Sotyktu floundering

I missed a call where a reduction in budget was mentioned. BMS is a cash cow. Everything we touch turns to gold. Sotyktu is a pipeline in a pill. The DALs bring value, and we are at 60% market share in the pill space. Every office is writing this drug like never before.
….and then you wake up and realize it was all a dream :)

Reality is the drugs prescription volume in 2024 is lower than in 2023. Trending down. Yet, they’ve expended the headcount. Dumb. Cut all the DAL’s. Cut most MSL’s and now that speaker budgets are slashed 80%, cut 80% of the RMK’s. The drug needs coverage, yes, but we won’t ever drive the volume to make that investment worthwhile. Time is up. We missed our window. More orals are coming each year starting next year.

coverage will not help- take a long look in the mirror and ask yourself this..if you actually suffered from psoriasis would you prefer a medicine with inferior efficacy and questionable side effects or a medicine with superior efficacy and safety?? No brainer-which is why they only hired reps with low IQ

coverage will not help- take a long look in the mirror and ask yourself this..if you actually suffered from psoriasis would you prefer a medicine with inferior efficacy and questionable side effects or a medicine with superior efficacy and safety?? No brainer-which is why they only hired reps with low IQ
Lol. No. Most of the reps they hired go from company to company for a higher salary and a sign on bonus. I would say those who recruited them and offered the $$$ are the ones with low IQs. Some of the lower paid ones already left to go work for UCB. The higher paid ones are sniffing out their next launch right now...Galderma,JNJ, Takeda. Just you watch.

Lol. No. Most of the reps they hired go from company to company for a higher salary and a sign on bonus. I would say those who recruited them and offered the $$$ are the ones with low IQs. Some of the lower paid ones already left to go work for UCB. The higher paid ones are sniffing out their next launch right now...Galderma,JNJ, Takeda. Just you watch.
This right here.

Your incompetent Amgen troll
place blame anywhere that makes you fell good loser, but at the end of the day, this was one of the top 3 all time launch debacles

think about it - an oral with fewer doses, better efficacy, cleaner side effects and we couldn't get anyone to buy it in 5 almost 5 years. We've given away far more than we sold.

99% of the blame is on us. we just didn't get it done.

I do not work for Amgen, but go ahead and blame them if you feel better. If you knew how dysfunctional they are, you'd walk away in shame.

place blame anywhere that makes you fell good loser, but at the end of the day, this was one of the top 3 all time launch debacles

think about it - an oral with fewer doses, better efficacy, cleaner side effects and we couldn't get anyone to buy it in 5 almost 5 years. We've given away far more than we sold.

99% of the blame is on us. we just didn't get it done.

I do not work for Amgen, but go ahead and blame them if you feel better. If you knew how dysfunctional they are, you'd walk away in shame.
Almost 5 years...what are you high???!!!??? This drug hasn't been out that long...that's how I know you're a troll. You can use google my friend to find out the PDUFA date....happy hunting.

Almost 5 years...what are you high???!!!??? This drug hasn't been out that long...that's how I know you're a troll. You can use google my friend to find out the PDUFA date....happy hunting.
I think the person meant the years up to launch. Meaning ad boards, round tables, etc. They thought when they didn't get the JAK label warning it was smooth sailing. What they didn't take in to account is the apathy and laziness of the derms who didn't want to deal with a TB test or the clear as mud PI regarding LFTs.

I think the person meant the years up to launch. Meaning ad boards, round tables, etc. They thought when they didn't get the JAK label warning it was smooth sailing. What they didn't take in to account is the apathy and laziness of the derms who didn't want to deal with a TB test or the clear as mud PI regarding LFT
yup- us "derms" we are so lazy- we only order thousands of tb tests for biologics-but are only lazy to prescribe Sotyktu- can you fund another useless study to determine why "derms" are lazy and why BMS hired people like yourself?

Almost 5 years...what are you high???!!!??? This drug hasn't been out that long...that's how I know you're a troll. You can use google my friend to find out the PDUFA date....happy hunting.
Sorry you don't get it simpleton, but we started "pre-approval positioning" in November 2019. Fact. You sales schlubs aren't the only ones involved with this debacle.