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Starting a thread to see how many white males felt discriminated against because of Mercks agenda


I spent almost 30 years at Merck and was passed over for numerous promotions as they had “high potential females, blacks and others.” This began when I was around 45 years old and continued for the next ten years plus. Their support of BLM and diversity and inclusion is over the top. I have spoken with many of my colleagues who share the same view. Thoughts?

Over the top is accurate, so many white men are being passed over even in instances where they are clearly the most qualified candidate. It is pathetic to hear women, especially women of color, talk about how hard it to get ahead these days. There are countless examples of women being promoted recently, into roles where there was a better male candidate but the interview panel was told "we need to hire a woman". We've even brought incompetent women in from outside of Merck when there was a perfect internal male candidate.

Another here, recently. Ultimate;ty the focus on DEI over qualifications, skill will haunt them. In some cases it already is, people elevated to positions they are not remotely qualified for, hurting the business and ability to retain, attract talent in those areas. Large Pharma companies have this luxury, the funds and ability cover for the poor performance in many cases. Smaller Pharma companies do not have that luxury, every person counts, which is why I am headed there. Not a sales role, by the way.

No snowflake here. Just reality. In all the places I’ve worked at Merck we have always had top caliber individuals. Everyone was recognized for their merit and promoted accordingly. However, recently, I have seen Merck bowing to the wokeness, and they’ve gotten away from that. Of course, given our product portfolio there’s an inherent reason why they are doing that to make sure that they don’t alienate customers or patients. I do see deliberate focus promoting based on gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation and not always skill. I’ve always been proud to see diversity across Merck that occurred naturally, not forced. My one snowflake comment - I wonder how the organization would respond if I wanted to create an EBRG for white Anglo-Saxon males? There is only one EBRG that I could potentially participate in and that is veterans. All the other ones I don’t associate with.

Maybe, and I'm just spit ballin' here, you ain't all that good and don't deserve to be promoted. Being white isn't enough anymore and you've been spoiled for so long, that equality feels like discrimination to you.

Hit the bricks ya racist boomer, I'm sure there is a Trump rally you need to attend. You'll be special there, 1 of 12.

Maybe, and I'm just spit ballin' here, you ain't all that good and don't deserve to be promoted. Being white isn't enough anymore and you've been spoiled for so long, that equality feels like discrimination to you.

Hit the bricks ya racist boomer, I'm sure there is a Trump rally you need to attend. You'll be special there, 1 of 12.

we have historically promoted the best candidates based on skills, qualifications and potential. The company is so woke right now that we are putting too much emphasis on hiring diversity and no longer hiring the BEST candidates. I continue to hear about, and be a part of, interview panels where the hiring manager says "we need to hire a black or Latino woman for this role". What?? What about the best candidate for the business? I feel bad for these minority women who are being hired over better candidates, EVERYONE knows the real reason they were hired and this devalues their actual skills.

Maybe, and I'm just spit ballin' here, you ain't all that good and don't deserve to be promoted. Being white isn't enough anymore and you've been spoiled for so long, that equality feels like discrimination to you.

Hit the bricks ya racist boomer, I'm sure there is a Trump rally you need to attend. You'll be special there, 1 of 12.

Another one who has "found their voice". It's always been about hiring the best candidates, just so happens they were more often white. Not anymore. Doesn't matter who is best suited for the role, just need to boost our % of minorities at all levels. Look around at the profile of promos over the last 12 months, everyone knows why these individuals were hired.

we have historically promoted the best candidates based on skills, qualifications and potential. The company is so woke right now that we are putting too much emphasis on hiring diversity and no longer hiring the BEST candidates. I continue to hear about, and be a part of, interview panels where the hiring manager says "we need to hire a black or Latino woman for this role". What?? What about the best candidate for the business? I feel bad for these minority women who are being hired over better candidates, EVERYONE knows the real reason they were hired and this devalues their actual skills.
The best candidate no longer matters here, all about DEI

There was a time when we hired based on skills, qualifications and potential. No more. Now we are striving to hit #'s to show we have diversity in leadership, even when those chosen are less qualified and less able to do the job. Too many interview panelists are told "we need to hire a minority female for this role", which makes the interview process a joke and devalues the actual skills the candidate has. When decisions are made this way, EVERYONE knows the real reason that candidate was chosen. I feel bad for these women, no one respects them because they know the real reason they were chosen. Sure it will help our diversity statistics but will it put this company in the best position to succeed? I think not.

