Starting a thread to see how many white males felt discriminated against because of Mercks agenda

White people complaining about equality. lol. Hilariousssssss. Absolutely hilarious posts on here. Poor white folks. You must really be suffering. lol

It's not hilarious, it's sad and dangerous! Hiring unqualified workers that DO NOT have the required education and experience and expecting them to help the company achieve its goals is just plain stupid. The only reason Pharmas like Merck hire DEI is to get a tax credit. It has started to backfire as the stock price is plummeting! Oh shit, now they can't unload the DEI workers for fear of discrimination against the poor brown and black people! Guess there is no free lunch Rob Davis. You will go down as Merck's worst CEO, formerly held by Gilmartin. Congrats Chief!

It's not hilarious, it's sad and dangerous! Hiring unqualified workers that DO NOT have the required education and experience and expecting them to help the company achieve its goals is just plain stupid. The only reason Pharmas like Merck hire DEI is to get a tax credit. It has started to backfire as the stock price is plummeting! Oh shit, now they can't unload the DEI workers for fear of discrimination against the poor brown and black people! Guess there is no free lunch Rob Davis. You will go down as Merck's worst CEO, formerly held by Gilmartin. Congrats Chief!

ok angry white guy. Perhaps the free CALM APP Merck provides can tone your behavior down.

Society has turned 180 on this over the last 3 years - people have seen firsthand what happens when you hire exclusively on race and gender. Those that pushed this are the most racist, anti MLK followers in history. Refreshing to see the push back on this.

Society has turned 180 on this over the last 3 years - people have seen firsthand what happens when you hire exclusively on race and gender. Those that pushed this are the most racist, anti MLK followers in history. Refreshing to see the push back on this.
It's still there in pockets, but it's not like it was 2-3 years ago when it was a regular topic of conversation at meetings, being forced upon leadership teams. Lets hope this trajectory continues.

Yet another desperate and fallacious attempt to convince everyone of white male victimization that doesn’t exist. White male victimization has ABSOLUTELY NO BASIS IN REALITY!!!!! Because your “brethren” didn’t admit you into their meritless club someone (minority races) have to be blamed for YOUR failure, right?

Company is outsoursing IT and DM in India, est Europe and Amérique Latine. In the same they created this Diversity story. They want to shut your mouth like a kid with candy.

Yet another desperate and fallacious attempt to convince everyone of white male victimization that doesn’t exist. White male victimization has ABSOLUTELY NO BASIS IN REALITY!!!!! Because your “brethren” didn’t admit you into their meritless club someone (minority races) have to be blamed for YOUR failure, right?
#triggered calm yourself seems you are not happy with the scale back of DEI programs, initiatives but relax, the evil white males are not going to take over, there will still be diversity. It's just wont be forced down everyones throat all the time anymore.

#triggered calm yourself seems you are not happy with the scale back of DEI programs, initiatives but relax, the evil white males are not going to take over, there will still be diversity. It's just wont be forced down everyones throat all the time anymore.

#FakeNews, I am calm. It was someone of your type CRYING about white male discrimination and victimhood. Perhaps you suffer from white fragility? I understand it’s the minority races fault that your mediocrity wasn’t good enough to get give you the UNEARNED opportunities you believed your skin color “owes” you (bka white privilege). Maybe you’d benefit from reading the following or maybe not - “Mediocre: The Dangerous Legacy of White Male America” (Seal Press, 2020) by Ijeoma Oluo. You’ll be okay in time, I hope!

#FakeNews, I am calm. It was someone of your type CRYING about white male discrimination and victimhood. Perhaps you suffer from white fragility? I understand it’s the minority races fault that your mediocrity wasn’t good enough to get give you the UNEARNED opportunities you believed your skin color “owes” you (bka white privilege). Maybe you’d benefit from reading the following or maybe not - “Mediocre: The Dangerous Legacy of White Male America” (Seal Press, 2020) by Ijeoma Oluo. You’ll be okay in time, I hope!
#triggered, again, calm down. I am not complaining about anything, simply making an observation. I am quite comfortable with who I am, thanks. I don't let other people define me or what I should feel. I'll pass on the DEI reading, but thanks. If it makes you feel better to blame evil white males for your failure, lack of career progress, go right ahead.

Merck recruiter told me I was a more experienced candidate but she had a less experienced candidate that she had to move forward because she was a female.

