Look, either you have been lied to big time or are just really a jerk. What have you been smokin? With regards to "works hard to retain its employees?" Paying people more money to put up with illegal, unethical behaviour is not a big carrott to most intelligent, decent human beings. Its called a pay off. Somebody must have slipped you 16 mgs., dude or a big fat promo. Seriously, you have either chosen to ignore the turn over-rate of the century or are soaking in denial (no, it still isn't just a river in Egypt). Pull you big fat stupid head out. Please, do stay with this company, we don't want you infecting any other industries. Get your values from Howard Stern did you? Good news is, with this type of denial or just outright stupidity, your share o de shit is on its way to you even faster. Just hang on and keep your waders handy. Be sure to smile and keep that denial going. At least you can look real pretty for the camera and your next pay off. There is no question that you are one of the weasels that got yourself a promo at the expense of someone way more deserving than you. No, contrary to what you may believe, your ass kiss ways will catch up with you. Lying about your accomplishments, putting down other people in whatever not- so-subtle form got you were you are. Turning red yet, asshole?
[/ QUOTE ]
Whoever is doing this, keep it coming. There's always more to expose on these assholes. CH and PL, are your pants down around your ankles yet?
Look, either you have been lied to big time or are just really a jerk. What have you been smokin? With regards to "works hard to retain its employees?" Paying people more money to put up with illegal, unethical behaviour is not a big carrott to most intelligent, decent human beings. Its called a pay off. Somebody must have slipped you 16 mgs., dude or a big fat promo. Seriously, you have either chosen to ignore the turn over-rate of the century or are soaking in denial (no, it still isn't just a river in Egypt). Pull you big fat stupid head out. Please, do stay with this company, we don't want you infecting any other industries. Get your values from Howard Stern did you? Good news is, with this type of denial or just outright stupidity, your share o de shit is on its way to you even faster. Just hang on and keep your waders handy. Be sure to smile and keep that denial going. At least you can look real pretty for the camera and your next pay off. There is no question that you are one of the weasels that got yourself a promo at the expense of someone way more deserving than you. No, contrary to what you may believe, your ass kiss ways will catch up with you. Lying about your accomplishments, putting down other people in whatever not- so-subtle form got you were you are. Turning red yet, asshole?
[/ QUOTE ]
Whoever is doing this, keep it coming. There's always more to expose on these assholes. CH and PL, are your pants down around your ankles yet?