That does narrow it down. Easy to figure out who you be. Ready to be called out?
Do it!
That does narrow it down. Easy to figure out who you be. Ready to be called out?
months later, nothing
Count on mid '14. FACT
What a cluster fuuckJune
Count on mid '14. FACT
That must be made up garbage, no way that anyone can say June , it's not knowable . It's sooner than later
Funny how all those who chimed in months ago claiming that they were in the know are now silent. Maybe no one really cares anymore.
No relief for the sales team. We have stumbled on a major issue that our awesome leadership team has been hiding from us. DO NOT plan on seeing this out in August, September. or October for sure!
What is going on ? Why won't anyone just tell the truth. The poster above had it correct months ago. Is this going to happen this year? Also - All the talk about a tablet device , the competition showed theirs in Seattle. Yeah, I guess it's true , our product is education. Nothing else.
You will see the green light soon, keep calm, carry on.
You will see the green light soon, keep calm, carry on.
I am a loser for staying
Meh, not buying into another false promise.
If the revised promise is for anywhere from March to June 2014, you can count on it!
Really? Please elaborate