SPN-810 Failure

Agree and disagree. Did we overachieve as a sales force? Yes. Are the products turds? No. It’s OK to say we did really well with what we had but you can’t discount the real impact our products have had on real patients lives. Not saying EVERY patient. But I know personally of several real people that are much better off on our “generics that we slapped a delivery on.”

Cool story bro

That poor crew of B2B kids happens to be the best sales force in this industry. There's not another sales force in the nation that could do what these "poor crew of B2B kids" did with these turd products.

this made me laugh. Best in the industry??? Maybe and a big maybe, this Salesforce is the best for these old genetics with XR. But that is only due to ignorance and naivety. If you were so great you’d get a recruitment email about once a week from competitors that see the data. I work in MS now after 2 years at Supernus and I my competition sees my numbers and hits me up on a regular basis. That never happened to me at Supernus. I also no longer have to memorize scripts or go to POAs and share hotel rooms. Stay compliant and sell your ass off. That’s all I have to do now. No more peak to trough fluctuation BS that doctors think are a joke.

this made me laugh. Best in the industry??? Maybe and a big maybe, this Salesforce is the best for these old genetics with XR. But that is only due to ignorance and naivety. If you were so great you’d get a recruitment email about once a week from competitors that see the data. I work in MS now after 2 years at Supernus and I my competition sees my numbers and hits me up on a regular basis. That never happened to me at Supernus. I also no longer have to memorize scripts or go to POAs and share hotel rooms. Stay compliant and sell your ass off. That’s all I have to do now. No more peak to trough fluctuation BS that doctors think are a joke.

I’m glad you’re so happy with your new job that you still felt the need to come back to an anonymous board to feed your ego by ripping your old company. Classy.

I’m glad you’re so happy with your new job that you still felt the need to come back to an anonymous board to feed your ego by ripping your old company. Classy.
A lot of us are here looking, since the stock is going to probably close below $18. (Man am I glad I bought all that worthless employee stock)

I’m like that other guy, I came here to see what happened and now I’m mesmerized by the train wreck. So that’s at least, like 3 of us who are checking this clown car out today and can say we’re now much happier. Don’t sulk because you gambled and stayed. It’s a free country, I can come here and gloat all I want.

A lot of us are here looking, since the stock is going to probably close below $18. (Man am I glad I bought all that worthless employee stock)

I’m like that other guy, I came here to see what happened and now I’m mesmerized by the train wreck. So that’s at least, like 3 of us who are checking this clown car out today and can say we’re now much happier. Don’t sulk because you gambled and stayed. It’s a free country, I can come here and gloat all I want.
They didn’t gamble. They refused to be realistic and pay attention to all the warning signs. To each his own, but I like life after Supernus a heck of a lot better.

this made me laugh. Best in the industry??? Maybe and a big maybe, this Salesforce is the best for these old genetics with XR. But that is only due to ignorance and naivety. If you were so great you’d get a recruitment email about once a week from competitors that see the data. I work in MS now after 2 years at Supernus and I my competition sees my numbers and hits me up on a regular basis. That never happened to me at Supernus. I also no longer have to memorize scripts or go to POAs and share hotel rooms. Stay compliant and sell your ass off. That’s all I have to do now. No more peak to trough fluctuation BS that doctors think are a joke.

You are so happy that you continue to visit a social media site of your former employer

You are so happy that you continue to visit a social media site of your former employer

yes. I’ve done the same. You are never allowed to say anything that’s not a “ win” or “ pro supernus “ when you are here. So yeah, we all come back here after we leave to stick it to you and throw it in your face. Brainwashed, delusional A$$holes. Just wait til Q2 earnings call, the stock will be so low. So keep buying stock here and watch your money go up in flames

I wouldn’t be here at all if it wasn’t for the stock free fall. But now that I’m here, I’m just letting you all know that this place was awful and I’m glad I’m gone. Facts. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I know you meant this sarcastically, but please tell me what in your opinion is going well here? Maybe no lay-offs yet, but what else can you point to and say - oh yeah - this is awesome?

Admittedly not much, but that’s only compared to the growth we have been used to. We are a small company surviving on the revenue of 2 products past their launch growth cycles. The only reason we are down right now is bc 812 didn’t materialize on the timeline we wanted. Look back at the stock valuation. The street never gave us our due until we actually launched a product and then proved revenue growth. The same will happen when we launch 812(hopefully, never a guarantee). Even when we got migraine indication we had to prove Rx growth with TXR before valuation grew.

Admittedly not much, but that’s only compared to the growth we have been used to. We are a small company surviving on the revenue of 2 products past their launch growth cycles. The only reason we are down right now is bc 812 didn’t materialize on the timeline we wanted. Look back at the stock valuation. The street never gave us our due until we actually launched a product and then proved revenue growth. The same will happen when we launch 812(hopefully, never a guarantee). Even when we got migraine indication we had to prove Rx growth with TXR before valuation grew.

The company sat on 812 for nearly 8 months without filing for approval. Explain that.

Admittedly not much, but that’s only compared to the growth we have been used to. We are a small company surviving on the revenue of 2 products past their launch growth cycles. The only reason we are down right now is bc 812 didn’t materialize on the timeline we wanted. Look back at the stock valuation. The street never gave us our due until we actually launched a product and then proved revenue growth. The same will happen when we launch 812(hopefully, never a guarantee). Even when we got migraine indication we had to prove Rx growth with TXR before valuation grew.

The only way we “proved Rx growth” was by implementing the gold card and falsely inflating our growth. Everyone cries about wanting Victor back, but he’s the one who created this disaster, then cashed in on the sweat off our backs and deserted us.

The only way we “proved Rx growth” was by implementing the gold card and falsely inflating our growth. Everyone cries about wanting Victor back, but he’s the one who created this disaster, then cashed in on the sweat off our backs and deserted us.

The self loathing is atrocious with this one. Same rant from the same guy who is nothing shy of a wannabe salesperson. All talk

The only way we “proved Rx growth” was by implementing the gold card and falsely inflating our growth. Everyone cries about wanting Victor back, but he’s the one who created this disaster, then cashed in on the sweat off our backs and deserted us.

VV sold at $45 which is significantly lower than SUPN’s 5 year high of over $60 per share. That man cared about this company but more importantly cared about the people that worked for this company.