SUN Pharma = Sh*t Show

I was on the call and it was ridiculous. It's just B.S. - this guy puts on a face in front of us but there's nothing behind it.

'Welcome to Sun, where people are leaving faster than can be counted. But, I am working very, very hard for you, I am traveling and keeping long hours. Oh, but this is actually the first time I've stepped out of the office as I'm CEO. Maybe this year I'll see it important enough to go on the COE trip, because it'll be in my hometown of Mumbai and you guys will be sharing rooms during the rainy season. Oh, and did I mention no spouses ? You'll be sharing a room with a fellow COE winner. I don't see any issues with that, because it's cheaper.'

agreed. Some of these comments are so off the wall that no one from the US would ever make them.

He's actually a very smart guy, he's just hooked onto the wrong trailer.

ok, not including the number of reps that have left last week and this week, where I think the number will reach 4-5, the VP of Sales, the #2 person in Legal and the head of Finance resigned.

All in just the past 5 days.

And you have confidence in the CEO ?

ok, not including the number of reps that have left last week and this week, where I think the number will reach 4-5, the VP of Sales, the #2 person in Legal and the head of Finance resigned.

All in just the past 5 days.

And you have confidence in the CEO ?

Which VP of Sales Resigned? I didn't hear about that one.

Like all the others, he couldn't wait to get out.

Think about it: with the expected launch of Tildra, key people in the home office from nearly every area are leaving. The reps that FL and ST might be looking to pull over to Tildra are leaving.

What we're seeing is a vote of non-confidence in the product, the leadership and the company.

This place could be a case study entitled:
'The fastest SUNset in pharma'

Like all the others, he couldn't wait to get out.

Think about it: with the expected launch of Tildra, key people in the home office from nearly every area are leaving. The reps that FL and ST might be looking to pull over to Tildra are leaving.

What we're seeing is a vote of non-confidence in the product, the leadership and the company.

This place could be a case study entitled:
'The fastest SUNset in pharma'

Wow...where did Fabs go?


I forgot about that four eyed gangly goof ball. His name should be Gooff.

The most uneducated unmotivating sales leader I ever witnessed.

He should lead a book sale outside a library on a Saturday

Failure to lead at the top along with poor business performance creates this mess of finger-pointing and criticism.

This thing is completely unwinding right before our eyes.


I forgot about that four eyed gangly goof ball. His name should be Gooff.

The most uneducated unmotivating sales leader I ever witnessed.

He should lead a book sale outside a library on a Saturday

Why calling him a leader? He is one lying back stabbing POS. Makes up stuff as he goes and teaches people how to sell the spread. He should be in jail

poor business performance? You can't sell a nickel for 50 cents.

I mean let's say forecasting.

As well that hired the best ego self centered ass holes you could find.

Look at the Market Access side. 4 people ran that side for two years.

Now 20 with less results.

Can't sell a nickel for two quarters. Not in America

The truth about Sun and its most senior leadership is that they completely ignored the high cost of a bad reputation. Sun in the US is not Sun in India - market share is very low here, employees have alternate employment options, and we just don't tolerate the crap. But there's a couple of folks that just don't get that, they're blind.

It matters what people think - employees, suppliers and customers. Because what they think affects the bottom line.

So what we have now will not enable us to survive let alone thrive, so its now time for the Big Kahunas to do some self-reflection.

How was this toxic culture created, and in such a short period of time ? We've lost faith, and so have our customers. What we do next is certainly not clear.

Some people think that leadership addressed these key concerns on the call yesterday.

Really ? Please help me to understand what I'm missing.

to the last poster

You drank so much kool aid you are shitt blind

It collapsed because they built out a framework that matches a billion dollar firm. Not a 350 million dollar firm that exists on one floor of one building in Princeton

Drive down and around a 2 mile radius of that one floor and you will see what LARGE DEVELOPED Pharma looks like.

There are companies that are 10 times as large as Sun with fewer hired personnel in areas where Sun over built.

Bottom line. Sun and Dilip lost their money on an ego image

It was NEVER a success. NEVER a culture. NEVER a real company NEVER something that would last.

The main strategic flaw is its existence in this framework to BEGIN WITH!!!

Match stick .....$$$$$