
Interesting that you choose not to acknowledge some key points by the poster. It seems that the message is that they stayed on due to what appears to be a ton of fluffy bullshit, and is now sorry. Bet you will see some more movement out. The most recent hires / CAS promotions have been stellar , right?

^^^ interesting and accurate assesment^^^^ not only TM's, but all but 2 of the RBD's fall into the senario you describe. Sad state of affairs.

Interesting that you choose not to acknowledge some key points by the poster. It seems that the message is that they stayed on due to what appears to be a ton of fluffy bullshit, and is now sorry. Bet you will see some more movement out. The most recent hires / CAS promotions have been stellar , right?

^^^^^^^^ interesting and accurate assesment^^^^ not only TM's, but all but 2 of the RBD's fall into the senario you describe. Sad state of affairs.

So, again the question is, why stay here then? If it's so miserable, then go to work for some other company and make room for someone who would like to work here. I promise there are people who would gladly take your job and to be honest, you're probably an underperformer. Is that the reason you don't take a new job? Because you would have to lie or have tried to lie about your accomplishments here and you can't find a new gig?

^^^ ^^interesting and accurate assesment^^^ ^^not only TM's, but all but 2 of the RBD's fall into the senario you describe. Sad state of affairs.

So, again the question is, why stay here then? If it's so miserable, then go to work for some other company and make room for someone who would like to work here. I promise there are people who would gladly take your job and to be honest, you're probably an underperformer. Is that the reason you don't take a new job? Because you would have to lie or have tried to lie about your accomplishments here and you can't find a new gig?

Hilarious that you would make a retort that illustrates what a bunch of assclowns that continue to reside at Sonosite. The ones who work there are too LAME to gat an offer elsewhere.
Funny AND true!
