What can be done against those work related suicides at Novartis?

I remember working with my manager, when he recieved a phone call about that Jersey rep who committed suicide. He was so upset he had to leave. This man lost his job on a nonsense technicality. His children were destroyed and I heard the funeral was the saddest thing ever witnessed by thoose who were there. Remember that when you throw someone under the bus. Your not only hurting them but their entire world. Because of that I vowed NEVER to rat on someone who was doing things that did not affect my job personaly.
It is very depressing to loose your job, but most families would prefer to live in a box, rather than loose a loved one.
It's very sad that in our business there are metrics for everything except actual work put in the field. I have seen many presiden't club winners who were not working and just got plain lucky! And it's all about timing and luck.

So true. Big corporations exist with no heart or soul. They don't really care about their employees well being. Everything is quid pro quo. You are a number and nothing more. If you think for one minute they care about those that lost their jobs, you are seriously fooling yourself. They only care about profit and nothing else. That's just the way it is.