I’m an SVP here and you will be suprised to know how many white useless men I’m surrounded by! They have been floating around for 20 years plus and benefited from friends or networks promoting them - zero dynamics, EQ or IQ

I’m a white male before you all get upset - the boys club is real and still exists

Another here, recently. Ultimate;ty the focus on DEI over qualifications, skill will haunt them. In some cases it already is, people elevated to positions they are not remotely qualified for, hurting the business and ability to retain, attract talent in those areas. Large Pharma companies have this luxury, the funds and ability cover for the poor performance in many cases. Smaller Pharma companies do not have that luxury, every person counts, which is why I am headed there. Not a sales role, by the way.

Most of small pharma are filled with useless WHITE men who couldn’t cut it in big pharma so you’ll fit right in. They’re predominantly poorly run but the good ole boys club will take care of each other while they tank the company. Who will you blame then for your failures? COMPETENT white men aren’t threatened by minorities.

I’m an SVP here and you will be suprised to know how many white useless men I’m surrounded by! They have been floating around for 20 years plus and benefited from friends or networks promoting them - zero dynamics, EQ or IQ

I’m a white male before you all get upset - the boys club is real and still exists
SVP, sure we believe that

we have historically promoted the best candidates based on skills, qualifications and potential. The company is so woke right now that we are putting too much emphasis on hiring diversity and no longer hiring the BEST candidates. I continue to hear about, and be a part of, interview panels where the hiring manager says "we need to hire a black or Latino woman for this role". What?? What about the best candidate for the business? I feel bad for these minority women who are being hired over better candidates, EVERYONE knows the real reason they were hired and this devalues their actual skills.

There was a time when we hired based on skills, qualifications and potential. No more. Now we are striving to hit #'s to show we have diversity in leadership, even when those chosen are less qualified and less able to do the job. Too many interview panelists are told "we need to hire a minority female for this role", which makes the interview process a joke and devalues the actual skills the candidate has. When decisions are made this way, EVERYONE knows the real reason that candidate was chosen. I feel bad for these women, no one respects them because they know the real reason they were chosen. Sure it will help our diversity statistics but will it put this company in the best position to succeed? I think not.

This is pharma’s latest craze. No shortage of Asians or women so that means they’re stocking up on blacks and latinos. Why not use the same quota system in professional sports?

I spent almost 30 years at Merck and was passed over for numerous promotions as they had “high potential females, blacks and others.” This began when I was around 45 years old and continued for the next ten years plus. Their support of BLM and diversity and inclusion is over the top. I have spoken with many of my colleagues who share the same view. Thoughts?

I’ve seen pharma hire mediocre candidates and then back them up with contractors. They’ll use contractors like stunt doubles to do the heavy lifting while the company parades their diversity stand-ins at the town hall meetings. “Oh look what we got”. A bunch of PR fluffers mostly in commercial with bs titles like “director of diversity CoE”.
It’s sad for the legitimately talented professionals who have to be grouped into this racket. People like the great Ken Frazier.

No matter how incompetent or abusive, companies would never risk a lawsuit and bad press by firing them so they’re here to stay. The first thing they’ll do is push out their direct reports and replace them with someone even more incompetent who won’t make them look bad. Meanwhile they get 6 figures for forwarding other people’s reports all day. Or writing up PIPs in bad grammar.

Another here, recently. Ultimate;ty the focus on DEI over qualifications, skill will haunt them. In some cases it already is, people elevated to positions they are not remotely qualified for, hurting the business and ability to retain, attract talent in those areas. Large Pharma companies have this luxury, the funds and ability cover for the poor performance in many cases. Smaller Pharma companies do not have that luxury, every person counts, which is why I am headed there. Not a sales role, by the way.

It’s worse in small biotechs. Some of them literally can’t speak legibly but anyone who points it out would be flagged as a racist. I feel bad for the legitimately talented minorities who now have to get mixed in with the ones who got in with a DEI card.