Suicides in Novartis trials in India


Here at NIBR, the Gilenya scandal is still haunting him. Good fun though.

Good fun? Maybe internally when trial patients are just numbers.

I have a conscience. The Gilenya trials--namely Tsfms--were spun pretty hard from a data perspective. And the truth is Zlowly coming out ! Plus more we never saw in the trial.

Eric can fix it, right?

Good fun? Maybe internally when trial patients are just numbers.

I have a conscience. The Gilenya trials--namely Tsfms--were spun pretty hard from a data perspective. And the truth is Zlowly coming out ! Plus more we never saw in the trial.

Eric can fix it, right?

Eric does not care about your conscience, he cares about results - make sure he is on your team and the mess will be guaranteed.

Eric does not care about your conscience, he cares about results - make sure he is on your team and the mess will be guaranteed.

Eric does not have a conscience, he is not productive either, but created a huge mess with the agencies. This is why they make him leave by the end of July. Good riddance. Not sure where is going to. Sanofi does not want him. Pfizer declined as well. He is trying to get into Roche, someone should give them a heads-up.

Eric does not have a conscience, he is not productive either, but created a huge mess with the agencies. This is why they make him leave by the end of July. Good riddance. Not sure where is going to. Sanofi does not want him. Pfizer declined as well. He is trying to get into Roche, someone should give them a heads-up.

Talked to a friend at Roche HR. They are aware of him and know his questionable reputation plus his difficult legacy. Eric will very likely just "retire" in July, he is "too well known" in the community.