Starting a thread to see how many white males felt discriminated against because of Mercks agenda

Yet it happens

The truth is Merck leadership knows full well they are severely diminishing the intellectual capably by excluding the most experienced can capable workers by hiring ONLY non-white candidates with little or none of the required qualifications. However, they are over a barrel since the Biden administration will penalize pharmaceuticals by withholding medicare contracts. So, the stakeholders will all pay later for this decision when the Keytruda cliff comes and the employee base cannot produce. At that point they will be in a major jam! History repeats itself!

The truth is Merck leadership knows full well they are severely diminishing the intellectual capably by excluding the most experienced can capable workers by hiring ONLY non-white candidates with little or none of the required qualifications. However, they are over a barrel since the Biden administration will penalize pharmaceuticals by withholding medicare contracts. So, the stakeholders will all pay later for this decision when the Keytruda cliff comes and the employee base cannot produce. At that point they will be in a major jam! History repeats itself!

Not sure on some of some claims but merck does not always to take the best candidate despite all the training. also get rid of old people with institutional knowledge. My Collegue was just “retired” and just over 50, top performer, white male and now fear has set in of what to come.

This attack against certain people, the WM, is an agenda of the NWO.

If you are not in their club, you just have to made adjustments. I highly recommend starting a cash business, and sticking it to them.

Dam, it is better to be a barber or have a sandwich truck these days that aspiring to be something in the corporate world. Working for a major corporation is death anyway. Total disaster. They not only treat people like crap, but they have no integrity.

This attack against certain people, the WM, is an agenda of the NWO.

If you are not in their club, you just have to made adjustments. I highly recommend starting a cash business, and sticking it to them.

Dam, it is better to be a barber or have a sandwich truck these days that aspiring to be something in the corporate world. Working for a major corporation is death anyway. Total disaster. They not only treat people like crap, but they have no integrity.

color age race should not matter. Best for the job should. Period.

Some years back I was laid off. My rehire interview was by a POC who was my skills and intellectual inferior. Asked me if I knew how to do things that were like kindergarten-101 of my prior position. Of course - I didn't get rehired.


Merck management is dumbing down so much they wish they lie on the beach and A.I. will resolve the gaps that they’d previously created. Employees who can actually pull their weight are getting so frustrated by nonsensical decision making and are questioning their sanity. It’s like going back to Stone Age days of Pharma 101. One of the most stupid analogy heard in meetings: building a plane while flying it. Crash and burn I say.

Extremely qualified outside hire DEI victim. It’s real when it happens to you. I suspect I’m better off because this is an a culture that I would not want to work with Merck has changed it sad.

These are the same crybabies that have supported whites hiring whites “just because they’re white” for centuries. NEVER fun when the rabbit attempts to get the gun!!!

I spent almost 30 years at Merck and was passed over for numerous promotions as they had “high potential females, blacks and others.” This began when I was around 45 years old and continued for the next ten years plus. Their support of BLM and diversity and inclusion is over the top. I have spoken with many of my colleagues who share the same view. Thoughts?

There are metrics that the business must hit to have women and minorities into Leadership roles. I saw it happen a lot. I also saw a lot of incompetent while males promoted. At Merck it hasn't been about merit since 2009 when the SP merger happened and Mirian Graddick-Weir was put in charge of HR.