Stay Away From this Piece of Shit Company

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Someone is getting canned. That's for sure. I am sure whatever it is will be highly motivating to the sales force.

I think Kelly is gone (bad move), I think Earl and Abbey will still be around(worse move).

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I hope abby does stay. This company deserves to have her and anne and all the other pieces of shit, our so called "management". I honestly don't care - even though I work here, I want this place to fail. I don't work at all anymore and haven't for several weeks now. I spend all my time looking for another job. I am close, have a couple of offers coming down the pike very soon. Can't wait to tell abby to go fuck herself.

I have applied to cafepharma to have a space made up for crtx on the "Lost Civilizations" boards since this piece of shit company will be belly up within the next 6 months.

I also worked for Abby when she was a manager in Chicago for Celltech. It looks llike see went through Celltech, Serono, and CT all in 2 years. The biggest micromanager I ever encountered. Made everyone else look bad to TRY and make her look good. It was always someone elses fault. Looks like things have not changed. Good luck.

I also worked for Abby when she was a manager in Chicago for Celltech. It looks llike see went through Celltech, Serono, and CT all in 2 years. The biggest micromanager I ever encountered. Made everyone else look bad to TRY and make her look good. It was always someone elses fault. Looks like things have not changed. Good luck.

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Abby is nothing more than a smelly, used up old cunt. I wouldn't bang her with Rick's tiny dick and Paul pushing. I hope to God that there is such a thing as karma, because if there is, Abby will be coming back in her next life as some sort of intestinal parasite. My guess is a tapeworm.

For those looking to sign on here - don't do it. You will regret it if you do. Believe me, so many have gotten screwed over here and it will happen to you also.

Even our own CEO thinks this is a piece of shit company!

Critical Therapeutics CEO Abusing Stock Sale Program? (CRTX)
by on Mar 6th with stocks: CRTX submits: There are hundreds of filings each week disclosing sales of company stock according to pre-arranged plans. These so-called 10b5-1 plans require an executive to reserve a certain number of shares and then commit to selling a set amount each month (the normal duration) for a predetermined period of time. The intent is clearly a good one, since the drawn out schedule avoids the appearance that insiders are timing their sales to their own advantage. Pre-arranged plans benefit the insiders as well, because most companies have restrictive windows of a few days each quarter when insiders can buy and sell – such restrictions are designed to avoid any appearance of impropriety linked to a company’s most recent results.

But the fact that these plans have proliferated leads to a general sense that they are being abused. Case in point: Critical Therapeutics (CRTX) filed an 8-K a few weeks ago announcing that the CEO had terminated his 10b5-1 plan after selling only 40,000 shares over the past 4 months instead of the allotted 180,000 shares over 18 months. Initial sales were at $8.65 but deteriorated to $6.48 at the end of January when the last of the pre-arranged sales was made. And it might not surprise you that today, CRTX’s stock price is $5.49. In short, business as usual.

What the hell is upper management doing about our plunging stock price? Is everything in this damn company a pile of shit? When is this going to end? I have been very patient, thinking it was all growing pains and that we would get through them, but maybe the OP of this thread was right, we should have stayed away from this piece of shit company. What was I thinking? Shoulda stayed with Merck

Ok- This is sad!! I know we have such a great sales team yet nobody is aware of what we are doing!! It looks bad with these goals , but really this drug can help people!! I think if we refocus there might be a shot at success!! Hey upper management wake up and help us!!!

I swear, I think I work for a different company than you guys. I am out in the West. Great (hands-off) manager and BUD. Doing OK. I'm sorry to hear its such a cluster fuck. How much of it is your manager (departed or present?). Maybe I'm going to have to wake up and smell the coffee, I don't know. I heard today that the company is up for sale. If that happened, what would happen to our stock options?

I swear, I think I work for a different company than you guys. I am out in the West. Great (hands-off) manager and BUD. Doing OK. I'm sorry to hear its such a cluster fuck. How much of it is your manager (departed or present?). Maybe I'm going to have to wake up and smell the coffee, I don't know. I heard today that the company is up for sale. If that happened, what would happen to our stock options?

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kiss them goodbye. anne and upper management will be given fat compensation checks while the rest of us get pink slips. gotta be employed with the company for options to mature to term.

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