SUBOXONE--Reckitt Benckiser

Look, either you have been lied to big time or are just really a jerk. What have you been smokin? With regards to "works hard to retain its employees?" Paying people more money to put up with illegal, unethical behaviour is not a big carrott to most intelligent, decent human beings. Its called a pay off. Somebody must have slipped you 16 mgs., dude or a big fat promo. Seriously, you have either chosen to ignore the turn over-rate of the century or are soaking in denial (no, it still isn't just a river in Egypt). Pull you big fat stupid head out. Please, do stay with this company, we don't want you infecting any other industries. Get your values from Howard Stern did you? Good news is, with this type of denial or just outright stupidity, your share o de shit is on its way to you even faster. Just hang on and keep your waders handy. Be sure to smile and keep that denial going. At least you can look real pretty for the camera and your next pay off. There is no question that you are one of the weasels that got yourself a promo at the expense of someone way more deserving than you. No, contrary to what you may believe, your ass kiss ways will catch up with you. Lying about your accomplishments, putting down other people in whatever not- so-subtle form got you were you are. Turning red yet, asshole?

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Whoever is doing this, keep it coming. There's always more to expose on these assholes. CH and PL, are your pants down around your ankles yet?

Having interviewed at the last major hiring, (didn't get offer), I can't believe it's this bad here; this is pretty serious stuff. Is the level of corruption consistent nationwide or particular to certain regions? I am sooo glad PL didn't like me, for whatever reason and passed!

wanna shut some bastard MF rep up, just fire em, dreg up some dung and get your cronnies in on it. Poof, gone. Easy. No little bo peep, the mob don't talk and fix people who do. they look nice in their suits and all, huh bo. youd think they were p-fessnl or sumpthing. thas tha thing about mo fo r.m.s from underworld-contract sales doo doo. do a background search nxt time, smart one. yo "lookin out" aint woikin wheres ever body goin

wanna shut some bastard MF rep up, just fire em, dreg up some dung and get your cronnies in on it. Poof, gone. Easy. No little bo peep, the mob don't talk and fix people who do. they look nice in their suits and all, huh bo. youd think they were p-fessnl or sumpthing. thas tha thing about mo fo r.m.s from underworld-contract sales doo doo. do a background search nxt time, smart one. yo "lookin out" aint woikin wheres ever body goin

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Hey who pulled the thread on the RB lawsuit. I wanted find out what was going on. IT's GONE! They're running scared again!

wanna shut some bastard MF rep up, just fire em, dreg up some dung and get your cronnies in on it. Poof, gone. Easy. No little bo peep, the mob don't talk and fix people who do. they look nice in their suits and all, huh bo. youd think they were p-fessnl or sumpthing. thas tha thing about mo fo r.m.s from underworld-contract sales doo doo. do a background search nxt time, smart one. yo "lookin out" aint woikin wheres ever body goin

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Hey who pulled the thread on the RB lawsuit. I wanted find out what was going on. IT's GONE! They're running scared again!

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What's really wierd is they pulled it as soon as that email address came out. They must be monitoring it everyday. Pat, Chris, Sean, Someday you will all get yours. What goes around comes around. God works in mysterious ways and only you can answer to him! Judgement day!

exactly. also, some idiot got on here last night and starting talking about doing awful things to jews. he was just a sick sicko and i'm glad they pulled it, except all the other stuff was good. hmmm. Hey how much you bet? someone from the co. did that on purpose to get the thread pulled. yea, thatsss what happened-they had to get it pulled

predictable as ever. None of this will change them. New reps will come in, buy the coverups about whats really going on, enforced on them by management, reinforced by threatening remarks such as don't listen to any negativity here. If you catch someone being negative, you tell me. Next thing you know, all sorts of strange things start happening to the one telling the truth and they leave or get fired, and on and on. Its been like this since day 1. I was there, quit very shortly. Remember me. we could have a reunion and should.

