bad do you have to be when you launched the leading PsO derm biologic, were brought in to launch the company's Derm biologic, and you don't even make it that far?

Fabbs did not resign. Lynch did not resign. They were asked to leave and given a bit of a severance so they could save a little face. If they didn't accept that, they were going to be terminated for performance, with nothing.

How bad do you have to be when you launched the leading PsO derm biologic, were brought in to launch the company's Derm biologic, and you don't even make it that far?

Groff is next to be asked to leave. Too much turnover and he is a geek goofball with zero personality.

Fabs is joining Optinose, so that takes care of your 'he got canned' comment.

And to your earlier comment about 'how bad do you have to be' (to leave a company prior to a launch), perhaps you need a different perspective.

The real question is : how bad does it have to be at Sun for one to leave prior to a launch. The answer: pretty frickin' bad. No one believes in the products or in leadership.

And everyone feels that way. Just look at how many people are leaving all across Sun.

Fabs is joining Optinose, so that takes care of your 'he got canned' comment.

And to your earlier comment about 'how bad do you have to be' (to leave a company prior to a launch), perhaps you need a different perspective.

The real question is : how bad does it have to be at Sun for one to leave prior to a launch. The answer: pretty frickin' bad. No one believes in the products or in leadership.

And everyone feels that way. Just look at how many people are leaving all across Sun.

So Fabs is once again joining his failed managed care boy at Optinose. I will be sure to avoid applying there. Thanks for the warning. So they both fail and get jobs leading another company. How hilarious.

youve git to look in the mirror on this one pal.
If you're calling them losers for allegedly failing and they went and hit other positions, and if you follow that logic, what does it make you for staying here and failing.

That my friend is called stupid, because you're throwing a stone and you wish you had another job.

youve git to look in the mirror on this one pal.
If you're calling them losers for allegedly failing and they went and hit other positions, and if you follow that logic, what does it make you for staying here and failing.

That my friend is called stupid, because you're throwing a stone and you wish you had another job.

I have 2 offers coming and when I do I am going to double dip so I never told the new companies I was working here so even if Sun fires me for not working they won't know where I went. My new employer won't background check here either. I am not your average bear...

youve git to look in the mirror on this one pal.
If you're calling them losers for allegedly failing and they went and hit other positions, and if you follow that logic, what does it make you for staying here and failing.

That my friend is called stupid, because you're throwing a stone and you wish you had another job.

Vimal's undies are all in a bunch. His puppet master is gone and people are making fun of him - now he has to defend Fabs on CafePharma

Here's a question whose answer will tell the state of affairs here-

Can you look a former colleague or friend in the eye and tell them they should join Sun and that there's a future?

overall, regardless of which area of the business, it'd be a mistake.

If manager in NC you're talking about is 'PS', then he's solid. But the real issues are well above the manager.

Talk to people that are still here, or to those who've left. I really don't think anyone would tell you it's a good place to be.

What divisions are bad? Recently interviewed for a job in NC and got an offer. Money is low but RM seemed ok. Is this a mistake?

Huge mistake. I guarantee the manager is looking too and so is the goofy RD. Head of training about to leave for Optinose. No stock options and competition about to crush levulan. No products in pipeline. Dont do it.