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Starting a thread to see how many white males felt discriminated against because of Mercks agenda

Early Retired with 26 years at Merck in a Leadership role back in 2014. Was not a good place for a white male since the early 2000’s or right around the time Ken took over. He was a great General Council but a terrible CEO where my stock was stagnant for 10 + years.

I’m honestly sick to death of this DEI bullshit. It seems like a glorified Party Planning Committee.

I’ve been in a few different depts and it always seems like the most useless people who do no actual work and have no discernible skill wind up doing DEI.

I am a white male myself and it’s not as if I don’t believe in the fundamental idea that diversity is a good thing. I value backgrounds and perspectives different than my own and strive to be open and non-judgmental. I genuinely want everyone to have opportunities and the chance at a fulfilling professional life free of discrimination and poor treatment.

But with Merck, I can’t stand ithe constant saccharine plasticy bleating, the transparent political agenda, and the subtle eye rolling I get if I try to participate. In good faith I went to a couple of the forums and felt very unwelcome in a what are you doing here sort of way.

On the other hand having that experience made me realize that is a small taste of what minorities deal with every day. But still, it doesn’t make it right or make me think that the sheer scale of DEI propaganda is a worthwhile use of company time and energy. It’s all smoke and mirrors to mask other bullshit.

Hardly. The largest beneficiaries are undoubtedly black. People getting jobs in HH who would have never been hired a few years ago. Pathetic
A simple search could have prevented your display of stupidity. Educate yourself, clown.




Even Teen Vogue is getting in on the myth


Been here just over 20 years last October. I'm Latino, and the company kept holding me up as a "diversity hire". I hate to tell them this, but I don't speak Spanish that well, I was raised in a small town in the midwest and I wouldn't know anything about my own culture (Guatemalan) because my grandparents came here to assimilate and that's what we did.

Bugged the hell out of me to be constantly pointed out as "the diversity hire". Made me feel like I was the one who didn't otherwise earn the grades despite worked my ass off and getting a 3.75 in undergrad. Always being asked to translate anything in Spanish also was embarrassing. I just guessed, or I took a picture of it and sent it to my wife who sent me back a translation (she teaches Spanish, but she's French Canadian!). Finally, the Diversity people are NUTZ. Just because I have a Hispanic last name, they thought my politics were the same as theirs. NO. I have a mind and I can think for myself, thankyouverymuch!

I'm retiring at the end of February, and I won't miss much about this place. Our management has gone to hell, this DEI thing is like a Hive Mind that's batshit crazy, and with COVID, access is zero. To hell with this. I am going to finish building my garage and spend some time with my family. I miss them and we need each other. No job is worth that.

Look across industries at major companies, DEI is beginning to die the slow death it deserves
Cybersexy Wendy (synthesizer)
Web walkin' in the nude
Digital good time, digital good time
Said she'd lap dance on your laptop
While your laptop's in your lap
Digital good time, digital good time
Cybersexy Wendy
Web walkin' in the nude
Digital good time, digital good time
Said she'd tap dance on your laptop
While your laptop's in your lap
Digital good time, digital good time
Digital good time, digital good time
Cybersexy Wendy
Web walkin' in the nude
Digital good time, digital good time
Fuzzy logic, it's groovy