I am replying to the various comments complaining about DEI and hiring practices. These issues are not new and have existed for 30 plus years. They have just been given names or acronyms. DEI, diversity hires, good old boy network, good old girl network, affirmative action hires, etc.. are now very easily identified and Merck as many other companies openly participate in the practice. Unfortunately you will have to get used to it or move on to a gig that you can control yourself. Life isn't fair and the most qualified person past or present was rarely the person that received the job offer. The best connected person or the person with the preferred sex, race, or other attributes that fits into the current hiring climate will get the offer and the powers that be can justify their decisions with whatever BS they choose. I hate it but that is the way it has always been only now it is openly accepted openly practiced with impunity.