exactly. also, some idiot got on here last night and starting talking about doing awful things to jews. he was just a sick sicko and i'm glad they pulled it, except all the other stuff was good. hmmm. Hey how much you bet? someone from the co. did that on purpose to get the thread pulled. yea, thatsss what happened-they had to get it pulled

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I remember Pat talking about Cafe Pharma and dont spread the negativity. Just let us know and we'll take care of it. I think it's kind of ironic that the people reading these posts are defending them. I'm wondering if it is Chris Hasson or Pat Lewis. Chris, shouldn't you be home with your precious (or so you say) wife and kids? I guess you dont practice what you preach. I only can hope that one day someone will ttreat one of your daughters the way you treated us!

the utter failure to send any of their inept, sickly smug skanky addicted managers packing, instead of their CLS, is now their punishment. these managers and you know who you are, are going to bring the house of RB to its knees, if only by their continual ability to run competetent people who see through them and question them, away. RP is the only real man there and the force be with him, Run Rick Run, my man.

My dearest Representatives;
Let’s stop this nonsense about spreading the negativity here at CafePharma. Just give me a call and Chris and I will take care of you; we already KNOW what to do with your suggestions. Human Recourses can also help; just tell them that you read this at CafePharma!


My dearest Representatives;
Let’s stop this nonsense about spreading the negativity here at CafePharma. Just give me a call and Chris and I will take care of you; we already KNOW what to do with your suggestions. Human Recourses can also help; just tell them that you read this at CafePharma!


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Then we'll fire your ass and no you wont get severance and no you cant sue us because is a legitimate fire!

the utter failure to send any of their inept, sickly smug skanky addicted managers packing, instead of their CLS, is now their punishment. these managers and you know who you are, are going to bring the house of RB to its knees, if only by their continual ability to run competetent people who see through them and question them, away. RP is the only real man there and the force be with him, Run Rick Run, my man.

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Don't you get it? It's not the manager, although I am sure they are skanks! It's Chris Hasson, Pat Lewis and Sean Thatcher who are hiring the henchmen. It's a disgrace that people who say they want to help people just do the opposite with their employees. The time is now to take action. Sending a letter to all the newspapers letting them know just what kind of company this is. Leeting the potential buyers know how this company is run. biching on cafe pharma is not going to help except let chris hasson, pat lewis and sean thatcher know just how much they are hated on a daily basis.

Pat, you are loved and supported by this team and even some who have gone on. I've talked to a few, personally and none blamed you for the few bad people that ran them off. Most of us know whats in your heart. I'm sorry if someone got their feelings hurt and don't want to disrespect what they are feeling or have gone through . I hope they can find a way to work things out. Time heals all.

I'm with you. Pat is someone you can count on. She always comes through. She is one of the reasons that turnover in RB is so low.

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Keep going Pat. I noticed how no one has mentioned chris hasson or sean. I guess they're to blame

I'm with you. Pat is someone you can count on. She always comes through. She is one of the reasons that turnover in RB is so low.

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Keep going Pat. I noticed how no one has mentioned chris hasson or sean. I guess they're to blame

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Hey jackass, maybe you ought to learn how to spell their names right if you're going to be bashing them all to hell. For YOUR information, this company (Pat, Chris and Shaun included) is a great company to work for, so shut the $#%@ up!!

I'm with you. Pat is someone you can count on. She always comes through. She is one of the reasons that turnover in RB is so low.

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Keep going Pat. I noticed how no one has mentioned chris hasson or sean. I guess they're to blame

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Hey jackass, maybe you ought to learn how to spell their names right if you're going to be bashing them all to hell. For YOUR information, this company (Pat, Chris and Shaun included) is a great company to work for, so shut the $#%@ up!!

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I never said the company was bad to work for, I said that pat, chris and shaun suck. They are two faced, back stabbing weasles and as I said judgement day will come. Treating people the way they have in the past with lies and deceit is not a company I would want to work for. So now it is time for you shut the #$%^%$@ up because you have no clue!!