SPN-810 Failure

Going to go out on a limb and guess you won’t be missed, in performance or otherwise. But why wait? Why not leave now? Oh right- you are too stupid to realize you can quit and still get paid out on your vacation time
Some of us are not leaving. Using vacation time to reset after the hurricane year leadership has put us through. THEN I may start looking for another job. Just don’t have the energy anymore

Naysayer here. Is it too much to ask for you guys to live in reality? Start thinking about how you can give the field a viable product instead of running down this rabbit hole that leads to yet another mission impossible for the field to overcome. 810 is dead, the quicker you can acknowledge that the quicker we can move towards being a healthy company again.


I didn’t realize they covered drug development and regulatory strategy at Enterprise Car Rental.

Now shut up and vacuum the Cheerios out of the back seat!

Going to go out on a limb and guess you won’t be missed, in performance or otherwise. But why wait? Why not leave now? Oh right- you are too stupid to realize you can quit and still get paid out on your vacation time
Hilarious. The first people to go are the performers, dummy. They get a new job easy peasy. You forget that they’re the ones that Supernus screwed out of thousands. All this “you won’t be missed” crap is so laughable. Sounds like sour grapes from someone who is going to get left behind at a minimum to mediocre, at best, company with a flat and declining future with just ok to questionable drugs and pipeline. Those sour others are leaving, you’re just as mediocre as the company and you belong here. So, in that case, good for you, I guess

I didn’t realize they covered drug development and regulatory strategy at Enterprise Car Rental.

Now shut up and vacuum the Cheerios out of the back seat!

Haha. You know whats even funnier is the only department that is producing in this company is the field. This years failure has been management, drug development, and corporate accounts. Keep biting the hand that feeds you.

I didn’t realize they covered drug development and regulatory strategy at Enterprise Car Rental.

Now shut up and vacuum the Cheerios out of the back seat!
Can we please get someone in that position WHO DOES have SUCCESSFUL experience in drug development and regulatory strategy? At this point, I’d take the Enterprise rep over the good old boys club any day. Our current people over there seem to be doing such a “fantastic” job *hard eye roll*

...and with the meal budget cuts, we need every single one of those Cheerios

Obviously you really want people to care that you are leaving. The truth must really burn your ass- the only people who will miss you are the 5-6 losers you get on here for daily bitch sessions with. What’s with the desire to anonymously trash the company and announce your intentions to leave? What exactly is it that you are looking for? Sounds like your looking to have your cynical temper tantrum about how bad Supernus has made your life justified by finding others as miserable as you. Your type of person won’t be happy no matter where you work

Can we please get someone in that position WHO DOES have SUCCESSFUL experience in drug development and regulatory strategy? At this point, I’d take the Enterprise rep over the good old boys club any day. Our current people over there seem to be doing such a “fantastic” job *hard eye roll*

...and with the meal budget cuts, we need every single one of those Cheerios

Budget cut was to pay for Corporates new building. The new building has a lot to do with Corporates newfound sense of entitlement. Its amazing what happens to someone's perception when they move into a multimillion dollar building.

Obviously you really want people to care that you are leaving. The truth must really burn your ass- the only people who will miss you are the 5-6 losers you get on here for daily bitch sessions with. What’s with the desire to anonymously trash the company and announce your intentions to leave? What exactly is it that you are looking for? Sounds like your looking to have your cynical temper tantrum about how bad Supernus has made your life justified by finding others as miserable as you. Your type of person won’t be happy no matter where you work
And yet...you’re on here...every day...

Obviously you really want people to care that you are leaving. The truth must really burn your ass- the only people who will miss you are the 5-6 losers you get on here for daily bitch sessions with. What’s with the desire to anonymously trash the company and announce your intentions to leave? What exactly is it that you are looking for? Sounds like your looking to have your cynical temper tantrum about how bad Supernus has made your life justified by finding others as miserable as you. Your type of person won’t be happy no matter where you work
Obviously you really want to bring down the people who are leaving for better opportunities. What’s the matter, are you bored with your ride alongs? Having a hard time thinking about new ways to approve expense reports in order to give your life a little meaning? You think coming here will add a little excitement to your life, only to make you even more resentful at all the people posting that they’re excited for their new jobs? Lol