If that's the case, and that was said.l, You have an extremely easy lawsuit to winal... No recruiter said that and that is fake. If it was said that recruiter was fired that day and have fun with that settlement, should be super easy to get the bag

I’m an SVP here and you will be suprised to know how many white useless men I’m surrounded by! They have been floating around for 20 years plus and benefited from friends or networks promoting them - zero dynamics, EQ or IQ

I’m a white male before you all get upset - the boys club is real and still exists

I am saddened to see these comments about individuals believing companies are only hiring candidates for a DEI check mark. IMO ...For the past 30 years of my time being in pharmaceutical sales, it was mostly white individuals and still is to this day! but more recently, opportunities are being given to individuals who happen to be non white, which doesn't mean they are not qualified. I say this because I am married to a minority and my spouse works very hard at their job and they have been turned down by lots of other pharma companies before landing at a small company , and my spouse always felt they didnt fit in culturally to get the job as in not being white enough because everyone is white. I guess my point is, regardless of race, we are only able to see the situation as it relates to our own personal experiences... so although I don't feel white people are at disadvantage just because a company decides to promote DEI initiatives as im still employed and didn't get laid off and white, I think maybe white people are possibly complaining because now the playing field is becoming more fair with candidates who are actually qualified but they happen to be a minority, so... it is posssible they feel threatened now as they might lose our importance in Society, so they are complaining about DEI initiatives or they could just be racist.

Please no hate replies on this, I'm just speaking from my initial thoughts and sharing my insights as a person who is married to a minority so you guys can understand how might a minority feel since there is so much hate against minority that we think they only got the job cause of the color of their skin.

Hardly. The largest beneficiaries are undoubtedly black. People getting jobs in HH who would have never been hired a few years ago. Pathetic

So it's only ok if a white man gets the role? I'm tired of white people complaining that they are at a disadvantage when I've been in pharmaceuticals for over 30 years and everyone if not 90% of field sales are mostly white regardless of which company you are at.

When DEI comes around to level the playing field, now the white man is scared to lose their relevancy in society. Just because you ARE white doesn't mean you always do a better job and are more qualified and just because a female or non white person gets the job doesn't mean they are not qualified.

Stop complaining.

So it's only ok if a white man gets the role? I'm tired of white people complaining that they are at a disadvantage when I've been in pharmaceuticals for over 30 years and everyone if not 90% of field sales are mostly white regardless of which company you are at.

When DEI comes around to level the playing field, now the white man is scared to lose their relevancy in society. Just because you ARE white doesn't mean you always do a better job and are more qualified and just because a female or non white person gets the job doesn't mean they are not qualified.

Stop complaining.
No complaining here, Merck like many companies are now backing off the heavy DEI push, instead focusing on an inclusive environment where everyone can be heard. DEI leaders and programs being cut across industries as companies realize they have spent millions on these programs that pander to an ideology. Instead, we are seeing a return to merit based hiring and promotion, regardless of race or gender. All bad ideas eventually fail, some just take longer than others.

I spent almost 30 years at Merck and was passed over for numerous promotions as they had “high potential females, blacks and others.” This began when I was around 45 years old and continued for the next ten years plus. Their support of BLM and diversity and inclusion is over the top. I have spoken with many of my colleagues who share the same view. Thoughts?

They definitely have an agenda, as do all major corporations.

I say let them suffer and don't work for them anymore. They will make their money with all the lying they do, and they don't care for the most part. But, not hiring the best people will cut into their profits.

No complaining here, Merck like many companies are now backing off the heavy DEI push, instead focusing on an inclusive environment where everyone can be heard. DEI leaders and programs being cut across industries as companies realize they have spent millions on these programs that pander to an ideology. Instead, we are seeing a return to merit based hiring and promotion, regardless of race or gender. All bad ideas eventually fail, some just take longer than others.
With all the disasters in our cities, country, world the last 3+ years, it is easy to see how much opinions have changed. You can see the prez who supported this losing support at a record clip, mostly from those that are minorities. Because of this ignorance, those that have worked hard and deserve the job are seen by many as those that have been granted the job based on being dark. It’s a shame but It’s beautiful to see this rejected by most!

With all the disasters in our cities, country, world the last 3+ years, it is easy to see how much opinions have changed. You can see the prez who supported this losing support at a record clip, mostly from those that are minorities. Because of this ignorance, those that have worked hard and deserve the job are seen by many as those that have been granted the job based on being dark. It’s a shame but It’s beautiful to see this rejected by most!
satisfying to say the least after having it crammed down our throats on a daily basis for the last several years.