Sotyktu floundering

I wonder which get pulled faster? Our dog or the Amgen dermatology sales force?

Word on the Street is that they are shopping both their OX40 and Otezla to legacy dermatology companies.

Deucra has been a complete failure

And now we're relying on cell tx to drive growth… competition for liso-cel coming fast, Abecma just hanging on b/c Legend & JNJ suck at manufacturing

Cerevel is clearly better than KarXT

And on and on we go...

What's going on with Amgen? Those clowns are actually interviewing here?

Must be pretty bad over there if they would consider this hell hole.
Same as BMS-came to market for an easy indication. Burnt, and their sales division has a similar, whiny, do nothing dysfunctionality. Sales people and marketing fail. Sorry guys, nothing wrong with these assets. We think you just suck at what you are supposed to be experts at doing.

Same as BMS-came to market for an easy indication. Burnt, and their sales division has a similar, whiny, do nothing dysfunctionality. Sales people and marketing fail. Sorry guys, nothing wrong with these assets. We think you just suck at what you are supposed to be experts at doing.
Hey Kevin, sorry medicine is not about your market projections/analytics. If that medicine has inferior and efficacy than no healthcare practitioners in their right mind would prescribe that medicine when they have far better options..Kevin, I know this may beyond your mental capacity, so I will try to explain this situation in Kevin terms- if your Karen wife developed painful psoriasis would you suggest Karen to start on Slowtyktu or a biologic...

Hey Kevin, sorry medicine is not about your market projections/analytics. If that medicine has inferior and efficacy than no healthcare practitioners in their right mind would prescribe that medicine when they have far better options..Kevin, I know this may beyond your mental capacity, so I will try to explain this situation in Kevin terms- if your Karen wife developed painful psoriasis would you suggest Karen to start on Slowtyktu or a biologic...
I'm just choppin' wood, rowing the boat and grinding my way towards a 40% share. Not counting "equivalents" of course. LFG!

We are on way too many calls. Way too many distractions from making calls on customers. Way too much emphasis on speaker programs and entering calls according to the plan.

We should get back focus on making good calls based on local rep knowledge, not some fly by night directors take on things.