Sotyktu floundering

Trolling each other over an indication for which 135 separate treatments exist. My hope is that someday you can look back on your careers and realize your true value to human existence wad that you salespeople had the time to shitpost on a bulletin board. Congrats! You'rre mediocre!

Trolling each other over an indication for which 135 separate treatments exist. My hope is that someday you can look back on your careers and realize your true value to human existence wad that you salespeople had the time to shitpost on a bulletin board. Congrats! You'rre mediocre!
Sorry, but leadership and marketing failed this one. Sales is generally useless and this is one that needed to be positioned right from the start. We failed. Arrogance lead us at launch to try to get in front of OShitzla. Stupid. Basic marketing, but we failed.

Had we come out and positioned for all Otezla failures, before going to needles, we would be selling $2+ billion now. 75% of Otezla fails within 6 months. Instead, we arrogantly tried to replace dermatologist's beloved middle agent and they grew frustrated with their inability to get our drug, our 3rd rate hub, our slow contracting progress and the legions of people we jammed in their offices.

Sorry girls, but we failed before sales had a chance. They stunk plenty since we hired those polished as selling preferred products, but the game was already lost.

Now, blame mean ole Amgen. Blame mean ole SPs. Blame mean ole PBMs. Blame complacent dermatologists. What ever make you feel better but we lost this pre-launch.

Sorry, but leadership and marketing failed this one. Sales is generally useless and this is one that needed to be positioned right from the start. We failed. Arrogance lead us at launch to try to get in front of OShitzla. Stupid. Basic marketing, but we failed.

Had we come out and positioned for all Otezla failures, before going to needles, we would be selling $2+ billion now. 75% of Otezla fails within 6 months. Instead, we arrogantly tried to replace dermatologist's beloved middle agent and they grew frustrated with their inability to get our drug, our 3rd rate hub, our slow contracting progress and the legions of people we jammed in their offices.

Sorry girls, but we failed before sales had a chance. They stunk plenty since we hired those polished as selling preferred products, but the game was already lost.

Now, blame mean ole Amgen. Blame mean ole SPs. Blame mean ole PBMs. Blame complacent dermatologists. What ever make you feel better but we lost this pre-launch.
Nailed it! I just wonder how much longer we have before it is our time we will see posted on the WARN ACT?

Starting in 2025, budgets for Speaker Programs and Lunch & Learns is being slashed by 80%! What are your thoughts/predictions?
We are going to get cut. It is just a matter of time. We were so cocky when we launched. We were telling everyone that it wasn't a JAK while our speakers were telling everyone that it was a JAK. It was a disaster of a launch.

We are going to get cut. It is just a matter of time. We were so cocky when we launched. We were telling everyone that it wasn't a JAK while our speakers were telling everyone that it was a JAK. It was a disaster of a launch.
I still cringe at some of the things we said the first 90 days of launch. Docs looked directly at me and said, "yes it is a JAK. Embrace it. We aren't scared. " But we tried to be cute and we tried to attack Otezla and look at us now. Meanwhile, UPA is going to sell $5billion and they aren't scared to be a JAK. They sell the AD indication as an oral alternative for PSO all the time.

we are so weak

I still cringe at some of the things we said the first 90 days of launch. Docs looked directly at me and said, "yes it is a JAK. Embrace it. We aren't scared. " But we tried to be cute and we tried to attack Otezla and look at us now. Meanwhile, UPA is going to sell $5billion and they aren't scared to be a JAK. They sell the AD indication as an oral alternative for PSO all the time.

we are so weak
Marketing for the win!

100% correct that Rinvoq is sold vs Otezla (no one pays attention to us) before biologics even though they don't have the indication but our ZS data idiots are too dumb to even include it in our market basket

That is why 100% of them have been replaced
But we need people who know dermatology, not just marketing. I get that you think it's interchangeable, but it's not. Look at Amgen - a complete cluster because they rotate around their girly robots with no dermatology experience. Look at Sun - lowest bidder for all marketing roles. Look at Pfizer - not a single derm experienced marketer in the house.

Derm is different. Learn that.

But we need people who know dermatology, not just marketing. I get that you think it's interchangeable, but it's not. Look at Amgen - a complete cluster because they rotate around their girly robots with no dermatology experience. Look at Sun - lowest bidder for all marketing roles. Look at Pfizer - not a single derm experienced marketer in the house.

Derm is different. Learn that.
Do you think we will keep our jobs in 2025?

Do you think we will keep our jobs in 2025?
No. 2025 is the Last Dance for the SOTYKTU Derm Sales team. The sales volume we drive this year will not pay for the hole we have dug since we launched. Later this year Jansen will launch its oral IL-23. It’s better than SoTankTu. 2026 I believe another oral Tyk2 will launch, and it’s better as well.

2025 - The Last Dance

No. 2025 is the Last Dance for the SOTYKTU Derm Sales team. The sales volume we drive this year will not pay for the hole we have dug since we launched. Later this year Jansen will launch its oral IL-23. It’s better than SoTankTu. 2026 I believe another oral Tyk2 will launch, and it’s better as well.

2025 - The Last Dance
There will be golden awards for any original launch vet who reaches a 40% share by shutdown.

With or without equivalents.